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Loves and loathes (your city)

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  • Loves and loathes (your city)

    No need to say where you live, but what do you love and loathe about your current location?

    I love
    -no traffic
    -24 hour grocery and Walmart
    -awesome healthcare

    -no decent airport
    -high property tax (for a non-urban location)
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!

  • #2

    - Great healthcare, both hospitals are community hospitals, but each is tied into a major teaching hospital.
    - Good schools
    - Low crime
    - Amazing natural beauty


    - Few decent dating opportunities
    - Grown-up entertainment mostly consists of bars
    - Few restaurants that are truly fantastic.


    • #3
      We haven't even been here a week, so I haven't learned what I'll loathe, but this doesn't suck:


      • #4
        Yes, I'm a total Scrooge but I'm so over all of the festivals in this place. Every damn day there's another street closed or a traffic jam due to lost out-of-towners.
        I'm just trying to make it out alive!


        • #5
          low COL
          big enough city to have options but small enough not to have Big city issues like high COL, traffic
          four moderate seasons
          close to a dozen cool cities for weekend jaunts. Seriously, Cleveland, Nashville, Chicago, Pittsburgh are all easily driveable.
          although midwestern, Cinci has a unique feel with its hills, bridges, architecture, and riverboats. So many midwest towns are bland, bland, bland.

          there is no denying this is a Rust belt city. Hello, can we buy a street cleaner downtown?
          For a city founded by German catholic immigrants, the German food is crappy
          It is not a great running town. (Seriously the Pig marathon is cited as the definitive "hilly" marathon on the Runnersworld forums
          Whiel there are some good educational and employment choices, this isn't the Twin Cities by any stretch of the imagination.
          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Pros: A mile from the water.
            Private parks with pools, etc.
            Great COL
            Best public schools in the state.
            Extremely safe
            Small town, see people I know everywhere
            Trader Joe's
            No buses, kids walk to school
            Borders to Detroit, so there is a paranoia about "Detroiters" coming into the city.
            People can be super snobby.
            I kid you not when I say the official colors are pink and green.
            Hysteria about minorities ( I mean blacks) moving in, yet minority pop. Is still way under 10%.
            Last edited by Chrisada; 08-08-2012, 02:11 PM.


            • #7
              - the beaches, the bay, the rivers (i.e. lots of water and water-based activities)
              - rent is cheap
              - friendly people
              - gorgeous historic homes/buildings
              - beautiful old oak-lined streets

              - HUMIDITY. So. much. humidity.
              - no TJs, no WFs, not even a Publix... wtf
              - all the roads need repaving
              - sucky airport (no southwest booo)
              - no professional sports
              Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


              • #8
                DFW airport 10 minutes away
                15 min. drive to med school (not during rush hour), but still definitely in suburbia
                EASY access to almost every major highway in the area
                awesome schools for whenever N gets there
                Every major retail you can think of nearby (or soon to be nearby). Including the coveted Costco, Trader Joes, and IKEA.
                Really safe, close knit, family-oriented community with awesome amenities
                Cheap(ish) housing--there are cheaper areas in DFW but it is still affordable
                Good job market
                Personal to me--My family is 15 minutes away and DH's is in Houston, but only 4 hours away

                The heat and lack of seasons. May-August is miserable until you get used to it. The rest of the year might be considered beautiful, but I like variety.
                Not a lot of natural beauty--it is hilly and wooded in very few areas. There is a lot of flat.
                Really high property taxes--some of the highest in the area
                There are lakes, but it's a LONG drive to any beach, much less a decent beach.
                No REALLY neat weekend destinations nearby (unless you consider the Hill Country, Arkansas, Louisiana, or Oklahoma crazy neat)
                Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                • #9
                  I love...
                  ...that I live in a big city that is still affordable and isn't too overwhelming in its big city-ness.
                  ...that it's the state capital.
                  ...awesome cultural opportunities like touring Broadway shows and big museums.
                  ...the ability to take public transit where I need to go (though this could certainly be improved).
                  ...great parks and trails.
                  ...low humidity, high altitude, and lots of sunshine.
                  ...non-stop flights to almost everywhere.
                  ...the incredible beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

                  I loathe...
                  ...the distance from the ocean.
                  ...sprawl, sprawl, sprawl.
                  ...wacky weather and the winter cold.
                  Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                  • #10
                    I love...

                    -Having so much to do at our fingertips
                    -The restaurants
                    -The variety of different things you usually can't find (weird foods or products)
                    -Our view of the East River
                    -Free fitness classes
                    -That even when I feel like I have explored our area completely, I stumble across something new
                    -Free movies/performances outside
                    -All of the farmers markets (and fruit stands)

                    I loathe...

                    -The cost of rent
                    -The cost of groceries
                    -The tourists
                    -Street rats


                    • #11
                      I love:
                      We are 1.5hrs from the beach, even though we don't make it there much
                      It's a small community, I always run into a at least one friend when I go out for the day!
                      Never any crowds, never lines, never fight for a parking spot
                      Southern kindness everywhere you go and the love people have here for small children
                      Nothing in town is more than 10 miles away
                      Summer are warm but not over 100 degrees, winters are cold with just a little bit of snow

                      Not enough interesting things to do, or places to eat.
                      Locals don't care about nor are they interested in: traveling, anything European, or that I'm from another state.
                      Not enough of a 'crunchy' crowd. That spills into: no yoga studios, only 1 little health food store, only 1 organic grocery store, no Trader Joes
                      The lack of a really good Mexican restaurant is a big issue! Can't find fresh flower tortillas... I could go on and on.
                      Too far from a large city.
                      Housing is too expensive for what you get
                      Not enough retail shopping
                      Not enough children activities, no zoo, no water park, no splash pad, no play area at the mall, etc etc.
                      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                      • #12
                        I've only been here a week but so far -
                        cost of housing -low!
                        Fantastic kids science museum
                        Lots of nice places to eat

                        Heat & humidity
                        No TJ's
                        No IKEA

                        I can comment on my past locals later
                        Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                        • #13
                          Not a whole lot
                          The beaches, even if they are on a great lake
                          Low COL
                          The 3 months of summer
                          The fact that we'll move to Pittsburgh in about 10 months

                          It's not Minneapolis
                          It's not even a real city
                          The incredible economic depression
                          The 9 months of dreary weather
                          The rude, depressed residents
                          No TJs, no WFs, no good local co-ops, no CSAs, only a handful of ok restaurants

                          I could go on. I wouldn't wish this town on anyone.
                          Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                          • #14
                            Grocery delivery
                            Lots to do
                            Other loves mainly have to do with benefits provided by the hospital itself

                            Expensive for a horrible part of town
                            Lots to do but not easy from this area
                            Residents (in this vicinity, not city as a whole) are confrontational/rude/poorly educated


                            • #15
                              Small city in north Texas, I just moved here, so these might change...

                              - DH's job
                              - Small town feel with quite a few big retailers and restaurant chains
                              - Really low COL; I came from OKC, and I'm still shocked at how cheap houses are
                              - Very close to Dallas for shopping, visiting friends and family, and DFW airport
                              - Splash park within a mile from my house
                              - Close to both of our families
                              - Close to Lake Texoma, which will be more fun as the kids get older (camping, fishing, boating, etc.)

                              - Not a lot of great locally owned restaurants or shops. I'm finding a few, though.
                              - I still haven't found a lot of good indoor activities for the kids. It's just too hot for parks right now, so I'm resorting to fast food places with indoor playgrounds much more often than I'd like.
                              - The mall is dead. It's kind of creepy to walk through!
                              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

