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  • Tui


    Tui is a doll...Seriously, are you just so in love with your pup? He makes me want a lab so bad but both DH and my son are allergic. Seriously-- this is the cutest picture. Where did you come up with his/her name? It is very unique.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    before med school....russ and I used to train at kungfu and one of the moves is called a "tan tui" it means "springing legs" when we got tui she had the most bowed legs ever and she waddled because of we thought the tui part meant that's how she got her name...not sure if the word translates directly but it doesn't matter because tui is a cute name for her. since puppyhood, her legs have straightened out, but she still kinda waddles because she has a lot of laxity in her hip joints...she's about 40 pounds (really small for a lab) and she has a lot of pitt bull characteristics because that's the other part of her mix (she's a stray mutt so we're going on what we see in her)...she's as sweet as can be with people but she's quite dog aggressive...she does have some doggy friends but we have to be very careful.

    labs are great dogs...they've just mixed a lab with a standard poodle...they're called labradoodles....and they are really smart happy dogs...supoosedly...i've never actually seen or met one....poodles have a different type of fur that's fairly non-allergenic....they hardly shed....most poodle mixes retain that quality...

    they probably need some grooming...if i had one i'd just get it clipped short every 6 to 8 weeks....and probably never brush it great vet huh?

    thank you kelly for the compliments on tui....russ and I are soooo in love with her it's ridiculous....we have more pictures of her than my parents have of me as a child...
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      We have been considering getting a labradoodle for several years because they don't shed -- with three cats, we already have enough pet hair floating around. However, what we are getting this Christmas (BIG surprise for the boys from DH's parents) is a schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle mix). My in-laws already have him and his sister (they are keeping her) and are training him for us. With my father-in-law being a vet and the years of experience training all of the dogs they have had, this is really great for us. I do not have time for another time-consuming task right now, but hopefully by the time we get him, the worst will be over (he was born in mid-August). Travis and I have decided to name him Archie, and the pictures we have of him (which I am too ignorant to post) are adorable!

      I have never had a dog....only cats....but I am excited about this.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michele2005
        ...they're called labradoodles....and they are really smart happy dogs...supoosedly...i've never actually seen or met one....poodles have a different type of fur that's fairly non-allergenic....they hardly shed....most poodle mixes retain that quality...
        I can certainly appreciate the quality of not shedding! I think our lab has lost half his body weight in fur in the last two weeks with losing his summer coat. ... ....we are literally going through vacuum cleaner bags. But as a trade-off between the fur and the grooming -- I'd say we're more likey to keep up with the vacuum duty!
        Labradoodle is a really cute name. I'll have to keep an eye out for that breed.

        Tui's face is just precious!!


        • #5
          Oh, if I weren't sickely in love with the Petester (who just ate a half tube of Girl Scout Trefoils) I would get a labradoodle. There's one in my parent's neighborhood and she's a doll.

          I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get a full poodle (standard) because as we were growing up, a family in the neighborhood had Rocky and Rocky jumped the fence daily. It got to the point that we'd have Rocky alerts and all of the moms would call in the Rocky sightings. He was great with kids though.

          We're pretty sure that Pete is primarily Australian Cattle Dog but he may have some pointer or Pit mixed in. I have been stopped several times w/ people asking me if he is part pit- maybe because he's white. He is very gentle with the kitties and was great with all 11 kittens that we have over the months. He plays with the cats and chases them around but they truly are the alpha animals.

          Michelle, how did you post the picture- I'd love to post the Petey and the pictures of the wedding in Italy.



          • #6
            Well, I love this picture thing.....hope this one will is a picture of Archie, the schnoodle that the boys are getting for Christmas. My mother-in-law sent the picture to me and I fell in love with him.

            [img] ax63KpYHWpsiApO9fV!8JuwKv*SAo0EFKquMbv6XNdSwRIlT*R LlQm1AGM/archie2.jpg?dc=4675445793460503781[/img]

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7

              Can I freeload some of your expertise? What other breeds are considered hypoallerginic?


              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                What a darling puppy! Michele, your dog is adorable as well--I'm partial to anything with lab in it!
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  Thank you for the compliments...she's a momma's girl!

                  Kelly: Poodles are the only "hypoallergenic" breed I can think of....some say Pulis and Komondors are as well...they aren't as common.

                  A Puli:

                  A Komondor:

                  Other than that, I'm not much help.
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10
                    Sally, I love your little Schnoodle!!! Adorable!!
                    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                    • #11
                      Hey Michelle, what about Cairn terriers or Wheaten terriers? I thought I read somewhere that they are too.....could be wrong though...


                      • #12
                        I want a schnoodle! Archie is so cute!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gmdcblack
                          Hey Michelle, what about Cairn terriers or Wheaten terriers? I thought I read somewhere that they are too.....could be wrong though...
                          I thought that schnauzers may be as well. I think if you are really allergic to dogs, though, any kind will bother you.

