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Does anyone really....???

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  • Does anyone really....???

    ...cut those 'box top for Education' squares out of the boxes for certain food brands? Or the labels on the Campbell's soup cans?

    I ask this because, since we moved here I have been saving them, as they have an expiration of xx/xx/06-07. By that time we will have at least one in some type of school that could possible use them (maybe?). I was just curious has anyone else ever heard of anything good coming from this by turning them in? I did some looking and found that the schools can get up to $.24 per bar coded item up to, something like, $10K. I know that may not be much, but every little bit helps in today education benefits slashings.

    I have enough to give someone a headache, but not $10K worth!

  • #2
    I know our (private) school collects them, and they sent out a notice at the end of the year last year telling how it had helped the school. I am embarrassed to say that I don't participate, but there is also a deal through the Box Tops Marketplace that if you create an account with them, whenever you shop online at select stores, (a lot of familiar ones participate) they will donate money to your I have that list by the computer and hope to do my part by participating in that way.

    So hang on to those box tops.....they could come in handy!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      I personally do not, but I admire that you are even thinking about it already Matt since you don't have any kids in school yet! I personally wish they would find another way to track it to save us the headache of cutting out the tops and sending them in. I have seen the commercials for the yogurt with the pink lids that you can send in to get donations for breast cancer and wonder why the company doesn't just donate the money??? Well, I'll get off my soapbox now, I think its great that corporations are donating to schools, etc., so I guess I shouldn't whine about their approach!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I've been collecting them and the Betty Crocker points for about a year now...but I haven't actually sent any in to the school....I picked the elementary school I went to because they're really I plan to send them in, but I just haven't yet.
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          I've been collecting the Box Tops also for my kids' elementary school. I don't do the soup labels because we don't eat that much canned soup. I figure every little bit helps and I probably accumulate about 50-75 box tops a year.


          • #6
            I save these box tops too. I used to save the soup labels b/c our church had a preschool program that used them, but now that I don't know of anyone local who uses those, I don't save them. The box tops at the school where my daughter goes to now, out here in Maryland, are collected by the PTA and they use the box tops to buy teaching supplies and other essentials for the classrooms. Every little bit helps! My daughter takes the box tops to school with her and feels great donating them. If you have a school-aged neighbor, niece or nephew or anything, they'd probably feel great donating them to their own school also!

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #7
              OMG,OMG I am a BTFE and LFE freak!!
              I Have collected over 6000 LFE so far this school year and approx 1200 BTFE. This is an absolute marvelous way to support your children's school. If you were to only do one program I would pick Boxtops as they earn 10 cents per BTFE whereas the LFE earn approx1-2 cents per label. Not into cutting BT and labels? Sign up at and become a school booster. Shop through their Boxtops Marketplace and your designated school gets a percentage back on your purchase based on retailer. There are nearly 200 different merchants. Also check the bottoms of your cash register receipts as LFE and BTFE are often awarded this way.

              If I don't click through BTFE or Upromise I feel somehow cheated as this has become such a benign way of contributiong to my little ones education.

              Yes Matt, those little boxtops pay off!!!

