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Dog Photos

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  • Dog Photos

    Since Tui was so sweet looking and very photogenic--I thought I'd introduce Mr. Raleigh (after Sir Walter--all my pets have literary names.) He's a Miniature Australian Shepherd, and 7 months old now.

    [img]*ycTcG47e8FdNn gGj*b4b2Ate8hS7zmvWnbM6wlYHKvQIhhDtGw6bTWN10l!5qva PqxzmSwk/DSCN0451.JPG?dc=4675445657272197063[/img]

    [img]*aTUthgzIIy9Gk*Uq83*WRKwXn AlqH9pqSg4ywIaqx5LrLd*p6*6gDFjI1GURAltTh!ddyUndafo HNUt7kkg/DSCN0458.JPG?dc=4675445657374057780[/img]

  • #2
    And here are the ones of the house that I couldn't get to work the first time I tried...

    [img]!T97D KK3*K!PlUhXIhXgMhG3*z05sOEDxmW*YRk6EzGJ9KRyQdjCloi P4le6Dak/DSCN0469.JPG?dc=4675445657557939647[/img]

    [img]*tKc5TBKFxrfHYS53la CqXq05HUwPSidw4hTi6q38Bz8lD9A6uDL!ly4ECypTIbgJ5BLS yeTBXx1CH!CipWyPufg/Kitchen%202.JPG?dc=4675445657160698122[/img]


    • #3
      Love the dog and the house. I'/ll have to learn how to post pics., I have quite a few of Winston (miniature Dachsund, 8 months old).
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        i love australian shepherds! he is so cute! i didnt know they had minis. how big will he get?
        Mom to three wild women.


        • #5
          The kitchen is awesome and the house is beautiful. And the grass in the front yard...amazing!


          • #6
            Originally posted by suwannee
            i love australian shepherds! he is so cute! i didnt know they had minis. how big will he get?
            Thanks! Minis are not recognized by the AKC yet, but they're getting more popular--they have their own club. They compete in AKC events like agility under the mixed breed category. He'll get about 30-35 lbs and he's about knee high. A really good size since he's kind of like a guided missile--loves to jump!!


            • #7
              Cute dog and beautiful house!!! Is that what we have to look forward to post residency/fellowship???
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Originally posted by SueC
                Is that what we have to look forward to post residency/fellowship???
                That is exactly what I was thinking! 8)

                Cute dog, beautiful kitchen!!

                -Wife of urology attending.
                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by migirl
                  Originally posted by SueC
                  Is that what we have to look forward to post residency/fellowship???
                  That is exactly what I was thinking! 8)

                  Cute dog, beautiful kitchen!!
                  Thanks guys! It's one of the perks of going to a rural area--we're in a town of 23,000 people, which is the biggest for about 60 miles around. We bough this house for 10K less than what we got for the little house that we had in Wisconsin during residency, and couldn't believe the difference between the two. Downscaling was a good fit for us as we both were ready to get away from traffic, snow, smog, etc., and I was looking to get outdoors more. And Mike likes being a "small town doc" and getting really involved in his patients lives, which is expected around here. It has its down sides, of course--I'm an hour away from anything "city" like extensive shopping, cultural stuff, a stadium seat theatre, but I love working at home and it looks like a great place to raise kids.

