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  • plumbing

    I just need to vent about the plumbing problems we have been having.....

    Where to begin?

    Ever since we have moved in here, we have had to get our sewage drain pipe (the one that goes away from the house) cleaned out periodically because it is clogged by roots from the big old trees that we have around our house. We have put stuff down our toilets to kill the roots, and it works for a while, but all of the sudden, our water level looks low in our toilet, and we realize that it is flushing into the backyard 8O (which grosses me out SO MUCH) so we call the plumber they send some guys to clean out the pipe.....this has been going on for 2+ years.

    This summer, the plumber mentioned that we should think about having the old line dug up and replaced with a new one, which would hopefully keep the roots at bay longer.....we were all for that idea, and planned on doing it the next time we got clogged. Of course, the next clog happened last month, while we were waiting for our bonus from the Air Force, which was late. We had been quoted $800 as the price for digging a new line, so we pretty much needed to wait until we had the money.......thus, we waited longer than we should have and BOTH of our toilets were having problems (it is usually only one) and one backed up into our (only) bathtub. That was the week before Halloween. We got the bonus, the guy that came out had a better clean out tool, so we didn't dig up the old pipe, everything is fine......BUT

    Ever since then, there has been a horrible stench coming from the bathtub. We have cleaned it and I have poured bleach down there, but the smell remains. So the plumber came back today and said that the trap to our tub drain is broken, but he won't know exactly what damage has been done until he gets under there. Problem: We have a pier and beam foundation, and there is a crawlspace, but we don't know how to access it. We were already getting the floor in that bathroom (old, cracked ceramic tile) replaced, so now the floor guys are going to come and rip out the tile, then the plumber will come and cut a hole in our floor and fix the tub, and then the floor guys will come back next week and lay the new floor. We can't use the tub until it is all fixed. I call my husband about this and he immediately declares that he doesn't want a hole cut in the bathroom floor, he wants to find the crawlspace access and make the plumber use that. So he wants to rip up the carpet in the hallway and see if the trapdoor is under there. You see where this is going.....once the carpet in the hallway (which is ugly) is up, we might as well get rid of it and get some new carpet, and the bedrooms (which are off the hallway) all have the same ugly old carpet, so we might as well change the carpet in them as well.......things are going to be a freakin' mess around here for the forseeable future.

    Oh, and the toilet in the troubled bathroom is leaky and only DH or I can make it flush, so I have been spending more time than I would like dealing with the waste products of my children. We have a new toilet that will be put in after we get the new flooring installed in there, but it looks like it will be a while.

    I just feel like ripping out my hair! I know this is very boring to any of you still reading, but I just needed to get it off my chest. We will never buy an older home again, that's for sure.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    This reminds me of the "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" book because it's just one thing after another. Only not cute or funny in the least.
    I guess this falls under the "character" of an older home, huh?
    As I was reading your post, I was thinking -- they should think about doing whatever will be the best for selling the home in the near future. You'll be moving in a few years right? So, might as well get the plumbing in good shape for your sanity and the plus of advertising "new plumbing" when you sell. Especially since that sounds like it would be an issue with any older home in your area. I'm sure the new carpet and bathroom floor would help your resale value as well.

    But what a pain to have to live in the midst of all that work. Doesn't sound like fun. And the stinky bathtub. Definitely not fun.

    We have an older home, too. And I think we might just go back for more of that old home charm when we move. Maybe we haven't learned our lesson yet. We did just pay $150 to have the sewer line cleaned and de-clogged because.....the sewer line wasn't draining correctly so if we ran the dishwasher too close to running the washing machine....the dishwasher water would back up into the washing machine. How do we get our whites so bright? Yuck. Of course, we didn't know this until the washing machine was overflowing with yucky, food floatie water and we called the plumber. And here we thought our clothes weren't getting really clean because the washer was dying. Yuck.

    I hope you have a great plumber who gets everything fixed FAST!


    • #3
      Geez, Sally, I got a headache just reading the post. I can't imagine the pain it must be to actually be living it. Sorry, I can't help you here. The only thing I an contribute is call several people for comparison sake (I know- a huge pain) but I always make myself do that before spending any exorbitant amount of money.

      Good luck!


      • #4
        Oh my gosh! That sounds like a nightmare. I hope you are able to get your plumbing problems sorted out soon!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          This is one of the only reasons why I'm glad we're renting while we're in DC!

          Yuck. Hop on a plane to the Nation's Capital while all that is being done. I have room.



          • #6
            Yikes! DH and I love to renovate old houses and are planning on buying our 3rd when we move where-ever we move......let me tell you, you just bumped inspecting the plumbing situation way up my list on house inspections! Children's waste products---several times a day---in a watery mess---
            I only had to do that ONE time, and it was nasty. What a disaster. Good luck with the plumbers. (Now, they should make the highest salary list )

            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #7
              8O That sounds awful! I hope you are able to get all sorted out soon.

              Gas, and 4 kids

