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  • Stethoscopes

    Russ received a free Littman Cardiology III when he started med school from an alumni class....I took it and have been using it in clinics and I love it. Since he's going to be starting clinics soon, I want to get him his own...the other one has become mine!

    I know there is another brand that makes pretty pimp stethoscopes but I don't remember the name....also since Cardiology is one of the fields Russ is considering...and the fact that he's a musician and sound is very important to him...I want to get him a really nice one...but keeping the cost under $350....

    what do your spouses have/recommend?
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

  • #2
    Rappaport-Sprague Stethoscope

    I think that's the name of the other brand....

    I've also heard mixed reviews about the electronic ones...anyone? anyone?
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      Re: Stethoscopes

      Originally posted by Michele2005
      I know there is another brand that makes pretty pimp stethoscopes but I don't remember the name

      Uh, I'm not sure about the brand name of the pimpin' 'scopes , but my DH has the Littman Cardiology III and loves it. The sound is apparently very good with the Littman. This is actually his second one (he lost his first one), and he insisted on getting the Littman again. I don't know anything about the electronic ones.

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Matt received a Littman III as a med student from the alumni association, but when he was doing a rotation at the county hospital during 4th year, someone stole his stethoscope out of the call room. He was pretty pissed about it, he loved that stethoscope. So I went and bought him another one right before he graduated from med school. He loves it still!

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #5
          Originally posted by cricketnmatt
          Matt received a Littman III as a med student from the alumni association, but when he was doing a rotation at the county hospital during 4th year, someone stole his stethoscope out of the call room.
          8O That stinks! Eric had a few coffee mugs stolen from there (the nice, insulated stainless steel kind). But that is nothing compared to a stethoscope!! I can't believe that!


          • #6
            Nellie, the stupid thing is, the stethoscope had an ID tag on it with his info. Matt wants to believe it wasn't another resident or student. Oh well. Here at UW, Matt has left his Handspring in the OR, luckily the couple of times he has done that, it has gotten returned to the on-call resident or the scheduler for the OR.

            Gas, and 4 kids

