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good weekend?

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  • good weekend?

    What did everyone do this past weekend? Christmas shopping? Family time? Speaking of Christmas shopping, is anyone all done?

    This was DH's first weekend off since boards. The third partner in his clinic is finally back from maternity leave, so things should ease up a little. We didn't do a whole lot, but it was a nice weekend.

    As for Christmas shopping, I have gotten most (but not all) of it done. My stepmother (who is in the Indiana guard) is deploying for Bosnia in January for 10 months. She is hard to buy for anyway, but this year is especially hard. Any ideas?

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    Christmas shopping? Haven't started yet. I'm kind of opposed to doing anything "Christmasy" until Thanksgiving day. Then I break out the directions, my Christmas CD's and start to think about shopping (the actual shopping doesn't often happen until a few days before Christmas, though).
    We had a good weekend, my sister flew to Wichita for the weekend to my other sister's house so we drove down to see her one last time before she and her husband leave to spend 4 months in Asia. The girls had a great time hanging out with their Aunts and we had some good "sister time".
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I went to a friend's house and got drunk on Friday night...then got drunk at a Kareoke bar and sang a bunch on Saturday night...laid around both days and slept off my hangovers....

      It was a great weekend!!!! No inpatients!
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        DH and I had a rare weekend together off (usually one of us has to work )

        We went out to dinner, slept in, did errands and a little shopping. Nothing too crazy but it was very nice!

        Have not started holiday shopping...we are staying here for the holiday and both have to work. So, I'm not sure if we will do gifts for the extended family that we won't see. I have a few ideas for DH and have been hinting at what I would like...but I also don't want us to spend too much money!


        • #5
          isnt it really cold in bosnia? what about a good quality fleece or a shell jacket?
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #6
            We had a nice weekend that was a good balance of having things to do and relaxing. We got to see a movie this weekend -- I think the third time I have been to a theater in a month. 8O This is absolutely amazing for us! I don't think I've gone to a movie at the theater three times in the last year. As I'm feeling more pregnant, I am feeling a lot less active and have more of an attention span for watching a movie.

            We have also been having some rounds of family drama, so it was nice to sort of have some downtime from that.

            I feel like we need to get going on the Christmas shopping stuff. Usually we wait until after Thanksgiving, too. But with the baby coming in January, I don't want to create any more stress for myself and wait too long. It's so hard to pick out gifts for people, especially when they tend to buy what the need. I get sort of down with all the marketing hype and stuff and spending a lot.....

            Bryn's preschool did this great fund-raising project where they sell stuff with her artwork printed on it -- notecards, mugs, potholders, mousepads, magnets, etc. This will provide us with most of the gifts but.....I can't for the life of me remember what we ordered for whom. I'm hoping the order comes in soon so we can see where to supplement gifts. Bryn's school pics turned out really well so we might frame some of those pics for gifts too.

            Sally -- when I think Bosnia in the winter, I think cold. So something warm seems like a great idea. If space is an issue, maybe a scarf? Or something to remind her of home like a little photo album you put together or a framed photo? Or a huge container of hot cocoa mix? I'm not sure if this is practical, but a little stash of "luxury" items like nice lotion or something might be nice too.


            • #7
              Sally-I was thinking the same thing as Nellie, maybe some nice luxury items that she might not think to take herself. (I'm not really familiar with what the military might restrict.) Some warm slippers, gloves, or hats; nice lotions; some light-read books (Danielle Steel?); family pictures are a nice idea.

              We had a nice weekend. John had the AUA in-service exam Saturday morning, but it was nice to get that of the way until next year! Now we just have to wait and see if he got better than 50%, 'cause if he didn't he'll have to go to "Sunday School" (hour-long sessions on Sundays with one of the attendings to 'brush up' on his urology). Anyway, we spent the afternoon raking leaves and then lounged around watching college football. Went out for dinner and coffee, and then one of his close high school buddies came over. Sunday we went out for a nice breakfast and then over to his mom's for an early dinner.

              I am a bit bipolar about urology these days. The weekends are wonderful because he only has to work about one weekend per month, so we have so much time on the weekends together. (And even when he does have to work, it's home call so he's home more often than not.) The weekdays, on the other hand, suck. By the time they finish with the day's surgeries and round on their patients, it's 8, 9, 10 o'clock at night and I've already eaten and on some occasions, am already in bed. It's very rare that we eat together during the week now, and I spend most weekday evenings by myself. I know it could be worse, but it's my main complaint these days. Sorry to go off on a tangent...

              -Wife of urology attending.
              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

