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Thanksgiving plans?

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  • Thanksgiving plans?

    What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

    We are headed to Indiana for a little break, leaving Friday after the kids get out of school. They will miss Monday and Tuesday next week AND the following week, but I think the trip will be worth it. I haven't been home for Thanksgiving in 7 years! We have pretty much sworn off of traveling at Christmas ever since we got stranded at an airport during a blizzard, but I don't think the weather will be too much of an issue during this trip.

    We will have Thanksgiving at my mom's, along with whatever extended family shows up and whoever she hears about that has no where else to go.....a Chinese student from Purdue that she was matched with in a program through her church and a single lady she knows are the people in that category so far.

    We'll also get to see some good friends in various parts of Indiana, and have some relaxed time too, since we are staying at my Dad's while they are gone (going to NYC to spend Thanksgiving with my sister)......we'll have an actual "home base" rather than a hide-a-bed at my mom's.

    I am just trying to get psyched up for the road trip with the kids. They usually do fairly well, but it takes an effort to keep them occupied.

    What are your plans?

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    This is the first Thanksgiving since we met that my boyfriend and I will be spending apart .

    Normally we spend Thanksgiving with my family, but this year his grandmother, who was like a third parent to him growing up and was the main positive influence in his childhood, has been given six months to live. She's 90, has breast cancer, had a mastectomy this summer but has declined chemo and radiation. On paper it sounds tragic, but in real life she's doing freakishly well both emotionally and physically. Last week she walked home a mile and a half from the hospital after her doctor's appointment. And she has a list of things she'd like to accomplish "before she goes" that she's making terrific progress on (books she'd like to read, she'd like to finish cleaning out the attic . . .). She told my boyfriend on the phone the other day that she's very happy.

    Can't argue with that.

    So anyway, one of the things she'd like to do is "have one last good Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family." ("Good" means that her son-in-law, my boyfriend's father, isn't invited, but that's another post.) I agonized a bit over whether I should go with my boyfriend, but I have my own family ties that need attending to, and I think my boyfriend's family needs some time alone with their intimate core family group, whereas I still have a kind of extended-family type of relationship with them. I think they would welcome me if I went, but I think it's really better if I don't. Plus I've seen my boyfriend's family much more recently than I've seen my own. I hope it's the right decision.

    So he's off to New England, and I'm off to Illinois, where my mother will be hosting Thanksgiving. I can't WAIT--I'm like a 6-year-old on Christmas Eve. I haven't seen my neice and nephew (who are very important to me) or my older brother and SIL (also important) in 8 months. I probably won't recognize those kids! Visiting my family and my rural-suburban hometown are always very good for my mental health, and helps me survive a few more months in the big bad city. This year it will be me, my parents, my younger brother, and my older brother, his wife, his two kids, and his mother-in-law (who's always been very close with our family).

    Only 9 days and 10 hours till I fly out . . .
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      This will be my first Thanksgiving at home in three years and I'm very excited. It will also be my husband's first Thanksgiving with my family as he was with his family the year that we dated and we were in San Antonio for the following three!

      (My best friend was stunned- coming to a Martin Family Thanksgiving is a true event- she couldn't believe he hadn't been!)

      This year it will be my cousin who lives in DC, my mom's sister and her kids (senior in HS and sophomore in HS) my parents, my beloved and me. My brother and SIL may stop by but they're heading down to Winchester, Virginia to see her aunt and mom and that'a a long drive after a big meal to my parent's house in Maryland.

      It should be fun. Unfortunately, I'm travelling for work that week. Probably Sunday-Tuesday. Won't that be fun? It's bad enough travelling that week to get someplace you actually want to be...



      • #4
        For the last few years we have spent Thanksgiving with friends and their family due to the problems with each of our respective families.
        This year we are going to, gasp, actually spend Thanksgiving with one of our relatives in town -- my mom. My dad and Eric's parents don't know this yet. And we just might not tell them.
        My mom's parents are 90 and 88 years old and while my grandmother is in really good shape for 88, my grandfather is really starting to lose his memory and cognitive abilities. I want Bryn to have a chance to make some memories of him when he is more "himself" and before we move. Of course, my dad's dad is going through the same it's always hard to decide who to pick....but it's likely that we'll see the other great-grandparents for Christmas.

        Since our friends do Thanksgiving as an actual dinner, we might still go by their house for some "normal" family interaction.

        Sally -- sounds like a fun trip ahead of you! I hope the road trip goes well. I admire you for even trying it! Whenever we think about driving somewhere....we chicken out.

        Julie -- too bad you'll be apart but that sounds like the right decision for both of you. I can tell you are excited to see your family if you are already counting down the days! Have fun!


        • #5
          We're playing hooky from any family activity. My husband's mother is flying to the Philippines on Thanksgiving day so they are busy anyway. My parents and one of my sisters are going to the mountains to ski. We are going to have a quiet weekend at home. My family thinks my husband is on call (I got mixed up, he is actually on call THIS weekend, but oh well!). I'm kind of looking forward to cooking the big meal--last year my husband and I cooked it all together and we had a really nice time. We didn't eat the meal until very late in the evening, but it was still nice.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Well..for the first time we will be all alone. We spent last year away from our families, but we had friends over, who have since moved.

            Last year we had two other families over, and it went so well that we wanted to do it again. So far it hasn't- everyone we have asked has rejects us (for good reason- they have other plans). However, it has made us feel like we are socially dysfunctional or something. Maybe Matt and I need to shower more?!

            I don't feel like cooking for just Matt and I, but I probably will because I love to cook, and it's my one excuse to make a nice meal. Although, Emma won't touch the turkey, or the veggies. It seems like such a waste to make so much food for the two of us. Anyway, I will probably still do it.

            We just found out that Matt has to work Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (on-call has to work 8a 12/25-10a 12/26), and is on-call New Year's as well. :P This will be the first Christmas without family. That is really going to bum me out. We are thinking we will celebrate Christmas 12/26. Being that I am in a rotten mood about the holidays right now- the dinner part, we probably won't bother inviting anyone over, so we don't have to suffer more rejection.

            Anyone out who is feeling reluctant to spend the holidays with your family, or friends, be grateful that you have someone to share the holiday experience with.

            Sorry, to post such a downer post.

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7
              I'm sorry, Crystal....I know how that feels and it is no fun! My husband was not only on call the Christmas he was an intern, he was on call during an "away" rotation, 3 hours away from home! I was pregnant, sick, knew no one, and had a VERY active 2 year old. He had been on-call that Thanksgiving, too.

              Obviously, I survived, but it was really hard. I never take holidays with family for granted anymore. Here's hoping you guys will have a relaxed celebration for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, even if you don't celebrate on the actual day!

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                Sorry about that, Crystal. Holidays can be a difficult time. Julie, it seems like you made the right choice. You guys will have a lot to talk about when you both get home.

                We are staying home in DC this year as DH is on call. My mom is coming down for a few days and we are going to cook our first turkey together! I am actually excited and have been busy planning the menu, with DH's help. I am going to try to do a few things in advance so we can all relax a bit that day. (I don't think DH has to go into the hospital but will have to have his pager on, etc.)

                Usually I go home to NYC on Thanksgiving and catch up with old friends and family. I'm a little bummed that it didn't work out this year, but I didn't want to leave DH home alone. So, we will be here and I'm sure it will be nice to not have to travel.

                I hope everyone enjoys themselves!


                • #9
                  Sounds like everyone has some nice plans for the holidays. Crystal, I am sorry about Matt being on-call during Christmas and spending Thanksgiving as a family without guests. My husband worked Christmas Day and New Years Eve last year. I was by myself with Avery on both of those days and I admit they were hard not being able to be around family or friends.

                  We are trying to make up for it this year by spending the holidays as a family at our new home. My mom is coming down for Thanksgiving weekend. Thanksgiving day we have tickets to the Indiana Pacers game so DH and I will have a couple hours to ourselves. We are up in the air as to what our meal will be. I can't cook for the life of me, but I want to make Thanksgiving Day special. Making a turkey for 3 adults seems a little extreme, I am considering making a ham instead.



                  • #10

                    I'm so sorry...anyway mom and dad can fly up? This might help. How 'bout taking Christmas dinner to the hospital? Small consolation though it may be, it would be better than spending it alone.

                    Sally-we will be driving through West Layfayette on our way to Dayton....very interesting. This is the first Thanksgiving in four years that we have been able to go home together as a family. We are going home for both Thanksgiving AND Christmas this year. While I'm mostly excited, this is a whole lot of intergenerational living in a short amount of time. Hopefully everyone will be on their best behavior. Still, I am very excited to go back to this familiar comfortable place with people that I love. Unfortunately, however, my college friends aren't going to be able to get together this time.

                    Happy Turkey day to all!

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      It sounds like lonely holidays away from home are all-too-common in this group I'll be thinking of those of you who are unable to be with your families and friends.

                      We are lucky in that my husband's family lives just 15 minutes from our house (mostly a good thing ) and my parents live only 2 hours away. John has Thanksgiving and Friday off, so we'll be going to my parents on Thursday and returning Friday for his call on Saturday and Sunday. I believe it will be just the two of us and my parents, unless my aunt and uncle and their kids drive in from NJ. Last year we were fortunate in that John managed to get Thanksgiving off, we had my parents over to our house since he was working the next day. I am looking forward to not have to stress out about cooking the meal, I'll leave that to my mom this time! 8)

                      -Wife of urology attending.
                      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                      • #12
                        We're driving over to New Orleans to celebrate Thanksgiving with DH's huge family. We haven't seen most of them in over a year so we are pretty excited!

                        Best wishes to all that won't be able to see their families! We did that for Christmas last year and it was hard.
                        Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


                        • #13
                          We're driving over to New Orleans to celebrate Thanksgiving with DH's huge family. We haven't seen most of them in over a year so we are pretty excited!

                          Best wishes to all that won't be able to see their families! We did that for Christmas last year and it was hard.
                          Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


                          • #14

                            My parents looked at coming, but they wanted to drive to save money. My dad wasn't able to get enough time to be able to make the 20 hour drive from Denver to Seattle, and be able to spend more than a few hours with us. Especially now that my brother is off to war, I am sure that they will be trying to make arrangements to go and see my brother off, which is way more important. My mom said that they are planning on spending a week or so with us around Christmas, so I am looking forward to that.

                            Matt thinks he may have found someone to have over for Thanksgiving. We'll see. After talking to my mother-inlaw, and finding out that while Matt's dad was in dental school, all four years they did the holidays solo. It's starting not to seem like such a bad thing. I guess I just grew up always having company over for Thanksgiving. We would have anywhere from 10-20 people total (including our family over for dinner).

                            Feeling much better about the upcoming holidays
                            Gas, and 4 kids


                            • #15
                              This year we'll be on our own! I really don't know what to do. I don't even know how to make a turkey. I don't even know what you cook it in (I mean pan-wise, I know it goes in the oven!) Anyway, DH has exams the week after Thanksgiving, so I'm pretty sure that I'll see him on Thanksgiving but other than that, who knows. Usually Thanksgiving is a big deal, with lots of kids and between 12-15 people. It's always at my mom's house, and everyone brings a side. I'm a traditional type of a girl, and I really like the big family gatherings, so this will probably be a less enjoyable Thanksgiving than most, especially since I still have morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms...

                              Anyway, we'll see how it goes! We're on our own for Christmas too, but then DH will have 2 whole weeks off from school so I'm really looking forward to that holiday.

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

