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Wierdest Flu Ever!?

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  • Wierdest Flu Ever!?

    Hey everyone -
    I have to get this out here because my hubby is gone on his whirlwind of interviews for prelim and derm residency (I basically won't see him for a full day between now and Dec. 23 - talk about CRAZINESS!!).
    Anyway... we did have some time, hmmm, "together" inbetween one of his crazy flight schedules during the week before Thanksgiving.
    On our way back from Minnesota last Monday (at 3:00 AM!!), I got the flu, on top of a head cold I had.
    Well... it's now been almost a week and either this is the most outragious strain of flu EVER, or I think that the twins are going to become the "not-so-only-children" in the house.
    I have been talking to dh on the phone all week and he has no doubt about it. I am still trying to hold out that I am taking an extra long time to get over the flu... which comes on at strange hours of the day, and is brought on by any type of wierd smelling (or even the thought of wierd smelling) food.
    My biggest clue came yesterday when I was shopping and the ONLY thing in the whole store that I could possibly stomach were HOT DOGS (let me clarify this point... the last time I ate a hot dog was when I was pregnant with the twins - normally I can't stand them!).
    I had to get this out because it still isn't definite, so I don't want to go around talking with my family about it. (if it is true, we will surprise them at Christmas).
    We are both terrified by this because he will be starting his internship year in July and the baby would be due in August, which means most likely we will be selling a house, buyig a house, packing, moving, and unpacking, all during the last few months. Not to mention the crazy schedule of an intern. Did I mention that the twins are not even 18 months yet???
    All in all, if this is true, we would be ultra excited. We tried for two years with the twins and finally went on Fertility meds to get them, so this would be a GREAT thought that my body is actually working somewhat normally.
    Well, I'm sorry to come out with this right now, I am so excited, scared, sick, etc, so I had to get it out before I exploded!

    Have a great day. I'll talk to you soon.

    Jen B.

  • #2
    Wow, that's exciting--are you going to take a test? The timing does sound tricky, but I'll bet a resourceful mom of twins can find a way to make it work! Keep us posted, and either way I hope you feel better soon!!!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Jen, I think you need to take a pregnancy test! Especially if it is an intermittent flu with food cravings!!
      An August baby may be a little bit of a juggling act. But you would have the whole month of June to move (depending on when graduation is) or maybe he could try to stay at a prelim year at his med school and move the year after for residency. Like Sue said, you will find a way to make it work.
      Let us know what happens!


      • #4

        When we were living in N. Ireland, my husband and I had an evening where our oldest (then 7 months old) went to bed early and was sleeping peacefully. We cracked open a bottle of wine and sat outside and enjoyed it.....within several days I felt tired, cranky and all kinds of things...but thought nothing of it. A week later I had some weird food cravings...thought nothing of it. I got my period for 1/2 a day or so and stopped....I started to think something of it...but figured my body was still weird because of the nursing, etc.

        I nearly fell over when we took a pregnancy test "just in case" and it turned out to be positive......My daughter is now 7 out and buy a couple of those early pregnancy testers and start testing

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          I agree with everyone here. I haven't seen that flu yet in the ER, but I'll be on the lookout!!!!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            I knew I was pregnant with our second because I craved Coke, something I never drink and only wanted during my first pregnancy! It was too early to take the test when I first felt the craving. It was positive.



            • #7
              I'm inspired to read how excited you are at the possiblity! If you can, in this early early stage, with two toddlers running around (are they 18 months now?), be excited at the prosepect of another, you have won the battle! I know that I am about 15 weeks along and just scared, and my twins will be almost 3 when baby #4 comes along!

              As far as moving (don't you love it ), we moved before the twins were born when I was about 5 months pregnant. We also moved again when the twins were 2 years old. In a way, moving while I was pregnant was easier because the babies were contained. Of course with energetic toddlers running around... You'll be one exhausted lady! But you will make it! Good luck!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Wow - Thank you so much for your comments! It made me laugh to read some of your experiences with "early impressions" . A little update - I took a test on Sunday and it was negative (but still really early - I wasn't supposed to start until today - okay, so I'm just a wee bit impatient ). But all day Sunday I didn't really feel sick, so I started leaning toward the "flu fluke explanation" I still waffle between both extremes of thinking that there is nothing, and then getting out the calendar to figure potential due dates . Right now, the only thing that I can stomach is cereal and hot dogs... hmmm... where would I find the "sygns and symptoms of psychotic flu syndromes" in the PDR??

                We fly out on Thursday to go to Utah... hubby has interviews, and I'm tagging along to go see family. He will be flying all over the country (literally) between now and Christmas, so I am going to just stay out with my family for a little extended Christmas stay. I'm so excited, I can hardly stand to wait even one more day. dh has been gone for the most part of the past three months, so I am looking forward to gramma and grampa playing with the twins while I get some much needed "mommy nap time"!! I'm hoping that will keep my mind off of the little sickness shuffle I am going through right now. If it is the real deal, we'll have a fun Christmas surprise for everyone (it will be grandchild # 22 8O ).

                Well, take care and I'll keep you updated on any news .

                Jen B.


                • #9
                  Oops - that would be "Signs and Symptoms"... Sorry

                  Jen B.


                  • #10
                    Enjoy your time with family, and have a great holiday.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      Yeah, have a great time with your family!!! And keep us updated!
                      Awake is the new sleep!

