Posting for MrsJ:
I am new here. I was referred by Melisa Mons on our fb group (Lives of Doctors Wives) and wanted to try a forum style layout. I'm having trouble navigating to certain parts of the board. My husband's hospital (Southern Maryland-- a medstar owned facility) is hiring in the anesthesia department and is about 25 min from DC proper and Northern Virginia. If anyone needs help, I'd be happy to forward their cv to my husband. I just don't know how to post this info on the forum. Can you help?
I am new here. I was referred by Melisa Mons on our fb group (Lives of Doctors Wives) and wanted to try a forum style layout. I'm having trouble navigating to certain parts of the board. My husband's hospital (Southern Maryland-- a medstar owned facility) is hiring in the anesthesia department and is about 25 min from DC proper and Northern Virginia. If anyone needs help, I'd be happy to forward their cv to my husband. I just don't know how to post this info on the forum. Can you help?