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Little rant here....

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  • Little rant here....

    ...Ok, as most of you know we are having a trying time right now.

    (could also be posted in Mr. MD.)
    We get a letter on Friday from the hospital telling us we need to "coordinate our insurances" in order for them to begin paying claims. I was going to find out what that meant, but DW took the letter and called. The billing department told us that it meant we needed to call the insurance company. The call was placed, and they told DW that they need our "other" insurance information. (???) DW then told them that there was no other insurance, and she was the only adult working for income in the household.... the nuts and bolts of this is, they just figured that as the male in the house, I was working and had insurance that would be willing to pay so that they wouldn't have to.....EVEN though they send out update forms on a yearly basis to get all the information that would have been needed and it hasn't changed for us in almost three years!!!! It's just another little thing that pisses me off when people/companies assume that the male of the household is bringing home the paycheck.

  • #2
    That is annoying! Honestly I think insurance companies will do anything to put off paying medical claims. My daughter had surgery several months ago and I kept getting bills and they kept denying it saying there was no referral on file. I called the dr.'s office several times and they kept re-sending and BCBS kept saying they never received it. It finally got paid, but months after the surgery occured.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      like you really need that at a time like this...
      You can't let the loopy insurance people get to you - it's their purpose in life, and it's our mission to subvert that.
      Good luck tomorrow - it's a frightening ordeal, but at least you should have some more insight afterwards as to what's going on, and what you need to do next.
      And have as happy a holiday as you can!
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        Matt -- That is really obnoxious! I mean, you filled out that form they sent and everything.
        I went through that a few years ago. I can't believe they hold claims based on that. First, it was "usual" procedure, then it was because I was laid off.....who pays COBRA for the heck of it? (Maybe they knew my company was paying for the first few months of it...).

        Anyway, what an un-necessary hoop for you to jump through.

        I like Fluffhead's suggestion -- it's your mission !!


        • #5

          What a bunch of BS, Matt. I'm sorry to hear that on top of everything else the hospital is being ridiculous regarding insurance. Does this mean that they don't intend to pay the whole bill????? 8O You would think that since your wife is a resident and is practically giving away her services that they would be paying it all????

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

