DH is slightly obsessed with tacky shit and I'm indulging him this one time since he's graduating from that little thing called residency.
I'm getting him a couple small gifts to go with a much nicer, bigger gift. He isn't a big drinker but he likes having a flask just in case. He's been a little annoyed that it's packed up and in storage. Not that he's used it in 3 years years, but hell is wants it! LOL! I thought I'd buy him a new one for graduation as one of the smaller gifts. If you've seen a good one let me know. Here are a few I found that I thought might really get a laugh out of him
He's not a Opthamologist but its funny!
He doesn't have a prescription pad but also really funny
I first got on this site because I saw this one that I thought was cool because it comes with a collapsible shot glass!

He's not a Opthamologist but its funny!
He doesn't have a prescription pad but also really funny
I first got on this site because I saw this one that I thought was cool because it comes with a collapsible shot glass!