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  • #16
    These are awesome. Curegirl, I laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks!
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #17
      Glad to be of service Sad thing? Not the first or last flight of stairs and not the last Christmas tree!


      • #18
        Tripping/falling/spraining/breaking my ankle, all the time (until I had it fixed in '10).
        Bruises, cuts - where do they come from?!

        Leaving the blinds open all day, then forgetting to shut them. I seem to remember after I'm changing clothes or about to get in the shower. *facepalm*

        Spitting while on a run, and having the spit hit me in the face or hang onto my bottom lip.

        I keep it classy.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
        Professional Relocation Specialist &
        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


        • #19
          Oh I have lots of running-and-doing-something-else stories. I was chatting up my college roommate on a run once and ran into a street light and knocked myself out. I was riding a bike with this same roommate and I turned to check if she was keeping up and I ran into a curb and flipped over my handlebars. I tripped and about took someone else out while taking a photo of Elvis in my last half marathon. (Actually I just read that the Hong Kong Marathon is thinking about banning selfie portraits because so many runners are getting injured.)

          There are more of me! Be afraid. The real reason we choose to run is because if you add anything else, well, that's just dangerous!
          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            I saw some mice while on a run and ran into the sidewalk in my panic. Since I was hanging at the ballet studio that morning, I made my way back (over a mile) and had swollen thumb, palm, bruised and scraped knees and scraped the back of the had that was holding my iPhone.
            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


            • #21
              Yesterday, I leaned over to grab something off the floor and smacked my head on a wooden chair. I'm just hoping it doesn't bruise because I don't think anyone will believe that is how I got the goose egg over my eye. Yes, folks. I misjudged my location badly enough to hit my eyebrow on the chair.


              • #22
                Oh no!
                Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                • #23
                  Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                  Yesterday, I leaned over to grab something off the floor and smacked my head on a wooden chair. I'm just hoping it doesn't bruise because I don't think anyone will believe that is how I got the goose egg over my eye. Yes, folks. I misjudged my location badly enough to hit my eyebrow on the chair.
                  You could come up with some awesome story to explain it away. If you make it right there on the edge of unbelievable, tell it all serious like, and never crack a smile - people might believe you. Then again, that seems like a lot of effort. Forget I said anything. Maybe the truth is so absurd they won't believe you either!
                  wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl


                  • #24
                    For some reason, I'm not hugely klutzy. Apparently my name means "graceful" (according to some name card someone gave me when I was younger), so that's probably way (jk).

                    However, I've been known to fall a time or two, for no good reason. Most recently when I was walking on bricks in the rain, wearing sandals that had no tread. The bricks were slick and I just...wiped out. I mean, one second my feet were there, walking....and the next I was cheek-planting on the brick walkway, rain pouring down on me, in a little puddle. Oh, and it was a Monday morning.

                    I've never broken bones...but when I was five I sliced my lip open on a rusty mailbox. I was riding my bike and had learned about the power of I spent the entire afternoon speeding down a neighbors driveway, only to loop around and do it again. Problem was, while I learned how to gather speed, I wasn't that great at turning. So I fly down this driveway, headed straight towards this rusty mailbox, my happy ass smiling the whole way....and just ran face first into it. I literally watched it get close and never once did I think "well, this isn't going to end well".
                    Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab


