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How does your family open Christmas gifts?

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  • #16
    I had a catholic step dad so we always went to midnight mass on Christmas eve. Afterwards Mom would make hot chocolate with peppermint candy canes and mini-marshmallows in them. Served on a tray with danish biscuits (my Mom's favorite) as we all sat around the tree to pick one present to open on Christmas eve. Santa presents were never put out until after we all went to bed, and Santa present were usually the best ones or very special ones like something we asked Santa for and really wanted or something of important value.

    One Christmas I remember waking up to a bicycle with a huge red bow on it from Santa to me, and I covered my mouth as I screamed with excitement. Santa was the best! Though I'd known since I was six who Santa really was because I had older brothers who'd tell me everything. I still liked to make believe.

    Then we'd go to bed and sleep in until we'd wake up whenever we'd wake up. We liked our sleep as we were all more night owls. We couldn't open presents until everyone was awake. If the majority was awake then one person would be sent to wake up the last person around 10 am.

    First we'd open stockings together. Then we'd eat the fruit or nuts in them. Sometimes they had chocolate Christmas candy too but Mom grew up with a father who stuffed them with oranges and nuts so she kept the tradition. There was also always some little toys inside like dollar store toys or the kind you'd get out of machine you put quarters in. Just something cheap and fun like a concentration game were you have to get the little metal balls to stay in the holes as you tilt the plastic toy around between your thumbs. Also there would be our favorite candy. I think mine was chocolate and one of my brother's liked red hots.

    Then we'd move to the Christmas tree with a garbage bag for the wrapping and ribbon. Mom always wrapped the presents in brown paper packages tied up with string that looked like dried corn stalk. IMG_5190.JPG She was really artsy so sometimes she'd paint our names on the packages and designs like angel wings or holly.

    Usually someone wore the red santa hat and played the designated santa passing out the presents. There wasn't any order to it. Just grab the first present and pass it to the person who's name was on it. Sometimes if I was the designated Santa I'd try to get a different name each time so everyone could open them together. Sometimes we'd wait and open them one at a time.

    Then everyone sort of hung around eating Christmas cookies and goodies while checking out their piles of opened gifts while we'd call family on the phone and wish them Merry Christmas and talk about what they got for Christmas. I usually had to help Mom in the kitchen during the day making Christmas dinner. Sometimes we'd have visitors during the day stop by, or have guests come over for Christmas dinner.
    Last edited by Cinderella; 12-20-2013, 02:48 AM.
    PGY4 Nephrology Fellow

    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.

    ~ Rumi


    • #17
      We don't have any trouble with opening the gifts one at a time because there are only four of us and we do a gift from each of us and maybe two or three from Santa, so it's not that long to open them in turns.

      I can imagine it would take a longer time with a big family gathering!

      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18
        1. No one can come out of the bedrooms until Mom and Dad are up.

        2. No one can deliberately stand outside Mom and Dad's room being "as quiet as loudly possible" to wake Mom and Dad up.

        3. When Mom and Dad are up, we do stocking stuffer gifts.

        4. We have a HUGE breakfast.

        5. We go to mass.

        6. We come home and have nibbles and unwrap under-the-tree presents.


        • #19
          My kids usually wake up between 7 and 8 and know that they MUST come to mom and dad first. We make them wait at the top of the stairs while we put music on, turn on all the Christmas lights, get our cameras ready. Then we do one at a time so we can ooh and aah. I put a lot of effort into their gifts and want to make it last, as well as see everyone's reactions to the presents they wanted most. (contrary to my FB post about iProducts, I caved the other day and got DD a nano after seeing how much she loved my mom's...I want to see how excited she is!)


          • #20
            Oh those new nanos look so cool!


            • #21
              They do! I'm eyeballing my own and am feeling a bit jealous!


              • #22
                Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                They do! I'm eyeballing my own and am feeling a bit jealous!
                Ha! I was waiting for an appointment at the apple store the other day and tying to think of how I could rationalize purchasing one.


                • #23
                  We have a big family, so there is chaos.

                  On Christmas Eve, we go to the church service and then come home and have hot chocolate and open one gift. Inevitably, everyone (especially Thomas) begs to open more, but I never give in. The kids go to bed in the office and Thomas (now Andrew!) dresses up as Santa and comes into the house through the front door and puts the Santa gifts under the tree/eats a cookie. Though Zoe is my only Santa believer now, all of the kids look forward to this tradition including Andrew. It will be his 3rd year acting as Santa.

                  I don't know who all of these 6 am and 7 am Christmas morning peeps are here, but don't come into my room before 9 AM. Do you see a school bus? No. Sleep! LOL. Our kids know that we don't come downstairs early no-matter-what, so they sleep too.

                  We come downstairs and open stockings/make coffee/nibble chocolate breakfasts out of the stockings. Once everyone is caffeinated, we open gifts. Basically, the kids sort through gifts under the tree and find theirs. Then I direct what to open first, etc as best I can. Paper flies around and Thomas has the black garbage bag duty. He unwraps gifts inbetween helping Zoe/Aidan, watching the older kids, or cleaning up. We always give my mom/brother their gifts to open at the same time as the kids. I open my gifts towards the end after the kid have all unwrapped theirs.

                  The adults have less to unwrap under the tree. We really just gift each other and get a gift from Santa. The kids each get a gift from each other, from us, from grandparents, and Santa.

                  I sometimes wish I could bring more organization into the chaos, but with so many people it would take forever to get through gifts, etc. It works okay as it is.
                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #24
                    There are so many good ideas in this's giving me the warm fuzzies to read. Can't wait until we have kids (Christmas is just so much more fun with kids)!


                    • #25
                      Don't forget the gingerbread waffles! So delish.


                      The kids can open their stockings as soon as they're up. I can't believe all the families that are able to get their kids to not wake them up! We take turns opening presents, it does make it last long, but then it last longer!

                      Then Dad spends the afternoon assembling various toys. LOL.


                      • #26
                        We let the kids get up whenever the hell they want, which is usually the ass crack of dawn. They are allowed to blow through their stockings and chill until DH and I get up and get some coffee. Once we're caffeinated, the kids pass out gifts and we all open everything one at a time. We then clean up all the mess and make a big breakfast.


                        • #27
                          We do that too, DD. I was always told that's what stockings were for - keeping the child hordes away from mom and dad until the coffee is made.

                          We leave the lights on the night before to set the stage


                          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
                          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                          • #28
                            DH and I did a combination of our two families traditions last year and it was PERFECT:

                            he was on TY call which means he came home at 10am. We made champagne based cocktails that are less sweet than mimosas IMG_1183.jpg as I finished making lunch. Meal was one of the most elaborate I've ever made (don't like cooking) and we took our time through it. Then we talked to family on the phone. It was about 2 in the afternoon by the time we opened presents. We took our time and had a lot of fun, just the two of us. Then we went for a nice long walk in the snow. Had a single friend over that evening for leftovers.

                            This year he's on call from Sunday-Thursday morning and has to work Thursday and Friday. So I basically have to figure out how to fill my time for all of those days. I did take a church gig on Christmas morning so that will occupy me at the point when I think I'd feel the most sorry for myself being alone. Beyond that, and knowing I'll probably have to bring him Christmas dinner at the hospital, I have no idea how to fill my time. Unlike HouseOfWool, I may just snuggle up with some champagne and watch movies.


                            • #29
                              I had to clean up dog poop before opening anything. My dad used to mess with me and say that it was reindeer poop and if I didn't clean it Santa would get mad.

                              Other than that, it was the standard drill: Midnight mass, hot chocolate with candy canes, It's a Wonderful Life, spending Christmas in pjs by the fire until extended family came over for dinner.


                              • #30
                                Well my kids found the main Santa gifts... So I guess they will just get the standard webkinz for their santa gifts. Everyone but the 17 year old--- she'll get a curling iron. The wrbkinz haven't arrived yet--- I think my cover as Santa is still intact lol.

                                The 12 year olds still play webkinz. Mostly to "help" their younger siblings, but I think they like it lol. Santa always gives them a webkinz animal and that buys us time while they register it etc etc. Our kids are good about not waking me up, but dh is always up by 530 so it's hard to get up before him!!

                                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

