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QOTW: Feb 7 - Classiness

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  • QOTW: Feb 7 - Classiness

    Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?

    Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?

    Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?

    Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?

    Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?

    Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?

    What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2
    Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?

    Not at all. Occasionally if something really bad happens and I'm by myself I may let out a shit, and I may call someone bitchy, but that's about as bad as it gets. I usually won't even say the words if I'm repeating somebody else.

    Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?


    Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?

    I don't always put on makeup, but I very rarely leave the house in anything less than jeans and a t-shirt. When I do wear makeup, it's pretty minimal though - moisturizer, concealer, powder, blush, and mascara. Occasionally I'll thrown on some eyeshadow and eyeliner.

    Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?

    We almost never eat at the table. We're working on this though.

    Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?

    Football. Not really a fan of polo, golf, or NASCAR. I guess I'd rather play golf, although I hate playing all sports.

    Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?

    Yes - once or twice a year, maybe.

    What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?

    My language is probably up there for the classiest. I also can't do text speak or type in incomplete sentences or poor grammar, for the most part. I try to keep it in when I'm with other people, but when I'm by myself or with the cats or E, I can let loose some burps and farts. And sometimes picking your nose is so much more effective than trying to blow it clean.
    Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


    • #3
      Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?
      Yes, daily. Though I wouldn't say excessively so unless I've been drinking. The only person I consciously hold back on is my mom -- the f bomb makes her uncomfortable . If I'm around other people who I know cursing makes uncomfortable I'll try to restrain.

      Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?
      I try not to but he'll just bust in because he thinks nothing of it. It weirds me out.

      Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?
      Hahaha, hells no. If I'm just running errands, popping over to my dad's house, walking the dogs, etc then all you're getting from me is yoga pants and a tshirt. If I'm going to a friends house or out to lunch with someone I'll put on jeans and a basic face (concealer, blush and mascara). The only time I do a full face or anything fancier than jeans is for going out at night.

      Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?
      If I'm eating alone I'll eat in the living room in front of the tv. If DH is home and we eat at the same time we'll eat at the dinner table.

      Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?
      Well if I could separate NASCAR and football I'd say football, but NASCAR is probably my least favorite sport on the planet so as a pair I'd rather watch polo/golf. Participate in? Golf probably.

      Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?
      Yes and never . It's still in a box somewhere. Maybe one day when we're settled in a location for more than a few years.

      What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?[/QUOTE]
      Ha, I have no idea. I don't think of myself as particularly classy or crude. I float around in the middle -- not too offensive but not too saintly either
      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?
        Bwahahahaa! No. Never.

        Yes, I have a vocabulary that would make a longshoreman blush. I use it prolifically. I make sure not to use it around other people's kids, though.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?
        Not ever. I don't want to see him do it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to see me do it, either.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?
        Hah. No. If I'm just running to get groceries, I'm not bothering. If I'm going somewhere for dinner or to a social event, yes.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?
        We all seem to eat at different times, so yes at the table, but not always. Never in a bed.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?
        Football, all the way. I don't understand watching golf or NASCAR.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?
        Yes, we have some. I had grandmothers who entertained a lot and I inherited their china. Never once used any of it.

        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
        What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?
        I don't know. You'd have to probably ask someone else because I don't think of myself in those terms.


        • #5
          Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?
          Yes, lots. Mostly around DH. I'll curse around friends of a similar age, but won't around colleagues or family. People who DON'T curse make me uncomfortable.

          Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?
          I have, I don't make a habit of it though.

          Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?
          Usually. Even if it's just very light makeup and clean, nicer-looking casual clothes. I don't leave the house in yoga pants unless I'm going to yoga.

          Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?
          Yes, constantly. With DH gone most of my meals are eaten at my desk or the coffee table. With DH I will often watch TV and eat. On weekend mornings we make big breakfasts and eat them while watching Nova or Top Gear UK. Never eat in bed, although I have been known to take a glass of wine to bed and read. When we have kids I do plan to use the dining table for all meals at home.

          Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?
          None of the above. Hate sports.

          Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?
          Nope, nice crystal wine glasses though. Use those constantly. I also have a single black Mikasa teacup that I drink wine out of, does that count?

          What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?
          Classiest... well, according to this survey, nothing!! It's funny, though, when I'm alone or with DH I'm utterly un-classy, but when I'm with others I'm fairly prim. I do love fine food and wine and I value intellectualism. That seems to make people think I'm classy. I think I'm just good at fooling them.
          Last edited by MsSassyBaskets; 02-07-2014, 01:32 PM.
          Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


          • #6
            Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?
            Uh, yeah. A healthy amount. Mostly around DH (we already mourn the day we have to clean up our language if/when we have kids). I don't swear a work with the exception of a couple people. I don't swear in any situation where I'm not well acquainted with people, unless I hear them do it first. I try to keep the F bombs to myself around my parents, otherwise everything else is fair game.

            Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?
            I don't make a habit of it, but I'll pee with the door open sometimes.

            Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?
            I don't *always* do either of those things, but usually I try to put a little something on my face and at least arrange my hair so it doesn't look like I'm a hot mess even if I really am. My default "I don't give a shit" (see what I did there?) outfit is yoga pants and a zip up hoodie because I figure if nothing else, at least my ass looks good.

            Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?
            We eat most meals at the table. If we're eating apart, I'll eat on the couch or sometimes just standing alone in the kitchen. Eating pizza/having cocktails in front of the TV is kind of one of our "it's been a long, crappy week and it's Friday, let's relax" activities. I like to set the table.

            Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?
            I'd rather watch football. I'd rather play golf, though I never have. I was pretty darn good at Tiger Woods for Wii, though. DH really wants me to get into golf and I'll definitely give it a whirl in the future.

            Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?
            I have none and regretted not registering for it immediately after our wedding. Then I realized we had nowhere to put it, and rare occasions to use it. I have a pattern picked out for the future and plan to get some during the years that we actually have a "real" home instead of small apartments!

            What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?
            My parents are both very polite people, and passed that along to my brother and I. I pride myself on being very respectful and polite in every situation - greetings, chats, dinners, etc. I think that speaks volumes about a person. I consider myself very well spoken as well, and have been complimented as such many times so I think that helps me out in social situations. I don't necessarily think that's a "class" thing so much as it is just me trying to always be polite. What about me is most crude? Probably my language.
            Last edited by WolfpackWife; 02-07-2014, 01:33 PM.
            Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab



            • #7
              Do you swear? Never, no one does around me either. Grin.. if a kid sweared in my class then he/she had to stay after school and write 10 different ways he/she could have said that. I just think using swear words is lazy.

              Do I use the bathroom in front of my spouse...not often

              My clothes of choice are sweats, jeans and t-shirts. If I'm going to church or to teach, I put on make-up....otherwise I don't. However, I don't wear much anyway. I'm probably the only person whose great grandmother told her she should wear more make-up.

              We only eat meals at the table when my husband is home. Otherwise we eat on our own, many times the kids and I will be reading a book while we eat. Sometimes we do while watching a Netflix.

              My granpa was a football coach.. So I love watching football. I have no desire to play any sports. I think golf, baseball and NASCAR are really boring.

              I have fine china.. My daughter and I use it for our tea times.

              I don't know that I am classy or crude. I'm just simple. I do like to dress up occasionally ( though I don't remember the last time I wore a fancy dress). When I have people over we use paper plates because it is easy. I don't want to have to wash all of the china. ( My mother in law taught me that.. I LOVE her!!!)


              • #8
                Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?

                F*ck yeah, I do. Surprisingly not a lot or not as much as when I was younger. I tend to swear with younger members of my family and friends. Generally, around people I know better.

                Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?

                Nope. He has in front of me once but I like to keep that to myself.

                Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?

                I almost always have makeup on when I leave the house so I don't scare small children and old folks. Clothes, it depends. I used to be dolled up all the time but if I'm running a quick errand or I don't want any attention whatsoever, I will do my best to look homeless or like an Olsen twin circa 2000.

                Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often? I'll eat wherever has the best view of the TV. I don't really like eating out and if we do, I usually go for takeout. But my favorite thing ever is having SO cook and eating by the fire.

                Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in? I grew up playing football with the boys until I got boobs. Then they got grossed out and stopped letting me play. So I guess football with my boobs strapped down.

                Do you have fine china? How often do you use it? No, I'm too clumsy for that.

                What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude? Classiest...I know when to keep my mouth shut and when to speak up. And when I do, it's usually in a calm manner so they listen. I like sending letters instead of emails and doing things for others, especially when it comes to things they like but would never do for themselves. Crude, sometimes I will talk very openly about sex...which can either be embarrassing for the people with me or highly entertaining depending on how inebriated they are.


                • #9
                  Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?

                  Yes. Frequently. I make up and combine swear words. I try not to swear in front of other people's children or in professional settings. Try.

                  Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?

                  Sure, why the fuck not? We are completely ourselves with each other. Farts and shit and vomit and all.

                  Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?

                  No! Hardly at all! Only if I'm going out to a nice dinner with other people besides my family, and it totally depends on who and where.

                  Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?

                  Yes. All the time.

                  Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?

                  I love to play and watch golf. I love to watch football - especially college.

                  Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?

                  No. I want some though.

                  What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?[/QUOTE]

                  Classiest - I am a very kind and good listener. I can class it up when I need to speak eloquently or be poised. Mostly, though, I'm just not. I don't care that much.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                    Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?
                    I don't, but really because I have three small kids who parrot everything. Prior to kids, I did swear.

                    Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse?

                    Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you?
                    I don't ALWAYS wear yoga pants, but makeup is probably about once a week. Maybe I'm somewhere in the middle on this one.

                    Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often?
                    Sometimes when DH is working and I'm eating alone, I eat in front of the TV. Otherwise, we do family dinners at the table.

                    Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in?

                    Do you have fine china? How often do you use it?
                    Yes - I use it about once a year.

                    What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?
                    I honestly don't know. I don't think I really have any on either end of the spectrum.

                    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                    • #11
                      My answers are identical to DD. I knew there was a reason I loved her so much.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        QOTW: Feb 7 - Classiness

                        Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                        Do you swear? If so, how much? Who, if anyone, do you not swear around?

                        Yes, sometimes, when I am worked up about something. I don't swear around my kids or my students, or any of my relatives (or DH's). Mostly with my co-workers (who are also good friends), and rarely in front of DH.

                        Do you use the bathroom in front of your spouse? All the time, but it's not like he stands there and watches me.

                        Women, do you always put on makeup or nice clothes to leave the house? If not how often do you? Yes, 98% of the time.

                        Do you eat meals that aren't at the table, such as in bed or in front of the tv? How often? We eat out a lot, but I would say I eat dinner in my room maybe once a week. I always eat breakfast as I am putting in my make-up.

                        Would you rather watch polo/golf or NASCAR/football? Participate in? I wouldn't watch or participate in any of those, honestly. I watch basketball once in a while.

                        Do you have fine china? How often do you use it? Yes, and I use it maybe six times a year. Love that I have it, though.

                        What things about you are classiest? What about you is crude?

                        I have no idea what is classiest. Or crudest.
                        Last edited by mommax3; 02-07-2014, 04:19 PM.
                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          I'd say selectively, but at least once a day. I usually refrain from f-bombs, and surprisingly, calling a woman a bitch. Just not my style.

                          I grew up in a house without locks on the bathroom doors, ("I didn't grow up in a naked house, like you!" -Charlotte) so it's not uncommon for someone to barge in. I try to give DH privacy, though.
                          Also, we have a toddler, so he prevents a lot of bathroom alone time from happening.

                          I usually have a workout class in the a.m., so you can find me in workout gear pre and often post-class. Otherwise, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. I do enjoy a good scarf, though.
                          Make-up is not commonly applied, due to the working out.

                          We are in front of the TV a lot in CA, but now eat meals at the table as a family. This does not apply to snacks, though - car, living room, etc.

                          I enjoy college football, but imagine I'd be good at polo if I wasn't so tall (and loud).

                          We do not own fine china.

                          I believe in common courtesy, good manners, and hand-written correspondence for invites, birthdays, showers, weddings, holidays, and thank you notes. Having said that, I don't get huffy when correspondence doesn't come to me - people are busy, and life is short.
                          Crude? I had undiagnosed celiac disease for years and years: my gas is legendary. I've since retired.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                          Professional Relocation Specialist &
                          "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by spaz View Post
                            I just think using swear words is lazy.
                            Oh, we'll dissuade of that notion. We have some fairly creative cursers around these parts. There is *nothing* lazy in their ingenuity.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                              Oh, we'll dissuade of that notion. We have some fairly creative cursers around these parts. There is *nothing* lazy in their ingenuity.
                              DD, you've made me literally laugh aloud and spit my drink out with some of your creativity.

