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Why do we love winter?

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  • Why do we love winter?

    Ok, this part of winter totally drags. The only thing more unappealing than another day cooped up in my office and then my apartment is actually going outside where it's bitter. And everyone around me is obviously feeling the same way (my co-workers are not getting along with each other) and someone mentioned the winter blues here, too. AND I fell on the ice this morning, and the entire inside of my wrist is purple and blue. It's gross, trust me.

    So, remind me what the good things are about winter? I know there are some. So far I can think of these:

    --Oranges are in season. I love oranges.
    --Due to the total lack of humidity, every day is "a good hair day."
    --No bugs.
    --Pretty pretty snow.

    More please?
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King

  • #2
    Re: Why do we love winter?

    Originally posted by Julie
    --Oranges are in season. I love oranges.
    I can't get enough of the Satsuma tangerines and grapefruit.

    Uh...I'll try to come up with a few more....
    --Don't have to water or mow the lawn;
    --Fires in the fireplace and down comforters;
    --Good reason to eat comfort food....

    I wish we would get some snow here. It just seems dry and cold.


    • #3
      Hot Chocolate
      Warm sweaters
      Having a fire in the fireplace
      Skiing (can't do that in Missouri of course!)
      Getting snowed in and having to miss work/school
      That's all I can think of right now!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I refuse to be dragged into this positive thinking about winter This is the coldest week I've ever experienced....with snow, ice...and today it was -30 WITHOUT the windchill factor and so school was cancelled.

        I refuse to be positive...I want to complain!

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Assuming we have average to above average snowfall (which I love) it gets me excited about spring when I can plant flowers and vegetables. We live in the desert so any precipitation is good and I don't have to worry about having to water my plants and depleting the reservoirs. So the more snow the more the better.

          I like winter. It reminds me of the cycle of life and seeing the fresh leaf buds and blossoms in spring makes its all the better. I don't think I appreciate the seasons as much unless I experience all of them.


          • #6
            OK Kris, I'm with you!

            Let's complain:

            1. Having to shovel the snow eveytime you want to leave the house.
            2. Having snow day from school 4 out of 5 days this week!
            3. My gas bill is over $300 8O
            4. No Humidity, yea right! Having hair so staticky you need to rub a dryer sheet over your head and your kids hair and your dogs hair to get it to lay down.

            5. The kids working on their 5th cold this season.

            I could go on and on and on and........


            • #7
              Originally posted by PrincessFiona
              ...and today it was -30 WITHOUT the windchill factor and so school was cancelled.
              8O 8O 8O 8O

              Brrr!!! And then you have kids cooped up in the house all day! Yikes!!


              • #8
                Trying to be positive:

                1) Less than perfect body looks better in bulky winter clothes than tank tops and shorts

                2) Can justify taking the car to local places and school (rather than walking-normal in this city) because it's "Too cold for the kids...."

                3) Good reason to stay inside with cup of tea and book

                4) Red wine and lasagne with snowfalling outside the window

                5) Chocolate as a beverage for a change....

                My number one negative:

                The pile of coats, gloves, hats, snowpants and boots at my front door, and the 20 minutes of getting dressed everytime we go in or out of the house!

                I do actually love winter - and so does my son. My daughter however is more of a beach babe.....we need to convert her, because four year old whining is a WMD in this house....

                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • #9
                  I agree with the sentiment that there is not much positive about winter, but there is this:

                  No allergies due to hay fever
                  Kids sleep longer due to shorter days (aka I get to sleep in a little )
                  Watching toddlers/preschoolers react to the snow-- especially for first-timers!

                  That's it!!! I prefer it when it's HOT (and dry)

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                  • #10
                    Southern winters are great:

                    Getting to cook things like stews, lasagna, pies, cinnamon rolls...hey, actually being able to heat up the oven without dying feels great.

                    Tiny little Clementine oranges and making fresh tangerine sorbet.

                    Not having to drive in snow for the first time in my whole freaking life!!!

                    Great hiking weather--although "damp cold" takes a lot of getting used to.

                    Taking the dog with me everywhere in the car without worrying about him getting heatstroke.

                    Wearing my Ugg slippers (which I bought LONG before they became so trendy) and plaid flannel pajama pants (around the house, not to the grocery store).

                    Watching the real Southerners panic every time there's a chance of ice or flurries, and listening to them complain about 40 degrees being cold.

                    Seeing (and feeding) all the Yankee bird species who have come down for the winter. (Black oil sunflower seed $10 for a 50lb bag at the feed store.)

                    Seeing the sunshine in January, and having a MUCH lighter case of SAD this year.


                    • #11
                      Tiny little Clementine oranges and making fresh tangerine sorbet.

                      Sounds so yummy!!!!!!!
                      Mom to three wild women.


                      • #12

                        Sitting in front of a fire.

                        Getting to wear sweaters, scarves and hats that my grandmother knitted. (she just finished a scarf and a hat from yarn that I brought back from Italy!)

                        Getting to eat things like pot roast and stew, things that sound awful in July!

                        Not feeling any obligation to take the dog on a huge walk- 16 degrees is too cold for a pooch!

                        Embarrassing my husband by wearing my huge fluffy bright pink down overcoat. He hates it.

                        For once not standing out as the whitest of the white people at the gym- everyone is pale and colorless. (now, in the summer- I'm nearly blinding compared to most other people- redhead=no tan!)

                        That's it for now!



                        • #13
                          Ok...I refuse to stay in a positive mood about winter are a couple of my favorite things about winter.

                          1. The smell & feel of a REAL wood-burning fireplace.
                          2. Snow angels, snowmen, ice cream made from fresh(clean!) snow.
                          3. Snuggling!

                          ....on the other hand, it is too easy to list things I detest about winter!

                          1. Can never keep a vehicle clean.
                          2. Luming threat of liability from postman, due to ice always on stairs, patio, driveway...etc...
                          3. Frozen joints (Ok...that is a little sports related..damned arthritis).
                          4. Heating bills
                          5. Loss of electricity due to ice (more popular here than snow!)
                          6. Shovelling, scraping, pre-heating car so you don't freeze your buns!
                          7....the list just keeps going and going....


                          • #14
                            I absolutely love snow and winter weather... UNTIL CHRISTMAS, that is. Come December 26, I am on the Spring Countdown bandwagon!!!!
                            All of the cozy-homey things that I love about winter seem to lose some of their effect when DH is gone most of the days and nights, leaving me with two ever-so-energetic and bouncing off the walls toddlers. That book and hot chocolate are looming in my brain as the reward for when the kids finally go down for the night, but by then I am either too exhausted myself, or have too many things to do to even think about relaxing.
                            So sign me up for the Cabin Fever Club!! I'm sure there is a cheap flight to Cancun looming somewhere on the internet!
                            As for my list of Winter Blues... (I'm sorry, all of my winter positives went out with the Christmas tree!)
                            1. Being able to tell that the heater is on the blitz by having your breath cloud up INSIDE the house (okay, it's not THAT bad, but pretty darn close!!)
                            2. Having to get the twins into 20 layers of clothes, then try to get the car seat straps to still snap, scrape the car, shovel the drive all to make a store run for MILK!!
                            3. Mucky floors from the dog running in and out
                            4. Instantly frozen dog poop that you can't clean up with a chizzel, much less the flimsy "pooper scooper"
                            5. Having to dress in 20 layers of clothes to go to the gym and jump around for an hour just to warm up!
                            6. Leaving the gym with wet hair and having it turn into a hundred ice cicles by the time you get to the car
                            7. Shoveling ICE (not a fun experience!!)

                            I could go on and on... and ON, but I think a warm blanket is calling my name! (or is that the kids waking up from their nap ?!)
                            Have a good one--- and keep your fingers crossed for the Ground Hog tomorrow!!!

                            Jen B.


                            • #15
                              Oh, and I don't have to shave my legs every day.

                              We're actually supposed to get up above freezing every day this week. Yay! Maybe that will put the brakes on my downward spiral into total misanthropy.
                              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                              Lev Grossman, The Magician King

