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QOTW- Feb 13th - Valentines

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  • QOTW- Feb 13th - Valentines

    1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

    2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

    3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

    4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

    5. How often are you getting it on these days?

    6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2
    1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

    DH and I usually exchange cards. We often make a nice dinner in because going out is ridic. For the kids, I'll usually get them a treat or card or make them valentine cookies.

    2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

    It's okay. Not my favorite, but it's better than flag day.

    3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

    MISS U
    I LUV U

    4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

    I don't keep any secrets from Chad. From iMSN? Yes. I have never had the nerve to spill some things.

    5. How often are you getting it on these days?

    1-2 times a week. Probably closer to 1.

    6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?

    So hard to pick one!



    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids? We have yet to spend a Valentine's Day together so nothing special. Yay training.

      2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between? I'm veering towards hating it at this point. But I do love Valentine's cookies so woot.

      3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say? I like the ones you picked out so I'm stealing them

      4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything? Yes, there are some things he never has to know although if he were to ask me point blank, I'd spill because I can't lie. I would like to reveal that I have things to reveal.

      5. How often are you getting it on these days? This question makes me sad. Next.

      6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest? I love my boyfriend's compassion and his hands.


      • #4
        1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?
        Not usually. DH made some dinner reservations, which kind of surprised me!

        2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?
        Don't really care. Like the chocolate and funny cards. Don't put too much stock in it though.

        3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?
        This is a tough one! Are they supposed to be real conversation hearts? I'm gonna go with no. So, off the top of my head, mine would say: "I wanna jump your bones", "Want to make a baby?" and "You are my perfect man". Oh, and "Please take out the trash, k thanks."

        4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?
        Secrets from my spouse... nothing that I wouldn't admit to if asked, but I don't always put everything out there I guess. There are things I don't do in front of him that I know he would like me to, like sing, and he might be surprised to know that I belt out songs when alone. I keep plenty of secrets from IMSN, most notably my identity. That's just because I'm Superwoman.

        5. How often are you getting it on these days?
        Well, I only see my husband on the weekends, so...

        6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
        The character qualities that drew me to DH were that he is easygoing and happy, but diligent. Physical... well, it's a whole package thing. He's got a pretty nice face.
        Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


        • #5
          1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

          We're not big on Hallmark holidays. Don't do anything for any of them.

          2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

          Don't care enough to have a strong opinion.

          3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

          What are conversation hearts?

          4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

          There are a few things DH doesn't know and a bunch I haven't discussed here.

          5. How often are you getting it on these days?

          Considering he sleeps in the basement during the week and the baby keeps both of us up on weekends, not often.

          6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?

          Intelligence and a sparkle in the eyes.

          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk


          • #6
            1. Oh hell no.

            2. I think it's super lame. I'd rather he do something nice for me on a random day of the year instead of feeling like he's forced to buy overpriced crap on VD.

            3. POOP.
            (this is isn't a comment on how we feel about the holiday, but he would think those were the funniest conversation hearts ever. We are basically 12 year olds!)

            4. I don't keep secrets for him per's more like he hasn't asked! I don't spill everything here, just cuz it's online.

            5. Too seldom to count.

            6. Goofiness. I can't be with somebody who takes himself too seriously!
            I'm just trying to make it out alive!


            • #7
              QOTW- Feb 13th - Valentines

              1. We usually do cards and go out to dinner around the day (it will be Sunday night this year). I did get him an edible arrangement bouquet this year (had it delivered to his office was cheaper and he is off tomorrow). I sometimes do something for the kids...not looking good for this year, although I may get them some candy after work tomorrow.

              2. Don't hate it...kind of an in-between holiday for me.

              3. Ummmm....

              LET'S TALK

              4. I don't think I have any secrets left with him. I have shared a lot here over the years, but I have gotten more guarded about what I share online.

              5. Not enough...the weather and the colds I have had since Christmas have killed my libido, although his is like the Energizer bunny! I would say 2x/week.

              6. This is maybe weird, but I like nice, strong looking hands, and broad shoulders. And intelligence and a sense of humor are required!
              Last edited by mommax3; 02-14-2014, 05:13 AM.
              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?
                Depends. Our anniversary and my birthday are also in the first two weeks of February, so it depends on whether we did anything for our anniversary and what.

                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?
                No real opinion. I could take it or leave it.

                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?
                I hate those things.

                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?
                Nope. He knows all my dirt. So do you guys. I'm pretty open.

                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                5. How often are you getting it on these days?
                Depends on the week. Average is probably a couple times a week, give or take.

                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
                Character qualities? Intelligence, generosity, and kindness.

                Physical? Tall and with light-colored eyes.


                • #9
                  1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

                  We try and do something--usually a nice dinner. It's the anniversary of us dating so we do care about it.

                  2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

                  I'm going to say 7 out of 10, with 10 being Love it.

                  3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

                  Kiss Me
                  Hold Me
                  Foot Rub

                  4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

                  Not really

                  5. How often are you getting it on these days?

                  I'm 9 months pregnant...but enough We are both ready for post-baby fun time

                  6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?

                  Character--He is totally faithful to me
                  Physical--He has a great ass.
                  Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                  • #10
                    1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?
                    No, husband and I ignore it and celebrate our anniversary of our meeting instead.

                    2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

                    3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?
                    Love you- he is dealing with a dying grandmother and making arrangements.. Maybe hang on

                    4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?
                    Tons, he doesn't know about this website or any other websites I post on. I only reveal what I think he would approve of or make him happy.

                    5. How often are you getting it on these days?
                    Don't want to answer.
                    6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
                    Not sure.. Finding me irresistible... Is that selfish? I like my husband because I love him and I trust him so he is the only one I would ( and have) ever trusted to have sex with Having sex is incredibly vulnerable. I guess I've never really found anyone else sexy.


                    • #11
                      1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

                      Yes but to be honest I can't even remember what we've done in previous years.

                      2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

                      No strong feelings. We generally use any excuse to celebrate.

                      3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

                      Well considering I already ate the dessert I got for tonight it's probably safe to say it doesn't matter.

                      4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

                      On principle, yes. My most regular offense is keeping Nutella in the house.

                      5. How often are you getting it on these days?

                      aim for once a week. The weekends it doesn't happen we talk about it several times but always end up doing something else.

                      6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
                      Well, intelligence, though that's not character. And physically I've always had lean strong men.
                      Last edited by MAPPLEBUM; 02-14-2014, 10:58 AM.


                      • #12
                        1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?

                        Occasionally we'll go out to dinner - nothing this year. I wish I had time to make a card for hubby with E, but it's been a busy month.

                        2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?

                        Don't really care either way.

                        3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?

                        Miss You
                        Love You
                        Your Turn (to change her diaper, hold her, bathe her, etc.)

                        4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?

                        Not really on any of the above.

                        5. How often are you getting it on these days?

                        Not often at all. We need to work on that.

                        6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?

                        I have to pick one? Intelligence without coming off as a know-it-all, and probably a good smile.
                        Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


                        • #13
                          1. Do you do anything special to celebrate Valentine's Day with your spouse or kids?
                          We usually do something fun, but rarely go out to a fancy dinner on the actual date. We bar-hopped last night, and we're going out to dinner tonight. Some years we cook; last year we did take-out.

                          2. As a holiday, do you love Valentine's, hate it, or somewhere in between?
                          We love any excuse for a date.

                          3. If you were giving out three conversation hearts to your spouse today, what would they say?
                          I can't think of any good ones that haven't been said.

                          4. Do you keep any secrets at all from your spouse? Do you keep any secrets from iMSN? Care to reveal anything?
                          Not that I can think of. I'm boring, but I overshare.

                          5. How often are you getting it on these days?
                          About once a week.

                          6. What is the one character quality and one physical quality in a person that you find the sexiest?
                          Character: He's funny
                          Physical: Dark hair
                          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

