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Speaking of looking for attending spots...

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  • Speaking of looking for attending spots...

    what is the best way to even find out about opportunities? We have 2 leads based on word of mouth (guys that finished dh's program before him have contacted him), but that is all we're looking at so far. My husband is leaning towards staying where we are and I want him to at least explore his options, so I think I might have to take the lead here. I occasionally see ads in the back of journals, any other suggestions?
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    Well, we have been dealing with the same to find out where the jobs are without using a recruiter. Since DH did his residency in the military, all of his contacts from there are either still obligated or scattered all over the country. I sent out 15 cover letters/CVs this morning to people that we either knew personally, knew through another person, or (mostly) that we picked out from the ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) directory because they lived in an area that we would consider. We also went to the hospital websites in our areas of interest and if they had openings listed (even if they didn't, in one case) we sent DH's stuff to them. We included a line in the letter like "if you are not seeking additional partners/physicians at this time, please feel free to pass this information on if you hear of someone else that is" -- although I think we worded it better than that!

    Now we'll see how far this approach gets us! Another idea....if you or your husband knows any drug reps that have a large area (don't you have relatives that are drug reps, Sue?) you can ask them if they have heard anything.....My sister-in-law's aunt is a drug rep that works with all of the OBs from Austin up to Waco, so she has been a good well of information for us. If you type "physician employment" or something similar into your search bar, you will come up with all kinds of recruiter sites....they are fun to look at, even if they don't lead you anywhere.

    Good luck!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      There must be some kind of database that has fellowships and names of people because my husband has recently been getting stuff in the mail looking to recruit Hem/Onc docs. He got one last week that is in GA and wants me to call to check it out. But I was wondering that same thing myself myself.


      • #4
        For my husbands field, the professional organization web site has job listings across the nation. He also checked the major journal listings of his field. The actual job he ended up taking was a listing on a bulletin board at a professional clinical trials group meeting he attended. He got to network with the people while he was there and sent them follow up afterword. He was advised that it was common practice to send out letters/cv looking for a position even to places that aren't advertising because often places are interested in expanding but they haven't actually listed anything yet. Take a look at the web site for Medical Economics --it has a good section for young docs and lots of advice. Good luck!

        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          Thanks guys.
          You're right Sally, both of my sisters are drug reps and by coincidence, they both sell pulmonary drugs. They both are actively trying to recruit us to their respective areas. One of them lives in Wichita, KS (um, no thanks!), the other lives in CO--we'd love to live there but only if she lived somewhere else!
          Thu Van, now that I think about it, we've gotten some stuff in the mail as well. I think I'm going to start the search pretty soon, so I'll try some of the avenues mentioned. Does anyone want me to check around KC to see what the job opps are?
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            When DH did his job search, I was so impatient that I would search the internet using the specialty organization and browse recruiter websites that allow you to look without disclosing your name. Sometimes I would search recruiter sites and make up fake names because we didn't want to be bothered. (Yes, I am wierd). The job my DH took was posted on websites and they hired a recruiting firm because they were hiring 6 attendings over the course of a year. I will try to remember some of the websites I used. There are national positions in all specialties.


