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I'll have to post the pic of our street.....it's not nearly as bad as that garage though...OUCH! I guess Kelly and I can be thankful for the fact that it isn't 'that' cold!!
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Our Street
Alrighty....here's what I'm complaining about. This is our street
~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Okay, is it rude of me to say that it is supposed to be in the 70s here this week?
Seriously, the weirdest thing happened.....we went up to KS this past weekend to my in-laws. They have had tons of snow this winter and there was a significant amount on the ground during our visit. It was pretty cold, too. While we were gone, our city in TX got 5.5 inches of snow! I think they got the snow on Saturday.....of course it was all melted by the time we got home yesterday. My kids are bummed because it was really too bitter for them to play in the snow up in KS, whereas it would have been perfect for them to play in the snow that fell here. The remains of snowmen all over our neighborhood really bummed them out when we drove into our driveway yesterday.
This was the only measurable snow that has fallen here this year.....and I think we have probably seen the end of the coldest weather for this winter. The only snow I like is the kind that melts within 24 hours!
I hope the spring thaw begins for all you northerners soon. I do remember what it is like and I feel your pain.
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
This picture makes my blood turn cold. Fortunately, it looks like these people may be able to afford replacing their property loss a little bit better than the average Joe. Let this serve as a reminder to all of us living in these climes: when you leave your abode for awhile, make sure to open cabinet doors under the sinks to help prevent pipe freeze.
Speaking of property disasters, I just read that 15, 000 home fires are started each year by dryers. After reading this, I vowed to no longer start a load in the dryer and run out for errands!
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
How do you get anywhere? Do you have to cross-country ski your kids to school? That is totally depressing, I wouldn't last there....I would make the newspaper headlines about rage/insanity/stupidity in no particular order!
Here's to hoping that blasted Groundhog was wrong, and spring time flowers are growing soon.
I live in the Twin Cities and I *hate* to be the harbringer of bad news, but it looks like this around here, except the snow is black from city traffic. I hear *great* things about Rochester though.
Good luck,
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
I know there has been a lot of snow this year - I think I read that Rochester has has 30+ inches this season. I'm getting ready for it, I ordered a new winter coat from LL Bean!I was just hoping it would warm up enough that most of it would melt before we went house hunting the first week in March - I'm actually excited to go back somewhere that has seasons!
CheriWife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.