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QOTW - June 8 - Are you rude?

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  • QOTW - June 8 - Are you rude?

    Answer the following questions with either:


    1. How often are you late?

    2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone?

    3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts?

    4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items?

    5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth?

    6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater?

    7. Do you ever cut in line?

    8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on?

    9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them?

    10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots?

    11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.)

    12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed?

    13. Do you gossip?

    14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator?
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2
    1. How often are you late?

    Rarely. Extremely rarely. I hate it when I'm late.

    2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone?


    3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts?


    4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items?

    Never. At least never intentionally.

    5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth?

    Always. I didn't realize this was bad? Lol. I always cover my mouth to cough or sneeze.

    6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater?


    7. Do you ever cut in line?


    8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on?


    9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them?

    Rarely, but only if my mind is somewhere else. Not on purpose.

    10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots?

    Rarely. Only really if it's a close call.

    11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.)


    12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed?

    Always. I suck balls at this one.

    13. Do you gossip?


    14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator?

    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3

      1. How often are you late? sometimes

      2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? rarely

      3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts? never

      4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items? never

      5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth? rarely I hope.

      6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater? rarely. I keep it on for the kids/babysitter and will answer by txt if it seems urgent. If I need to call, I leave the theater.

      7. Do you ever cut in line? never

      8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on? never

      9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them? rarely to never

      10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots? never

      11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.) never

      12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed? sometimes.

      13. Do you gossip? sometimes. Not sure if it counts as gossip though. DH often asks what's going on with iMSN friends and I will tell him who is doing what...It's not negative.

      14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator? never
      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        1. How often are you late? Rarely to never...I hate when other people are late so I try never to be late myself...

        2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? When I'm talking to my mom and I am at home I frequently surf the internet...but not really with anyone else (then again, I rarely talk on the phone with anyone else).

        3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts? Rarely (usually never to respond but I have a hard time refraining from glancing at them to see general content).

        4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items?

        5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth? Sometimes

        6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater? Never

        7. Do you ever cut in line? Never

        8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on? Sometimes

        9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them? Never (usually, I'm so shocked that someone has done it in NYC that I thank them profusely).

        10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots? I don't drive anymore (but when I did, I cared about my paint job too much for that), so never...

        11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.) N/A

        12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed? Sometimes

        13. Do you gossip? Sometimes (more than I should...but I try to make sure it's not malicious or hurtful stuff).

        14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator? Never without a direct request to do so.


        • #5
          I'm pretty good with most of these. All rarely to never....but totally guilty on #12, RSVPing. Also probably guilty of #8 (elevator hogging) and #11 (not apologizing for rude kids) when I've just been to tired to try.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            1. How often are you late? Almost never. I'm usually early to everything.

            2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? Not unless it's urgent.

            3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts? Never.

            4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items? Never.

            5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth? Never.

            6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater? Never.

            7. Do you ever cut in line? Never.

            8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on? Are these people assholes? Because then sometimes but other than that, no.

            9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them? Never.

            10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots? Never.

            11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.) No kids but if we had any, they'd better be polite or they'd have to find a new place to live.

            12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed? No but I've had to change RSVPs sometimes.

            13. Do you gossip? Usually not maliciously but I'll rant. Does that count as gossip?

            14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator? Never.


            • #7
              1. How often are you late?
              Never unless DH is involved or there was some "issue" like vomit or poop

              2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? Always. Unless I'm driving and talking on the phone. But I loathe talking on the phone and usually only talk to my mom begrudgingly.

              3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts?

              4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items?
              No way.

              5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth?
              I've never thought about it.

              6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater?
              I put my phone on "Do not disturb" during movies, so if a call or text comes through, it's the babysitter. I would leave the actual theater, though.

              7. Do you ever cut in line?

              8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on?

              9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them?

              10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots?
              Not intentionally, but people have different opinions on what's "theirs", especially in the aggressive-ass Chicago suburbs!

              11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.)
              Heavens no.

              12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed?
              If I legitimately forget, but 95% I respond ASAP.

              13. Do you gossip?
              Sometimes. I really try not to, though.

              14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator?
              Hell no. There are few things in life that I just simply cannot comprehend, and that's one of them.
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • #8
                1. How often are you late? Almost never. I'm usually ridiculously early.

                2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? Sometimes, but usually it's a conference call.

                3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts? Rarely

                4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items? No

                5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth? Sometimes

                6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater? Never

                7. Do you ever cut in line? Never intentionally

                8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on? Rarely

                9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them? Rarely

                10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots? Rarely

                11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (Kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.) Not much of an issue yet, but rarely. E's biggest issue is being loud, and I try to contain it.

                12. Do you ever RSVP after a deadline has passed? Rarely

                13. Do you gossip? Sometimes. I need to stop this.

                14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator? Never intentionally.
                Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


                • #9
                  Here are mine...
                  Originally posted by vanquisher View Post
                  answer the following questions with either:


                  1. How often are you late? Sometimes--but i apologize and explain

                  2. Do you e-mail or text when talking on the phone? Sure. In the legal world, that's kind of sop

                  3. Do you interrupt face-to-face conversations to take non-urgent cell phone calls or texts? No. That is really rude.

                  4. Do you use the under-10-item express lane when you have more than 10 items? Not knowingly. I'm the person who has a load of groceries and lets teh guy with toothpaste and an apple go ahead of me so he won't suffer.

                  5. Do you yawn in public or with friends without covering your mouth? No.

                  6. Do you ever talk or text on your phone in a movie theater? No. Super duper rude.

                  7. Do you ever cut in line? No, not that i know of.

                  8. Do you let the elevator doors close to purposefully not let others get on? No. That is mean. Why would you do that?

                  9. When someone opens a door for you, do you neglect to thank them? No.

                  10. Do you ever steal other people's parking spots? No.

                  11. If you are a parent, do you ever let your child annoy or harass others in any way without apologizing? (kicking the seat in front of them on an airplane, leaning into your booth at a restaurant, etc.) no, or at least i try not to. My kids don't generally do that, because they know i would kill them.

                  12. Do you ever rsvp after a deadline has passed? On an occasion, when i forget. But i apologize. Again, really rude!

                  13. Do you gossip? Not really. But i am boring. I also have discovered that when people disclose things to me, they are often looking for legal help. Not exactly ethical to gossip about that.

                  14. Do you ever take someone else's food out of the office refrigerator? No. But it is my refrigerator!!

                  However, I would note that I often do not follow directions, when could be construed as rude (as such directions whereby I am to answer the questions with one of the following answers:
                  Last edited by GrayMatterWife; 06-08-2014, 09:58 PM.

