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What are your three...

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  • What are your three...

    biggest pet peaves?

    (I would say toilet seat but I have long gotten over that one... )

    These days it is when dh puts a plate in the sink with food on it, I guess it is difficult to scrape that food into the garbage can.

    Buying new shoes and realizing they probably are too small/big and will never wear them....

    dirty public toilets (well having to use a public toilet in general

    I'll find more, give me time....

  • #2
    This reminds me of the playmate personal data section: "biggest turn offs"

    1. Extreme tardiness without at least a phone call.
    2. clutter.
    3. telephone automated attendants that never let you talk to a human being. You just keep pushign numbers and keep waiting....AHHH!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      1. Having to wait with kids for one child who is participating in an activity (i.e. gymnastics, piano lesson, soccer practice, etc.) and trying to make the other two behave.....akin to the 7th circle of hell for me.

      2. People who patronize me.

      3. A pan or dish left by my husband to "soak" which I end up having to deal with in the morning.....plunging my hands into cold greasy water is not a good way to start the day.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        1. Stupid idiotic drivers who, for example, don't know not to stop on a yellow blinking light or those who don't know not to pull over when they see/hear an ambulance/fire truck. How did these people get their licenses????

        2. People who stop in the middle of nowhere (ie parking lots) because they happen to be waiting for someone all the while blocking traffic. It happens all the time in my kids' elementary school parking lot and it absolutely drives me nuts!

        3. Stupid rude people. Need I say more?


        • #5
          I've been thinking about this all day...where should I start?
          1. Discourteous drivers--this includes the rude people who won't let somebody merge onto the highway, people that don't use their turn signals, and people that throw their cigarette butts out the window.
          2. When people don't buckle their kids up, especially if they are buckled up themselves!
          3. Arby's never has cherry turnovers left when I go there--sometimes I specifically drive across town just to get one and they are all out and it is still early in the evening!!! I used to work at Arby's (I'm so proud of that!) and I know it only takes 30 minutes to pop those bad boys in the oven, so there is absolutely no excuse for them to be out when the restaurant doesn't close for 5 or more hours. I've almost gotten fired up enough to write a letter to a corporate office about this issue.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Hmmmm, the list is long-

            1) people who are rude and inconsiderate, particularly to airline employees- i.e. those who are nasty to the gate attendent if the plane is late. Hmmm, way to delay the trip for us all- jackass. (But I find sick pleasure in being nicer just to watch the jerks reaction. I love to toy with people who deserve it)

            2) service employees who are stupid and rude- if you work in a customer service setting, you need to be a nice person- or at least smile. I can't tell you how tired I am of buying clothing or groceries from sullen people.

            3) people who don't scoop their dog's poo. I live in a city. I scoop my dog's poo. I know it's disgusting. But so is stepping in it!!!



            • #7
              jenn- that's funny that you mention customer service so much! that really is the main thing driving me nuts. the small town i used to live in definitely had better customer service-- out here they are soooooo rude! i always wonder why they are in customer service, since they will not even do the littlest thing to even make a pretense of helping...

              #2: shoes everywhere, especially muddy/dirty winter boots...

              #3: stepping barefoot on hot wheels cars.

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                1. Pop up ads. And if they can't be gotten rid of all together, why can't they be for things I'm actually interested in? I get two particularly offensive ones over and over--something about smokers and a plea to contribute to the Republican National Committee. You'd think with all the demographic info floating around out there on me they'd be able to target market to me a little better.

                2. Self-absorbed people. I know it's a modern virtue and a pillar of our hyper-individualistic society, but give it a rest already! All this "Looking out for number one and to hell with the rest of you" is going to lead us to a bad place one day. This goes for the drivers who cut me off, the guy with the 20 minute cell phone conversation in the movie theatre, the women who bore me to death talking about their latest diet, and the blowhards who insist on complaining loudly and aggressively until "those morons do it right--i.e., their way."

                3. Litter, especially cigarette butts thrown out of cars. (Although that could fall under #2)


                • #9
                  I downloaded a "google search bar" for internet Explorer....and it came with a pop-up blocker that really works. I never get popups....except it doesn't block those weird ones that aren't really popups....the floating ads on when a car drives accross the screen, or something....the only place i really get those is at

                  my pet peeves....I have way too many to comment...I'm a grumpy person sometimes.
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10

                    I downloaded that one too, and so far it's blocked 168 popups! But I'm still getting the dreaded "smokers wanted" ad. (Back to the control panel to snif for more spyware...)


                    • #11
                      Pet Peeves


                      1. People that drive exactly the speed limit or just below it This is particularly painful if I'm short of time....even worse if you are driving on a two-lane highway and the people in both lanes are driving equally slow so you can't pass them. (this probably makes me someone else's pet peeve though )

                      2. My husband and children throwing their already clean laundry down the laundry chute so that it has to be rewashed even though it was never worn. Did I mention that I'm back to hating laundry?????

                      3. People who assume that because I am at home with my children that my house is a free daycare facility and send their children over each day to tell me "I have to be home at 6pm"

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ahava
                        3. Litter, especially cigarette butts thrown out of cars. (Although that could fall under #2)
                        My neighbor has a bumper sticker that says: The world is not your ashtray. Keep your butts in your car. (Or something along those lines).

                        I'm sure I have all sorts of pet peeves but can't remember them right now. Oh, so there is a pet peeve.

                        1. Post-partum memory loss.

                        2. Drivers who do not stop at the 4-way stop at the end of our block. Why is there a 4-way stop? Because there is an elementary school on that block and there are always kids going to/from school or walking to the school to play. Is there really such a thing as citizen arrest?

                        3. Maybe someone has found this helpful and I'm just being crabby....but I really hate how funeral processions screw up traffic. Seems like a big ka-ching for the local PD. too. (Can you tell that one made me late the other day?)


                        • #13
                          I have a few....

                          1.) People who cough and don't cover their mouth

                          2.) People who eat with their mouth open or make lots of noise while eating

                          3.) compulsively late people who think it's normal

                          4.) people who think you are rich because you are married to a doctor (ok I HAD to add this one!)


                          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                          • #14
                            People who eat with their mouth open or make lots of noise while eating

                            Ha ha this is one of mine..l but occasionally i forget it myself and can hear myself smacking away....shame shame.[/code]


                            • #15
                              We have to stick to just THREE?? Lets see...

                              When dh puts his wet towel from the shower on the bed (MY SIDE), it sits there all day, and by the time I crawl into bed that night, there is a big, cold wet spot right at my feet .

                              Having muddy shoes, doggy feet, etc tromp mud across my newly washed kitchen floor.

                              "Honey, could you 'run' and get just this one item for me today?" Obviously coming from one who has never tried to 'run' errands (especially to just grab ONE item) with two 18-month olds in tow.

                              (can you tell I'm a bit frustrated on the home front lately??)


