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  • #16
    Re: Pet Peeves

    Originally posted by PrincessFiona
    1. People that drive exactly the speed limit or just below it

    This makes me laugh because my DH and I have an ongoing disagreement about this. I consider the speed limit to be more of a speed 'minimum,' and that people should drive at least the speed limit. Hence my frustration when I'm stuck behind someone driving exactly the speed limit. He disagrees, pointing out that it's called the speed limit for a reason.

    Anyway, my top three are probably:

    1. People who can't seem to grasp the concept of merging from a lane that is ending. This may just be a Michigan thing since I don't do a whole lot of driving elsewhere, but... What usually happens is that there will be a sign that a particular lane is ending in 1 mile or 2 miles or whatever due to construction or something, so if you happen to be in that lane you've gotten fair notice that you need to get out of it. What drives me completely insane are those people who insist on staying in that lane until the last possible moment, thereby causing a giant, unnecessary bottleneck at the merge point and creating a huge traffic backup. Grrr.

    2. People who have no concept of cell phone etiquette, making and receiving calls at the most inappropriate times and places. We were at the movies once and there was a woman behind us who actually answered and took a phone call during the movie.

    3. Tardiness. I'm probably a bit OCD about it (I get really freaked out and upset if I'm late for stuff), but I am almost always punctual and if I'm going to be late I call. I can't STAND it when people are late (particularly if it's habitual) - if I'm going to be on time then YOU'D better be on time because otherwise you're wasting my time which I don't appreciate.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #17
      Oh -- I forgot to mention when my DH comes home late, eats alone, and leaves me ALL of his dishes not even rinsed by the sink for me to deal with the next morning.

      "Personal Servant" is NOT in my job description!!!!!!!!


      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #18
        I can really only think of one and it seems to be the pet peeve of several people here.

        People who don't drive the speed limit in residential neighborhoods.

        We live on a somewhat busy street, and when we first moved here my son and I were both nearly hit by a driver going much too fast, as a resut the driver destroyed a fullsize basketball and didn't even stop.
        It is clearly marked 30mph, and during the school year we live in a school zone so it is flashing 20mph. Many people keep doing 40+...I have used the city's radar to bring this to police attention that it is dangerous.

        That is my pet peeve, and yes, I have pissed many people off by driving exactly the speed limit down our street. They usually let me know how they feel with some witty fourth grade remark or an intelligent hand gesture.


        • #19
          Matt, maybe that's a KC thing--I've got the same problem in our neighborhood, and we don't even live on a through street!!! People get pissed off because they think they can cut through to Kansas through our neighborhood and they end up flooring it down our street when they figure out the sign that told them they couldn't get through really is true!!! Whenever I'm entering our neighborhood and somebody comes up behind me driving too fast, I purposely don't drive even 1mph over the speed limit.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #20
            Whenever I'm entering our neighborhood and somebody comes up behind me driving too fast, I purposely don't drive even 1mph over the speed limit.
            I agree that speed limits in neighborhoods are a must...I'm a stickler on campus about the 15mph sign too.....but I have had this happen to me on the highway and it about gives me a heart attack if I'm pushing the time envelope. Speed limits on highways are sort of optional in my mind I guess I lived in germany too long...which might explain why I got stopped going 95 when we were moving to MN
            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #21
              Kris, I only follow the rules in residential areas or school zones--on the highway I tend to go about 5-8 over the speed limit, and get really tense when trapped behind somebody going too slow in my opinion! I inherit my driving tendencies from my father, whereas I don't think my mom has ever had a speeding ticket in her life!
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #22
                I remembered one!

                Maternity clothes that don't have pockets. Especially when you have one child already -- you always need a pocket for something!


                • #23
                  That one has been driving me nuts today Nellie--I have those "underbelly" pants on and I keep trying to put things in my pockets and they aren't there! The only plus side to the maternity clothes is that you usually don't have to deal with zippers or buttons for the frequent trips to the bathroom.
                  I have another one also that is trivial but annoying--I hate it when I step in something wet when I'm just wearing socks! I wear my shoes almost the whole day for that very reason.
                  Awake is the new sleep!


                  • #24
                    Nellie, I've been wondering about the lack of pockets. I hate that. (and in spite of losing 5 more pounds in the past 2 weeks, I am stillwearing my freakin maternity clothes. )

                    I have lots of pet peeves...

                    1) I'm with all of you on other drivers. Can't stand 'em. We live off a 6 way intersection. You'd think there would be some common courtesy as to who goes next. Nope. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly gotten t-boned by some jackass who can't wait his turn. I'm pretty heavy on the horn.

                    2) I'm also with Jenn on the surliness of service people. Would it really crack your face in half to smile?! They act like they are doing you a huge favor. Grr.

                    3) I swear DH, MIL, and my own mother never listen to me. It's like talking to a wall sometimes. Nobody ever remembers what I say.

                    I have one more that drives me insane - our Dalmation is like PigPen. When he runs through a ray of sunshine you can see the dust and fur flying off of him. Gross.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Dagny
                      Nellie, I've been wondering about the lack of pockets. I hate that. (and in spite of losing 5 more pounds in the past 2 weeks, I am stillwearing my freakin maternity clothes. )

                      Same here. That is how I remembered this pet peeve! I think I am going to burn that stupid *&$(*%&# pair of Old Navy black yoga pants that I wear almost every day. After I don't need them anymore, of course.


                      • #26
                        another one

                        I don't know if this counts as a pet peeve...but it is definitely an irritation.....don't you hate it when you logon to a website and save it to your computer cache and then realize that you misspelled your username?

                        I was logging on to the iMSN one day and logged in as PrincessFionaq without realizing it. Now everytime I login the system wants to automatically log me in as that and I have to type over it.....if I clear my cookies though I'll delete all of my other passwords...

                        just a minor little irritation to add to the list.

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #27
                          I've been thinking about this lately and finally figured out what mine are. Funny how they all came to me in one day.

                          1. People having leisure cell phone conversations while driving and disrupting traffic.

                          2. Second hand smoke, especially around my kids.

                          3. Telemarketerks in every way shape or form!


