Well this city girl dug a cow out of the mud. ( It was stuck and couldn't get out.) I've gotten calves back inside the fence multiple times.
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Weird (tough) scenarios that you handle on your own
Originally posted by Thirteen View PostOz had a seizure on the kitchen floor.
I woke up DS, put both of them in the car, and am now at the vet.
(See animal care issues above)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkhow is he doing?
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.
Anything at the house that requires someone to be home gets done by me (installations, repairs, whatever). I feel like I've had stories lately of stuff that I did on my own, but I can't think of them right now.
Probably the weirdest thing I've done on my own was get knocked up. Hubby provided a sample in a cup, and I took it to the doctor for an IUI. Does that count?Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer
Originally posted by Pollyanna View Posthow is he doing?
If it happens again, he gets an MRI.
I was afraid to leave him home alone today.
I stayed up late to watch him for a while.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
Just this morning one of the fire alarms started going off as I was getting out of the shower. I quickly got dressed and grabbed the ladder. Of course it had to be the one on the vaulted ceiling above the stairs. I told DS (4), "If mommy falls down and can't talk go get the neighbor." DD (1) crawled around the floor while I got it down. Of course we don't have the batteries we need though so we will be heading to the store. Checking the alarms has been on my to do list since we moved in so at least I'm getting that done.
Our neighbors also think it's funny that I mow the lawn with DD on my back (reel mower). It gets done and I usually do it around nap time so she falls asleep back there.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife of Anesthesiology Resident
Originally posted by Thirteen View PostHis levels for chem, CBC, and urine were all in check.
If it happens again, he gets an MRI.
I was afraid to leave him home alone today.
I stayed up late to watch him for a while.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife of Anesthesiology Resident
DH once had the car break down on his way to work, so he caught a bus to make sure he got there on time for rounds. Then he called me to retrieve the car from the roadway. With a baby and a toddler in tow, I walked to the location then waited over an hour in a not so great area of Baltimore for triple A. He was OUT OF GAS. I could have killed him.Angie
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostI hadn't thought of mowing the lawn with a kid on the back. I'm a little worried about flying debris but I guess they are kind of out of the way
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife of Anesthesiology Resident
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostI hadn't thought of mowing the lawn with a kid on the back. I'm a little worried about flying debris but I guess they are kind of out of the way
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
Oh Sheherezade, that's baaad. Naughty, naughty Dr. Sheherezade.
Off the top of my head:
Took an infant to the ER because he had croop
Tried to help a baby bunny who got under the lawn mower while simultaneously consoling my 14 y.o. son who ran over said baby bunny
Had to lift a broken garage door (neighbor helped)
Googled a you tub video to help son tie a tie
Placed a shim under a decrepit wall in the garage that started shifting until a contractor I found in the phone book could come and fix it properly
Prepped house for market, rented storage unit, and moved everything out on my own
The upshot is that I realize I'm far more capable than I ever realized.In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
So I thought I was being "tough" by taking it upon myself to fix our broken dryer. For the past year, it stops running when you let go of the start button, so we've just had it taped down. Recently the tape won't hold for more than 10-15 sec no matter what I seem to try. So I did some internet research and ordered a new start button. I was feeling really proud of myself for fixing it for $17! The piece came today, I installed it all by myself, and...still not working. So I did some more research and turns out it's not the start switch, it's a circuit on the motor. So...now I can a) buy a new dryer (on a resident's budget?!), b) replace the motor for $336 (which is not much less than buying an entirely new (very cheap) dryer), or c) continue to tape the button down. Guess I'm spending my afternoon trying to figure out how to get the tape to stickPA and wife of a PGY2 in neurosurgery. And "cat-mom" to the two sweetest cats anyone could hope for.
Hmm. Well, I was a single parent and homeowner for years, so I did a number of things on my own. One that sticks out, though, is when I first got chickens.
I woke up around 4am to some godawful chicken shrieks and shouts, so my dog and I rushed out back in the dark to see what the problem was. I could hear something growling from the coop, so I let the dog in their fence and she chased something into the chicken house (all of the ladies were outside in the run). It was a stinking, ugly, foul little opossum. I love most woodland creatures, but not opossums. And here I was with it cornered in the chicken pen and no way to kill it. Letting it go would mean that it would come back probably the next night for a chicken meal. So I boarded it up in there until daylight, then gathered a handful of things that I thought might kill it. A shovel, an axe, and a hoe. I ended up sitting there in thought for quite a while, staring at the beady-eyed little thing. It was huddled in the back of the coop, just as calm as you please. I tried getting at it with the hoe and quickly discovered that because the opening to the chicken house was so small, I couldn't really get any lethal leverage. The only way I could use the axe is if it came out and cooperated by sitting still for me and I was able to work up a good deal more nerve and violence than I thought I had.
Solution? Called my friend and asked her husband to take me shopping. He helped me pick out a shotgun and showed me how to use it. Problem solved
I later learned that opossums are the one animal that my dog will happily catch and kill. She took care of the next three or four for me!