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How do you road trip?

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  • #16
    We've had that happen! My little girl once proclaimed a seedy truckstop hotel room "The BEST ROOM EVER!" because we'd been looking for a place to stop for hours before that. It was Penn State's homecoming weekend. Not a room for miles around in a desolate part of the PA turnpike.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #17
      How about driving duties? Dh prefers to drive and I am not remotely interested given that I drive all. the. time shuttling kiddos (5200 miles alone this summer and never left town).
      Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


      • #18
        I get motion sickness and can't stand being in small spaces so I hate road trips. I like getting to my destination as quickly as possible and exploring. My parents took me on road trips every summer though, so I'm proud to say I've thrown up in pretty much every state besides Alaska and Hawaii.


        • #19
          I'm definitely not a planner unless I'm talking about stopping for the night. We just stop when we are hungry, tired, or out of gas. Mostly I plan my trip around gas stops, as in "we will stop for lunch the next time we have to fill up."


          • #20
            How do you road trip?

            I tell people when we leave, and do an ETA, based on traffic and distance. If something changes en route, I notify them (bathroom break, road construction, etc). This is if we are meeting friends or family. If it's just a trip for us, I still notify my parents via text where we are, and that we arrived safely.

            I like to travel with tons of snacks, huge bottles of water, a full podcast list (mostly for DH), and headphones (in case I want to watch a movie or something).
            I crave Arnold Palmers while road tripping, and ginger ale on planes, but don't really buy it otherwise.

            We pick overnight stopping points, and use for hotel reviews and places to eat. We often make reservations from the road!
            If the dogs are with us, we use to find hotels that will accommodate our pups.

            I usually wind up driving at some point, because DH has "carcolepsy"...
            Last edited by Thirteen; 08-05-2014, 05:48 AM.
            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
            Professional Relocation Specialist &
            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


            • #21
              I don't road trip unless absolutely necessary. I get stressed just thinking about it. Maybe once S is older and can read independently it will be easier, but right now? No way.


              • #22
                I love road trips. We make reservations ahead of time because we (at this point) only stay in suites. If it were just me and DH, I would be tempted to just play it by ear.
                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #23
                  When we moved ourselves 2500 miles, we took off, drove till it started getting dark, then I looked ahead to see the next largish town and make reservations at a hotel. Once we got there, we plotted our route and decided where we would stop the next night, and made reservations, repeat till we got here (it took 4 days).

                  We didn't have any firm plans until 9-10 days later, when the car we were shipping was due to arrive, and we weren't meeting anyone on the way; it was just us. Had we been planning to stay with people, we would have been a lot more conscientious.
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #24
                    I'm just not a big road trip person. At all. I hate being in the car. If we're headed somewhere, I just want to GET THERE. Minimal (if any) stops, etc. I'm more flexible if we're going somewhere on a day trip around 2ish hours from home, but if we're headed home or to the beach - which aren't far drives, less than 3.5 hours each - I'm so irritated by the drive I just want to get there. Pack the car, get gas, snacks and water before we leave town and then no stopping until we get there if at all possible! I may change my tune if we ever do a 6+ hour/multiple state roadtrip. We didn't road trip on family vacations either, except once to Disney World where we stopped overnight in GA. Otherwise we flew.
                    Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab



                    • #25
                      We are road-tripping as I type this! We minimize our stops, car is packed with snacks and DVDs for the kids. We'll stop for gas, bathroom breaks, and lunch but that's it. Hubby is driving and is also of the let's-just-get-there-already mentality.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                      -Wife of urology attending.
                      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                      • #26
                        I've had to adjust a bit since I started road tripping with DH. Before that I traveled for work a lot and was the queen of "just get there". DH is more leisurely. He likes to find restaurants ahead of time and stop/walk around for a while. On the negative side, it takes us longer. On the plus side, I've gotten to try some great food and see some cool places I've driven past tons of times but never stopped to see.

                        I really hope our little one is a good traveler. We road trip fairly often to see family and friends.
                        Wife of a PGY-1 podiatric surgery resident, mom to two cat babies with a human one on the way!

