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The Apprentice

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  • The Apprentice

    So is anyone else as hooked as I am on this show? I even stay up past my pathetically early bedtime to watch.
    I can't wait to see who gets the boot tonight!!

    And what is up with Donald Trump's hair? For being a gazillionaire, you'd think he could have someone fix it....or cut it...or something.

  • #2
    I don't get to watch this as often as I'd like but have enjoyed the parts I've caught. It comes on at 7 pm our time and I'm usually at the end of dinner. From what I've seen that Heidi drives me nuts!

    I don't know what's up with the Trump man's hair either but he has definitely admitted to the great attention he has gotten over it. I think he needs a makeover from the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy's Fab Five.

    My other show that I watch when I remember is The Newlyweds with Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. If she really isn't as phenomenally stupid as she comes off, then she's an amazing actress. Unfortunately for her I think what you see is what you get.


    • #3
      isn't his hair a toupe (no idea how to spell that)?? can it be real?

      i watched that show for the first time yesterday. i thought the prize of getting to spend 10 min with trump was kind of lame. i think it was good to fire that omarosa person-- too much drama. "i'm going to die if i don't sit down and eat a meal" (sounds like my husband before we got married he used to say that kind of thing all the time!)

      did you see that wierd photo that someone bought for more than $800? i thought that was awful! who wants a picture of a stuffed cat starinng at you... i don't get it...

      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


      • #4
        I have watched this from the beginning and all I can say is that it was about time to get rid of Omarosa. One little piece of plaster on the head does not a concusion(sp) make! I love this show as well as survivor and American Idol. Thank God for DVRs!


        • #5
          Hi, my name is Matt, and I am hooked on The Apprentice.

          I have watched since the has been much funnier than I originally thought, in a twisted way. I can't believe that the first guy that got "fired" was a doctor?! Omarosa, needed to go, in our household opinion, two weeks ago when they "lost" about $, listen to me....

          good thing I don't watch soaps.....Bo & Hope, John and Marlena....or Josh & Reva, Gus & Harley....

          ok...DW watches I swear!!!


          • #6
            I'm hooked on that show and have been from the beginning.

            Donald Trump is a genius in marketing himself (Madonna is another person with the same genius).

            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              I havne't been watching the show, but I have been curious about his hair. Peggy, I don't think it's a toupee(sp?). I think it is the most wicked combover anyone has ever seen. I swear it must start from the back of his head. It's all fuzzy and nasty too. What about hair plugs for pete's sake?? Or one of those snap-on toupees? (seriously, they implant snaps into your skull!)

              Surely he must know how awful it looks???


              • #8
       I'm not the only one!

                I agree that Omarosa had to go. I don't have a potty mouth like Heidi (most of the time) but I would if I had to spend the day with Omarosa! And I can't wait for next week to see who crossed Carolyn. They've got me hooked. You're right Matt....listen to me....


                • #9
                  DH thinks it is Nick that crossed Carolyn. He is another one that seems not exactly a team player ( like Omarosa). How about Trump's girlfriend Melania? She looked about 19!
                  Mom to three wild women.


                  • #10
                    I'm also hooked. My younger daughter and I watch it every week!!!!
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      I am also hooked, and amazingly, so is DH. I also can't wait to see who crossed Carolyn. I think The Donald's hair is real. It was recently the subject of a CNN segment!

                      Who do you think is going to win? I say Amy.


                      • #12
                        Ambarosa HAD to go - she was unbelievable! I have to sadly admit that I am addicted - when I can watch it, that is. I actually became very bitter a few weeks ago when dh wanted to go through the match lists to get everything finalized so that he could certify his rank order the next day, and so I missed the whole thing . (We had already been over and over the list a dozen times, so it wasn't like we were making any earth-shattering changes...). Anyway - I am rooting for Troy - what can I say, he's an Idaho boy!! (my home state - disclaimer: not everyone there talks with such a huge accent, though!).
                        One thing else is for sure - Donald HAS to know that his hair is horrific!! It is so bad, it is obnoxious - I can hardly stand to look at him. I also 'love' how every show starts with him calling the whole group together and then telling them about some amazing thing that he has done and how wonderful he is .

                        Jen B.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rapunzel
                          Donald Trump is a genius in marketing himself (Madonna is another person with the same genius).
                          You're not kidding! Did you catch the part of the show where he is making a presentation and says "and I think they like the Trump name too" (smirk). Gag.
                          DH read a Newseek article with Trump stating he is worth $5B while Forbes estimates his wealth at "only" $2.5B. The Donald says Forbes is wrong. He is also going around saying he has the #1 show in America (it's actually #8 or something like that).

                          He is obnoxious....but I love the show!


                          • #14
                            Now I am really regretting not watching it...DH and I shunned it initially as we thought it was going to be more crappy reality tv. Poo.


                            • #15
                              I'm addicted to it too - my husband hates it! I usually have to tape it and then watch it later but I made sure to catch the repeat of last weeks' show because I wanted to watch Omarosa get booted. I have to saw I was suprised Heidi got booted, but of those three she probably was the weakest - as the weeks go on its getting very interesting and the challenges seem to be getting harder with the smaller teams.
                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

