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I've got personality!

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  • I've got personality!

    How do you see yourself? We've talked about some of the personality profiles in the past. Lots of med spouse introverts, right? you consider yourself as more______ or _______ or equally both?

    Introverted or Extroverted?

    Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?

    Goofy/weird or Normal?

    Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?

    Crunchy or Not?

    Optimistic or Pessimistic?

    Punctual or Always Late?

    Happy or Sad?

    Nice or Mean?

    Self-serving or Selfless?

    Rigid or Tolerant?

    Confident or Unsure?

    Honest or Fake?

    Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2
    I've got personality!

    Introverted or Extroverted?

    Ambivert. I'm dead in the middle on this one.

    Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?

    Sensitive. No doubt.

    Goofy/weird or Normal?


    Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?


    Crunchy or Not?


    Optimistic or Pessimistic?


    Punctual or Always Late?


    Happy or Sad?

    In the middle.

    Nice or Mean?


    Self-serving or Selfless?


    Rigid or Tolerant?

    Very tolerant on some things. Very intolerant on others. Maybe that makes me more intolerant.

    Confident or Unsure?


    Honest or Fake?

    In the middle. Mostly honest, but I'm not completely authentic about how I feel regarding politics, religion, and other things IRL.

    Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?

    My favorite is that I'm selfless. I would most like to change to make my self more confident.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      Introverted or Extroverted? Extrovert

      Sensitive or Thick-Skinned? I am in the middle. Some things I blow-off and sometimes I can be sensitive even though I keep a poker face.

      Goofy/weird or Normal? Oh - goofy. Not scared to get out of my comfort zone.

      Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen? People may say I am innocent/prudish because there are just certain things that I do not care to publish or talk about. However, I am very comfortable talking about sex - it is a normal/natural thing. I do not understand why people get freaked out to learn that their parents have a sex life. Huh? How do you think you came about? 😂. For example, I am ok asking my mom about how sex will change during menopause...on the other hand, I do not think that it is appropriate to discuss every detail between you and your mate. I guess that makes me a prude.

      Crunchy or Not? Some would say I am crunchy but that is funny to me. Crunchy is in style. For example, I have been drinking coconut water, making my own coconut "milk" and using coconut oil's just the family I grew up in. We used our own shopping bags for as long as I remember. Long enough ago that the stores would want to charge us for them because they had never seen people bring their own bags. However, I do not subscribe to all the crunchy-ness. I do love me some paper towels and bleach for example.

      Optimistic or Pessimistic? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best

      Punctual or Always Late? Punctual

      Happy or Sad? Happy

      Nice or Mean? Nice
      ETA- I will go mama lion/honey badger if someone hurts someone I care about. I can be pretty mean to a bully. On the keirsey temperaments I am a guardian.

      Self-serving or Selfless? I strive for selfless

      Rigid or Tolerant? Tolerant

      Confident or Unsure? Confident

      Honest or Fake? Honest

      Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?

      My favorite is tolerant. However, I am intolerant of people who are not tolerant. I tend to check out with people that are intolerant...even if I agree with their views. I figure I am not going to get anywhere so I just let them be.
      Last edited by medpedspouse; 11-11-2014, 07:10 PM.
      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


      • #4
        Introverted or Extroverted?
        I am extroverted. Hubby is the introverted one.

        Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?
        Um... I'm not really sure.. Sensitive but not so you would know it. I don't show weakness.

        Goofy/weird or Normal?
        When I was younger I was has made me boringly normal

        Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?
        Very innocent..

        Crunchy or Not?
        I'm not sure what crunchy means...

        Optimistic or Pessimistic?
        I used to be incredibly optimistic, but life has just taken it out of me.. It is too hard to hope anymore.

        Punctual or Always Late?
        Always early

        Happy or Sad?
        Prior to my mid 40's, always happy. Now sad.

        Nice or Mean?

        Self-serving or Selfless?

        Rigid or Tolerant?
        I'm not sure... probably varies on the subject.

        Confident or Unsure?

        Honest or Fake?
        Depends. I honestly care about people but I will fake my own happiness. I don't let people see me. I will see them and care about them. So I'm not sure how to answer this.

        I am an ENFJ.


        • #5
          Introverted or Extroverted? Definitely introverted.

          Sensitive or Thick-Skinned? Sensitive

          Goofy/weird or Normal? Mostly normal, with a bit of goofy/weird.

          Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen? On the innocent/prudish side, probably.

          Crunchy or Not? Mostly not.

          Optimistic or Pessimistic? Somewhere in the middle.

          Punctual or Always Late? Punctual

          Happy or Sad? Mostly happy

          Nice or Mean? Depends, more nice than mean, but I can definitely be mean.

          Self-serving or Selfless? I guess this depends too. I'd like to say selfless, but I know it's not always true.

          Rigid or Tolerant? Hmm, probably more rigid? I don't really know on this one.

          Confident or Unsure? Again, it depends, but more unsure than confident.

          Honest or Fake? I try to be honest.

          Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any? I wish I was more extroverted and confident.
          Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


          • #6
            Introverted or Extroverted?
            Introverted. I do great in social settings but they suck the life out of me.

            Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?
            A bit of both. Really depends on my confidence level in a given situation.

            Goofy/weird or Normal?
            Pretty freaking normal. DH is always shocked when my inner goofball comes out. When she does, she comes armed with bad puns.

            Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?
            See, this one is funny. I wouldn't call myself the slightest bit prudish, I curse like a sailor and am not a pearl-clutcher... but I am MINNESOTAN, which means I don't always think it's appropriate or necessary to talk about all the ways in which I am not prudish. I tend to think that people who make a big show out of their brazenness are just posturing or making up for some insecurity, and that gets a big shrug and eye-roll from me.

            Crunchy or Not?
            Middle of the road. Used to be more crunchy but our current lifestyle is more geared to convenience.

            Optimistic or Pessimistic?
            A little of both. I'm pretty pragmatic, which some would see as pessimistic, and I tend to stress and plan for the worst, but in my bigger worldview I always feel like things are going to work out just fine.

            Punctual or Always Late?
            Punctual. And I think it's rude to be late.

            Happy or Sad?
            Happy I guess? I'm almost never sad, but not exactly joyous all the time. I'm generally satisfied and pleased.

            Nice or Mean?
            Usually nice, sometimes blunt.

            Self-serving or Selfless?
            A little of both. Self-serving when it comes to a lot of little things, but selfless when it comes to my friends needing me, as well as my beliefs on social issues. I will take that parking spot, but I want everybody to have access to healthcare and education.

            Rigid or Tolerant?
            Tolerant on most topics.

            Confident or Unsure?
            Totally depends on the situation.

            Honest or Fake?
            Eh, I usually try to be polite and say things in the nice way rather than offending, but honestly I'm not very good at it. People see right through my polite.

            Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?
            Um, apparently I'm so middle of the road that I'm boring. I guess I need to play to some extremes to make shit more interesting.
            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


            • #7
              Introverted or Extroverted?

              I'm an ambivert, right in the middle.

              Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?

              I guess I'm thick skinned? I tend to think of it more as thoughtful. I rarely believe people are purposefully trying to hurt or offend me. Their behavior reflects on them, not me so what would I need to be sensitive about?

              Goofy/weird or Normal?

              Both depending on the day!! I'm still a trombone playing Star Trek loving girl at heart

              Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?

              Hmm, I guess more innocent but I am not in the least prudish but I'm also not evil or brazen.

              Crunchy or Not?


              Optimistic or Pessimistic?

              Umm, Pollyanna

              Punctual or Always Late?

              "To be early is to be on time" is my motto

              Happy or Sad?

              Again, Pollyanna

              Nice or Mean?


              Self-serving or Selfless?


              Rigid or Tolerant?

              Neither? I consider myself loving. So while I have deeply held beliefs that doesn't mean I can't love someone that doesn't agree with me but I also don't believe I need to bend to be tolerant of their beliefs. What I can do is love my neighbor as myself.

              Confident or Unsure?


              Honest or Fake?


              I guess I'm happy that I am confident enough in myself and who I am to be exactly that.
              Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


              • #8
       you consider yourself as more______ or _______ or equally both?

                Introverted or Extroverted? Naturally introverted but for work I have to put myself out there more than I'd like. I need recovery time, even from people I like.

                Sensitive or Thick-Skinned? Sensitive as in empathetic but pretty thick-skinned. More so with age.

                Goofy/weird or Normal? So weird. SO and I are fucking weird.

                Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen? Not innocent but not evil...I hope.

                Crunchy or Not? Well meaning non-crunchy.

                Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic but realistic.

                Punctual or Always Late? So punctual as in always early.

                Happy or Sad? I've been through a lot so pockets of happiness with sadness in my heart.

                Nice or Mean? Depends. Do I like this person?

                Self-serving or Selfless? Depends on the situation. I would die for people I care about but cross me and I'll cut you.

                Rigid or Tolerant? Rigid in scheduling but tolerant of differences and beliefs.

                Confident or Unsure? In most situations, I just don't care so confident by default.

                Honest or Fake? Honest. The older I get, the more I can't deal with fake anything.


                • #9
                  Introverted or Extroverted?


                  Sensitive or Thick-Skinned?


                  Goofy/weird or Normal?


                  Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen?


                  Crunchy or Not?

                  Not crunchy by Portland standards

                  Optimistic or Pessimistic?


                  Punctual or Always Late?


                  Happy or Sad?


                  Nice or Mean?


                  Self-serving or Selfless?


                  Rigid or Tolerant?


                  Confident or Unsure?


                  Honest or Fake?


                  Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?

                  Favorite is that I'm happy/optimistic. Least favorite is how rigid I can be.


                  • #10
                    Introverted or Extroverted? Introverted. I like being with people and am not shy, but I need to recharge alone.

                    Sensitive or Thick-Skinned? Depends on what it's about. A lot of stuff doesn't bother me, but I do have a couple things I'm sensitive about.

                    Goofy/weird or Normal? DH claims I'm very weird. Pfft.

                    Innocent/Prudish or Evil/Brazen? Brazen.

                    Crunchy or Not? Crunchy among the people who surround me.

                    Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic! I'm pessimistic about certain people if they've proven themselves worthy of it.

                    Punctual or Always Late?!2-3 minutes late. What the heck?!

                    Happy or Sad? Happy!!!

                    Nice or Mean? Nice. Until you piss me the hell off.

                    Self-serving or Selfless? Both; isn't everyone?

                    Rigid or Tolerant? Tolerant about a lot of things; quite rigid about others. I currently have zero patience for family members who buy into flu vaccination woo. They're killing me with their "facts."

                    Confident or Unsure? Both.

                    Honest or Fake? Honest. I also try to be tactful, which doesn't come easily. Perhaps that's what some would call fake.

                    Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any? That my default mood is happy. It would be nice to have a little more tolerance for my own sake so I don't get so bent out of shape when people spew BS.


                    • #11

                      Sensitive (but I try not to show it...and far I'm far less sensitive as I am getting older).


                      I lean toward Evil/Brazen...

                      Not crunchy

                      Optimistic or Pessimistic...I say realistic (which means cynical with occasional optimism)!



                      Fairly nice in general

                      Self-serving or Selfless? Somewhere in the middle

                      Fairly Tolerant

                      Confident or Unsure? Equal amounts of both, depends on the situation

                      Pretty honest unless I think it'll hurt someone unnecessarily

                      Of these qualities about yourself, which is your favorite, and which would you most want to change, if any?

                      I wish I was less sensitive and a bit nicer...

