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Car sickness as an adult

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  • Car sickness as an adult

    Has anyone developed car sickness as an adult? Long road trips give me a headache. I'm sitting in the front seat on hour 5 of a 7 hour trip and I want to hurl. This happens frequently when I ride in the car, mostly with my husband as the driver.

  • #2
    Oh no! I hope it doesn't become a migraine.


    • #3
      I get it too but not always. Although I get nauseated intead of headaches. Sometimes I can even read and be ok. Other times just riding makes me sick. I now always travel with ginger chews.

      Can you switch and drive for a bit and see if you can keep the headache from getting worse?
      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


      • #4
        I'm the queen of car sickness. If I take my eyes off the road at all I start getting nauseous. Driving myself helps more than anything else. Second to that is drinking soda through a straw. I don't know how/why it works, but it does for me.


        • #5
          I didn't have issues with motion sickness until having HORRIBLE morning sickness with DD2. I now get motion sick really easily. Like, can't-ride-carnival-rides kind of motion sickness. Tilt-a-whirl? NFW.

          In the car, I have to be in the front. Driving is best, but passenger is OK in some cars. My old Kia had a funky suspension, so it had a weird roll to it whenever we went around corners or turns. Now that we have a newer Highlander with a much better suspension system, I have no problem with motion sickness as a front seat passenger.


          • #6
            Nausea definitely accompanies the headaches. DH used to drive a mini-van that caused me to get sick. We ended up getting rid of it. I find it weird because it still happens in the front seat. I have to ride with the window down. Nausea and kids arguing are not good side effects when stuck in a car.


            • #7
              Ugh, I'm sorry, I feel you...I've had severe motion sickness my whole life. I usually take meclizine (sp?), Hyland's Motion Sickness pills, and use acupressure bracelets.


              • #8
                I have in transiently. Sometimes I'm totally fine and other times I feel horribly ill and cannot do anything other than stare out the front window.
                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                • #9
                  Try seabands? They are the only thing rgat help M even moderately! I can get 5 minutes of driving in versus 2! Also Dramamine. That'll knock you out though.
                  married to an anesthesia attending

