It's just December 8th, but we all know in just a second the Holidays will be behind us. What are your plans this year? What are you trying to get ready for? Have you finished buying gifts or are you still on the hunt? This is the holiday thread to just let it all out!
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Holiday Plans
Holiday Plans
Last edited by PrincessFiona; 12-08-2014, 11:24 AM.~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No MossTags: None
I think we're mostly done shopping. I went list crazy in November and we got most of it via Amazon. I'm at the shopping stage now of buy one for you/one for me.Really, I'm mostly done.
I'm really excited about my big gift for my mom. When she visited, she brought a removable drive with all of her China pics. I secretly copied them onto my computer and used Blurb to make her an album of her trip. It took ages and was a labor of love. I ordered it finally last week and I'm so excited about it. It's a gift she will not expect and she will love! DH has been harder to buy for and so I've struggled with his stuff a little ... but all of the kids are done (as soon as dh hits send on his Amazon basket).
We still haven't gotten a tree, so that's on our radar for this week. I haven't decorated at all either. I need to get on that.
My mom is coming this year again for Xmas so that's my only guest. I look forward to having her.
I'm really feeling peaceful/calm about the holidays because I got it all done early. My goal over the next week is to start wrapping and get that out of the way before Christmas Eve.~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
That photo album is a great idea! Very original and personal. We did a bunch of shopping this weekend and I think I'm done with my mom, brother/SIL, MIL/FIL, and SIL/BIL. I need to pick up one gift card, and I still need to find something for my dad and his wife. They are always impossible to shop for because they don't have many hobbies and interests. I'll probably go with something consumable for them, gourmet foods or the like. I just started wrapping last night and need to pick up some bows and shipping boxes and send them out this week.
We are not having any guests for Christmas, and we're not going anywhere. DH will have about 2 days off, so we're just going to take it easy and cook a nice meal. I'll take a few additional days off to use up the PTO I can't roll over, and I'll probably just nest and read.Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.