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The Offical 'My Crazy Stories' Thread

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  • The Offical 'My Crazy Stories' Thread

    I'm having a blast doing this with someone else on another website...and it seemed like something that would be fun to do here. We're sort of free-associating our craziest stories....

    So here's one of mine to start :

    I took bareback riding in Germany when I was in the 3rd grade. I loved horses and...I used to walk across a plank that was about 2 feet above hay mixed patties. On more than one occasion my mom had to drive me home smelling less than fresh

    But I digress....

    Anyway, I was standing up on the horse's back one day (fearless soul that I was) and a truck drove by on the street and began blowing it's horn...the horse became startled and pulled back and I went flying through the air and was actually caught by the horse-back riding instructor who then fell to the ground himself.

    My mom didn't let me take another lesson after that!!!


    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    WOW that IS crazy! I'll have to think about this topic.... I'm pretty tame



    • #3
      My room-mate from college picked me up from the Baltimore train station. I was going to spend the night at her house and then she'd take me to BWI Airport on her way to work. We were going around this twisting turning road and out ran a HUGE raccoon. There was no place to pull over as there was no side to the road and there was an on-coming car so she scouldn't swerve.

      So, poor Rocky Raccon was hit- and it was really gross and we screamed and got all wigged out like girls do. "You get out and look", "No, you go it's your car" sort of thing. So we decided to not look and just keep going; getting the Heebie-Jeebies every few seconds.

      We wre a few milessz down the road and suddenly there was a pop and flying out of the the wheel-well of her left back wheel was the charred smoking remains of Rocky and then there was a POP and her tire went flat. So between laughing hysterically at the completely bizarre situation and getting totally grossed out- we were a mess. I just turned to her as we looked at the smoking remains and said "see, that's what happens when you smoke", which of course sent us into another round of laughing so hard we had tears streaming down our faces.

      To seal the utter wierdness of the night though was when the AAA guy cam to change the tire, (we were in NO way going near that tire/wheel area!) he told us that never in his 6 years ofchanging tires had he seen a tire explode from that partiular reaason (dead raccoon stuck, tire not moving). and then, somehow we got on to the fact that his mother worked at a homeless shelterand my room-mate from college ended up cleaning out all of the clothes she had accumulated in the back of her car with the intention of going to Goodwill- right there with the AAA guy.

      What a bizarre night.

      We have always had truly bizarre events with each other- in fact, wecall them Jenn and Carin Days because strange things happen when we're together!


