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Happy Easter Everyone!

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  • Happy Easter Everyone!

    And at the risk of throwing anyone off of their diets who is still trying to diet right now

    What's for easter dinner?

    We're having leg of lamb!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: Happy Easter Everyone!

    Originally posted by PrincessFiona
    We're having leg of lamb!
    Now, why am I not surprised???

    I guess you found a recipe


    • #3
      Kris -
      You'll have to let us know how the Lamb turns out .
      We're having ham that I found for 1/2 price at Meijers, and any other things that I can scrounge up that we have here because I refuse to go to the store one more time today!! Here, Easter dinner will consist of me sweating in the kitchen to try to make everything perfect, while juggling my very-clingly kids, only to have dh come out from studying for maybe a total of 20 minutes to eat, and then dissapear to study more while I deal with all of the clean up . (Can you tell, I'm just a WEE bit bitter right now??). He's taking step II next week, and I am barely holding on by my teeth by now!!

      Jen B.
      P.S. The kids do have some fun easter baskets, though (thank heaven for the dollar store!!) The joy of having them be so young is that 1) I don't have to dye easter eggs alone with them - they use eggs more for 'balls' then anything else... and 2) I don't have to be secretive in being the Easter Bunny - I can have them in the store with me, get their toys, let them play with them, and STILL have them be surprised to find them in the easter baskets . Ahhh, the small joys of toddlerhood...


      • #4
        You know we were going to have lamb shanks, but we couldn't find any. It reminded me of your story. We couldn't sell it to the kids anyway--they were horrified. We will be having roast chicken, a potato and turnip gratin, asparagus, salad and fresh rolls, followed by devils food cake with chocolate-caramel frosting and an apple tart with cinnamon whipped cream. No diet for me, obviously!

        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          Yikes, am I supposed to cook something special tomorrow? I think we are having grilled chicken salad, I didn't even think about making ham or anything. It's just our little family, though, so luckily nobody has high expectations.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Originally posted by SueC
            Yikes, am I supposed to cook something special tomorrow?
            I know! This week has been so crazy I had forgotten about planning much for Easter. Luckily we remembered to get stuff for an easter basket for Bryn. We had Passover seder with friends on Tuesday, so I guess that was more of a celebratory meal.
            We had planned to have dinner with my mom but we are just exhausted. So, she went to my mom's to spend the night and we went out for sushi.
            Angie -- your dinner sounded great!


            • #7
              I cooked a half Passover half Easter dinner today. We were away on Monday & Tuesday so missed Passover (Jory's holiday). Today I made the following (please don't laugh) to include Easter & Passover.

              Ham & potatoe salad
              Gefilte fish,horseradish & kugel
              Grilled salmon
              matzoh ball soup
              deviled eggs
              steamed asparagus
              Apple Walnut desert (so good & soooooo easy)

              It was really a nice dinner. My husband, his son and one of my daughters.

              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

