Yeah, I know that everyone's heart gets lost to that ball of fluff. She's adorable.
Eight weeks is totally fine, seven is now considered too young but eight and older is pretty much your discretion about whether you trust yourself or the breeder to socialize them as you'd like. You might consider seeing if you know anyone with a calm, dog-polite adult to play with her regularly, I hear that is the best way to give them perfectly timed feedback on whether their biting is getting too rough.
And also enroll in a good puppy kindergarten ASAP, don't wait for all her shots. But not one in a big box store, look for a APDT trainer.
I think the sire of the litter I'm considering is in this video: <-- warning, insane poodle puppy cuteness.

I think the sire of the litter I'm considering is in this video: <-- warning, insane poodle puppy cuteness.