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Kids say...

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  • Kids say...

    ...Ok, I know we have had this topic up here before, but I have had some good ones lately and thought I would share.

    A couple weeks ago we were cleaning the house. Drew(4yr) was helping and doing very well. I asked him to please pick up another small toy to take back to his room. He stopped in his tracks and turns to me and with a dead serious look on his face says ' I have only got two hands'.....sure, he had something in each hand, but I guess I just didn't understand how hard it was to carry a hot wheels car AND a stuffed elephant!

    Then last night we were sitting down to dinner and talking about his day at school. He was telling us about some of his friends and their adventures of the day. Then, and this is the great part, he tells us 'that if you say God's name he will be in Pennsylvania'....after a minute of silence to ponder this miracle, should it happen...both Gretchen and I had to literally bite our lips to keep from laughing so hard. What was meant was not to use God's name in vane....close enough, right?!

    Three days ago, we were playing in the house....Ok, we were running in the house. I was chasing him around and he was laughing and even the baby was in a good mood. As I grabbed Drew, he moved just enough that he ran into the breakfast counter. He wasn't crying but was hurt. I asked him what hurt and he raises his shirt and says, 'Oooh, I hurt my ribbons, right here below my pimple.' He was showing me his RIBS below his NIPPLE. Ah, another medical person in the making!

  • #2
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      Your kids sound so adorable! I love that age. I have a 4 yr old too. Never a dull moment. Thanks for sharing, I was laughing out loud at each of the stories.


      • #4


        • #5
          Those are funny, Matt.

          I've got a recent one......

          We used to keep our digital scale in our bathroom, but one of our cats kept lying on it throughout the day and running down the batteries, so I moved it out. Yesterday, Nathan (2.5) came into the bathroom and asked me where the "stepping O" was.....I had no idea what that meant, but since the scale was the only thing missing, I pointed to it (in our adjoining bedroom) and asked if that is what he meant. He said yes and after I thought about it, I figured he had come up with a pretty good name for it....after all, what happens when a 2 year old "steps" on to the scale and then back off? He sees an "O", or a zero. Sadly, in his enthusiasm about finding his stepping O, he jumped on it several times and broke it I think. Either that, or I only weigh 5 pounds. Oh well.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Pretty funny! You guys should write all of this down so your kids can read about their funnies when they get bigger.

            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7

              Great stories! I agree-- write them down for later!



              • #8
                My oldest DD who is 6 and is going through the paranoia of Spring weather, which is nothing here in Ohio compared to Texas has filled our 3 yr old with too many ideas. The other day the 3 yr old came running to me very upset about the big "Tomato" that was going to spin our house around.


                • #9
                  A few weeks ago, DH's car wasn't starting. We explained to Bryn that we needed to get it repaired. She thought we should get a new car...and suggested a SOB. A SUV? No, dad, a SOB.
                  (I do occasionally swear in front of her, but SOB isn't really part of my swearing vocab.)

                  When Anna was born, we had her bring some "big sister" gifts to Bryn. One gift was the Mary Poppins DVD. Bryn thought this was pretty cool. Yesterday she asked if we could have another baby. Why? She wants the next baby to bring her the Finding Nemo DVD.


                  • #10
                    You guys make me want to have children now! Too bad we're waiting ... a while ... maybe until med school is done ... *sad face*.


                    • #11
                      I've been meaning to post this one for a few days now. My son Steven has taken to having "Jesus Loves Me" as one of the lullabies at night, after I sang it to them 1 time or so. He liked the tune, caught the words, then started to demand the "Cheez-It" song. Now he's got "Jesus" down instead of "Cheez-It", but it kinda shows where our teaching has been for the last 8 months or so of verbal development...

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #12
                        Those are funny....

                        Out of the blue a couple of days ago, my son started asking what would happen if one of us ate Molly (our australian shepherd's) boogars 8O He badgered my husband all night about it...would you get an infection? Would you die? Turns out Molly ate some of his cookies and slobbered on them but he just brushed the rest off and ate them...and Amanda told him that he was going to die of a terrible infection.

                        Too much infectious disease talk in our house

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                        • #13

                          What did we do for entertainment before kids?

                          Recently, my four year old son asked if his baby would pop out of my mouth or my penis.

                          He really believes that part of his Now I lay me down to sleep prayers include the words: a soda to keep. (soul to keep)

                          And like Trisha's daughter, my son is always talking about "Tortados" after seeing the Wizard of Oz.

                          And with the innocence of a four year old, he often describes people with brutal and yet innocent honesty. "Mom, the Captain Crunch cereal is in the aisle near the fat lady." Or "When you no longer have a big fat belly, can you come play in the tubes (at the playground) with me."

                          I hate to chide him for his honesty, but he has no idea how hurtful these comments are.

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            The other day I gave my four kids some peanut butter cookies I had made. I was telling them that they had to eat them so that I wouldn't. My oldest then started talking about too much of a good thing being bad. Well, my twins picked up on this and began going through everything that could be bad if too much of it was eaten. Suddenly one of them perks up and cries out, "MOM! That means if we eat too many vegetables it is a really, really bad thing!!!" She wishes.

                            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                            With fingernails that shine like justice
                            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                            • #15
                              My brother called the STP Gas Treetment "Bee-Joe-Key". No wonder he wasn't an English major. (he also had an imaginary friend named Jerry Jelly who was a race car driver. Jerry's mechanic was named Jim)


