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earliest childhood memories?

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  • earliest childhood memories?

    How far back can you remember?

    What do you remember?

    I remember watching my mom put on makeup at her vanity and her asking me how old I was and her helping me fashion my fingers to hold up three fingers.

    I remember sincerely believing I could fly but was afraid of my power and that I might not be able to control it and fly off one day. I can remember swing around on poles and realizing that this might accidentally throw me into flying which I couldn't control. I decided not to swing around on poles anymore to be safe. I was afraid of floating off the Earth but believed I could "control it" by being careful. I think there is a veritable gold mine of therapy talk right there. By the way, heights remain my biggest fear.

    Anyhoo, what is your earliest memory?
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I remember being in a park with my little brother in a playpen, I was around 3 1/2 years old.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      I have a very distinct memory of Halloween when I was 3 or so. At the time, my parents ran a group home for boys. There were about eight teenage boys who were in essentially foster care in the house at any given time. For Halloween that year they rigged a pulley system up from a second story bedroom window down to a low hanging tree branch and had a ghost that they would float down to the tick or treaters. Complete with scary music.

      I also have a clear memory of one of the boys who had a bicentennial liberty bell bank. I think I still have it somewhere.


      • #4
        I think I was about 3. We were at a family reunion at a state park, and my mom went to get my sister and me a drink. I decided a few seconds later that I wanted to go with her. (I distinctly remember the thought process: "I always do what my sister wants to do. She wants to stay, so I choose to go with Mama!") I wandered off in the direction I thought she went, and nobody noticed. I ended up at the road. Someone was walking and found me, and I was crying too hard to tell them anything, so they carried me. A truck came by, and they passed me off to them. I rode with them to, I think, a convenience store, where I was still bawling. I think my parents found me there - I don't remember for sure.

        As scared as I remember being, it makes me sick to think now of what my mom was going through. So glad it turned out just fine! I don't really have any more clear memories until I was 4, but I think the getting lost story stands out because of the intense fear I felt and my mom retelling it (although she didn't know about the people on the way to the store or why I walked off, so I know at least some of it is my memory).
        Last edited by ladymoreta; 11-28-2015, 07:37 AM.
        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


        • #5
          I remember being 4, and singing in the annual Christmas concert at my school. I don't think I remember being 3. :/

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
          Professional Relocation Specialist &
          "The Official IMSN Enabler"


          • #6
            I very clearly remember standing in front of our family horse and he was nuzzling my hair/head. I was 2.5-3 years old. Go figure, my first memory is horse related. Lol

            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~
            ~three munchkins 10,11,12~
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              My first memory is fairly negative and it involves an episode with my dad when he was angry.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Garden at grandparents' old place, around 3. After that thinfs get clearer but in bits and pieces.

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                • #9
                  I remember watching a fire truck raise by from an upstairs window when I was 2 going on 3. I thought my dad was very brave because he drove after them and actually talked to one of them. I didn't realize yet that they are the ones who put the fires out.


                  • #10
                    I like this thread! So interesting!
                    I remember standing in my parents kitchen and trying to reach the Doritos on the counter. It's interesting bc my parents still live in the same house and now the counters seem so small, but at the time I could not reach those Doritos! My older brother was eating them, and for many years I always wanted to do and like what he was into. My mom says she didn't like us to have Doritos when we were younger due to the pointy edges.

                    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                      I think I was about 3. We were at a family reunion at a state park, and my mom went to get my sister and me a drink. I decided a few seconds later that I wanted to go with her. (I distinctly remember the thought process: "I always do what my sister wants to do. She wants to stay, so I choose to go with Mama!") I wandered off in the direction I thought she went, and nobody noticed. I ended up at the road. Someone was walking and found me, and I was crying too hard to tell them anything, so they carried me. A truck came by, and they passed me off to them. I rode with them to, I think, a convenience store, where I was still bawling. I think my parents found me there - I don't remember for sure.

                      As scared as I remember being, it makes me sick to think now of what my mom was going through. So glad it turned out just fine! I don't really have any more clear memories until I was 4, but I think the getting lost story stands out because of the intense fear I felt and my mom retelling it (although she didn't know about the people on the way to the store or why I walked off, so I know at least some of it is my memory).
                      I also wandered off from a playground once, we were being babysat by our neighbors, and I just wandered off lost in my own thoughts. I've always been a daydreamer!

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                      • #12
                        I don't have many early childhood memories, which is odd because I do have a good memory, at least I did, before I turned 40. I don't think life was easy for my teenage parents or myself. It's funny how the mind works and what it blots out.


                        • #13
                          I have a couple memories at age 3. One a man was doing magic tricks on my front porch and another one was being terrified of my grandfathers friend dressed as a clown.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            I think my earliest memory is age 3. My grandpa was on the porch and I remember running up behind him to give him a hug. He had Alzheimer's and freaked out and started yelling at me. Aside from that I think I have some from 4 or 5 about kindergarten, going to the ED from getting a bunch of glass in my feet, and having my dad remove the stitches on our dining room table.


                            • #15
                              I distinctly recall being swarmed by a flock of hungry ducks during a picnic in the park. Just as a duck snatched a peanut butter cracker out of my hand, I saw my red and blue sneakers leave the ground as someone lifted me from behind and began to run with me (rescuing me from the ducks). When I repeated this memory to my mom a while ago, she said that I was a toddler at the time. She was hugely pregnant with my brother who was born when I was about 20 months old. She and the other moms had taken a group of toddlers to the park for a picnic and just as they laid out lunch, we were attacked by some very aggressive ducks. My mom had sat down on the blanket and was too big to get up quickly so another mom had grabbed me.

                              I remember my mom being on bed rest for part of that same pregnancy. My grandmother had moved in with us to look after me.

                              I remember having the measles when I was 3yo. My parents put a tv in my room and my dad brought me a new stuffed animal every night. I had to enter the doctor's office through the back door and all the office staff would fuss over me. My great aunts visited and my mom brought them into my room when she thought I was sleeping to show them my rash.

                              I remember seeing my youngest brother for the first time. It was my 4th birthday. He was born the day before. We went to see my mom at the hospital and stopped at the nursery on the way. They held him in front of the window; he was not swaddled. He was skinny and screaming himself red. My other brother wasn't quite tall enough to see into the window and he tried to kick my father so he would lift him. I was anxious to see mommy and didn't understand why we stopped to look at that ugly baby. We had to wait for her in an institutional looking waiting room. She came out in a red robe and gave my brother and I big ziplock bags filled with a plastic shofar and candy "for a sweet new year". It was just before Rosh Hashanah.
                              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

