I'm putting this in Grand Rounds so feel free not to add too much detail if you don't want, but what feelings does this day evoke for you?
It was an insanely emotional ride for us. I was a few weeks pregnant and hadn't even told my family yet. So I was learning where my first child would be born, and whether I would be close enough to family to let my baby get to know them in its first years. We got unexpected results, so we had to take a few minutes to process that, and then start calling family, figuring out how to share all the news at once. It seemed like everyone we knew got exactly the result they expected, so we felt really alone and skipped all the after-Match festivities. But by the next day we were ready to face our new adventure.
The "PTSD" tension is less each year, as I look around at our beautiful family and idyllic life and wonder what I was so worried about.
But I'm not sure it will ever be gone for good...
It was an insanely emotional ride for us. I was a few weeks pregnant and hadn't even told my family yet. So I was learning where my first child would be born, and whether I would be close enough to family to let my baby get to know them in its first years. We got unexpected results, so we had to take a few minutes to process that, and then start calling family, figuring out how to share all the news at once. It seemed like everyone we knew got exactly the result they expected, so we felt really alone and skipped all the after-Match festivities. But by the next day we were ready to face our new adventure.
The "PTSD" tension is less each year, as I look around at our beautiful family and idyllic life and wonder what I was so worried about.
