Let me preface this statement with the idea that this is not factual in any way...just a hunch I have!!!
The first thing that comes to mind is "balance????" Whatever he decides to do will be time consuming and full time most likely. To have another "part time" job sounds suspicious to me like most docs who, "want to have it all."
I hope some people with actual experience write you back. I'm now curious and a bit skeptical that this is not just more time away from the family.
PS Not to imply that your hubby would do this on purpose but I too am married to an optimist who truly thinks he can be a husband, dad, do all the house projects, bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan!!! We've both come to realize that time together is a very valuable commodity -- one that will be at the top of his list when he is looking for jobs after training!!! Time as a family will come before his personal preference professionally, and before money. Just a few added thoughts. Good luck!
The first thing that comes to mind is "balance????" Whatever he decides to do will be time consuming and full time most likely. To have another "part time" job sounds suspicious to me like most docs who, "want to have it all."
I hope some people with actual experience write you back. I'm now curious and a bit skeptical that this is not just more time away from the family.
PS Not to imply that your hubby would do this on purpose but I too am married to an optimist who truly thinks he can be a husband, dad, do all the house projects, bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan!!! We've both come to realize that time together is a very valuable commodity -- one that will be at the top of his list when he is looking for jobs after training!!! Time as a family will come before his personal preference professionally, and before money. Just a few added thoughts. Good luck!