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Summer Plans?

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  • Summer Plans?

    Alright...make me jealous...Is anyone doing something exciting?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    The only thing we have planned is a road trip to North Carolina at the end of this month. Friends of ours live there (husband is a med school classmate of my husband's) and we're going to visit. We're renting a beach house and playing in the water, so I'm really looking forward to it. Other than that, we're staying close to home and will probably do different local summer festivals and things like that. Hopefully others have more fun things planned!!

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      After boards which are on the 10th we are going to Nevada for a week.
      I have to come back and work but I also took a long weekend the fourth of july week since that is the time before he starts his rotations. So for the month of june we are just going to be with each other and spend some long over due QT together.. the rest of the summer is busy with picnics and visiting friends on the weekends for me.. OH yay.. summer has finally arrived and I have summer fever so so bad


      • #4
        Well, we're having a baby! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going.

        We just got back from Tennessee and this will be the last that I'm allowed to travel pre-baby. DS is going home to both of his grandmas' for a 10 day extended family visit in late July. (Yes our four year old really gets around.)

        That's about it here.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Well, we just got back from Florida. Let me say I will never drive that far with 2 little ones again. If it hadn't been for the DVD player, I would have gone crazy. That coupled with the fact that we were ran off the highway in Kentucky by an 18 wheeler and ended up flying down the grassy median at 65 mph. Thank the Lord that DH has a 4wd pickup and was paying attention. If we had been in my car we would have rolled it I am certain.

          Destin was fun and the outlet mall was even more fun. I thought I had died and went to heaven when I found the Dooney and Bourke outlet store( my bad habit). The girls loved the beach and the condo was fabulous. If anyone ever needs a good place to stay if the visit Destin I will hook you up with this couple, they are wonderful.

          Plans for the rest of the summer include having my sons up from Texas for 2 weeks in July and hitting the water park in Columbus and Six Flags world of Adventure in Cleveland. If all goes according to plan than DH and I will be taking a romatic trip for two!!! YES I SAID TWO WOOHOO!, to Napa for my B-day in late August.


          • #6
            Summer's my hibernation time--it's HOT as blazes here already. I'll be taking afternoon siestas, reading, training our new puppy, walking the dogs after dark, making salsa from the tomatoes in my garden, and faithfully taking my progesterone therapy in hopes of getting pregnant!


            • #7
              Working, working, working.

              And as usual, they're starting the trend of sending us hot places in the summer. I never made it below the Mason-Dixon Line this winter, so it follows that I'll be boiling all summer. We're thinking of taking a trip to London in the fall.

              Of course, living in DC- there's always a ton to do so we often play tourists in our own home town. We also are having fun planning the decorating of the new place!



              • #8
                Sounds like you guys will have a great summer! We are so excited for our upcoming vacation in July. We totally went out of our element and rented a beach house for a week in Charleston, SC. Neither of us have been there before and haven't vacationed since our honeymoon 4 years ago. We have a week of vacation in August that I am hoping to spend part of it in northern Michigan. Otherwise we will be hanging out at our neighborhood pool and probably will have to hit my in-laws house for a visit sometime.

                It is already hot here!



                • #9
                  Originally posted by jloreine
                  Working, working, working.

                  And as usual, they're starting the trend of sending us hot places in the summer. I never made it below the Mason-Dixon Line this winter, so it follows that I'll be boiling all summer. Jenn
                  Have they ever sent you to Phoenix in August? I got that lucky assignment once--got to spend a week there to set up a new office. 108+ every day. At night I'd swim in the hotel's outdoor pool--which felt like bathwater, and my eyeballs felt like they were sizzling every time I came out of the water. I hear it's nice in the winter, though! 8O


                  • #10
                    HEY!! Some of us LIVE in Phoenix! It's not that bad after about 3 summers...We are just starting our 9th year here. And believe it when they tell you it is a DRY heat so it is not as bad as it sounds. Am I convincing? And the winters ARE great!!!


                    • #11
                      I spent two weeks in Phoenix in August on a last minute business trip. A two or three day trip turned into two weeks. Anyway....I really wished that I had packed some shorts and skirts! I truly thought I might melt when walking across pavement.

