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It's Friday the 13th

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  • It's Friday the 13th

    Are you superstitious? I think we have had a similar thread before...but do you notice it is Friday the 13th? Avoid stepping on sidewalk cracks?

    I think I had more superstitions years ago but now I am too tired to remember or notice them. I did have a lucky mechanical pencil and eraser that I used for exams in college. If I didn't have it with me, I didn't hyperventilate or anything, but was sort of in a groove of writing and erasing with it.

  • #2
    You don't have a space I don't give a rat's arse! I have never been superstitious in my life.


    • #3
      Look again -- done.


      • #4
        Huh, didn't even occur to me that it was Friday, OR Friday the 13th. When I was a kid, it was a big deal...I was never really superstitous but it was a fun day, kinda like Halloween.


        • #5
          Yeah--I didn't notice until this evening that it was Fri the 13th (and I am generally a little superstitious).
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            I used to have fun with it with my friends (scary movie, etc), but I also didn't realize it until they mentioned it on the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

            Now, DH, on the other hand, had quite the ER night, to which he could only say "It was Friday the 13th in every way!!" He was supposed to get off his shift at 11:00 pm, but didn't get out until 12:45 am (and that was just because a new attending took pity on him, since he had to be back bright and early the next morning to go again, and sent him home). The cheif resident left early in the evening, and the attending 'disappeared' for the last FIVE hours of the night, so DH got left alone (in his intern year, only 3 weeks into the internship!) with a bunch of "bizarre-Friday-the-13th-cases" and a psycho nurse (DH is ALWAYS Very complimentary of nurses, he knows the bad wrap they usually get, so to have him describe a nurse like that tells me that she REALLY WAS psycho!!).

            When he was describing the cases to me, I started laughing right out loud, because they truly were completely out-of-this-world bizarre!! That got him laughing, so at least it broke the tension just a little bit. I told him they needed to film that night for an episode of "E.R."

            Needless to say, we were happy to go to sleep and have the day be DONE!!

            Jen B.


            • #7
              I'm not generally superstitious, but we had a hellacious night in the ER. I was supposed to be off at 11:30, but didn't get home until 2:45am.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

