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Let's catch up!!!!!

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  • #16
    It's great to catch up with everyone.

    Things here are going well...the pregnancy has kept me very busy and I feel like my free time is dwindling...this is just the beginning, right? Between work, working out, errands, socializing and baby shopping, it seems like every minute is full. And I've never been happier!!!

    We just sent out a bunch of CVs for DH and I am so excited about the prospect of him getting a real job, moving and buying a house. Plus our little one will be with us in a few months! (See more news in Parenting about that.)

    We're off to Boston for the big ID meeting next week. DH will have a poster on display and I'm going for the fun of it...there's a few museums I want to hit plus one of my best friends lives there and we have family there. It should be fun, if not chilly. It's so cool and breezy here in DC.

    Happy almost fall, everyone!


    • #17
      I missed everyone and this website while it was down. It is also nice to catch up on what you guys have been up to lately.

      We haven't been that busy, but we have no time. Does that sound familiar? We had visits from in-laws (my MIL in usual form), trips to my hometown for a college football game (we lost) and to visit with a close friend who just moved back home. Now I miss home (Michigan).

      The biggest deal around here is that we are preparing for our girls to turn three years and one year. I am excited, yet sad! My baby isn't an infant anymore. She has learned to cruise, climb stairs and pull herself up on stuff all within a week. Any free time I had was just lost. Plus, our nearly 3 year old has entered the trying 3's with flying colors becoming more independent, demanding and quite the drama queen and a challenge for mom. We also lost a family pet unexpectedly. We were very sad to have experienced this sudden loss. DH is preparing for a board exam next month so he has been freaking out and studying a lot which definitely stresses me out!

      Sally, I am excited for your husband's job and move to Indiana!



      • #18
        I have really missed it here! And I loved reading about what's going on with everybody. We are busy (as usual) with crazy work hours and a very active near 1 year old. I can't believe our baby is really not a baby anymore. The latest is that she stands up without holding onto anything (usually with several things in her hands ) and then she looks around to make sure somebody sees her--all the while with a HUGE snaggle-toothed grin! I still work full time as a cardiac surg ICU nurse. DH is really busy in the lab with research/deadlines for papers. My MIL and SIL are also coming in a week to celebrate Keelin's birthday.

        It was great to hear what everybody is up to! Thanks for all the hard work on the website, Kris!



        • #19
          I so missed this site while it was gone (and when it was back since being the dork that I am I have been hanging out at the old site ).
          Anyhow, Mitchell just turned 5 months, is eating baby food, rolling, belly laughing at just about anything his sisters do, etc. He is a great baby, though he really isn't into napping during the day. At night he sleeps great, doesn't really wake up ever.
          The girls are back in parent's day out and I've got Sydney in one day less than Maya so we're getting some good one on one time (I still have the baby, but we're doing activiteis totally centered around Syd). She's a trip and I'm having a great time hanging out with her. Maya had a little trouble adjusting to preschool starting up (she was really shy even though it's the same teacher and she had her one day a week last summerm in mother's day out).
          DH has been moonlighting more (yipee!) and we are enjoying having a little extra pocket change. He's got boards coming up so I expect him to start cramming soon.
          I've been running again which feels great. I have to get up at 5:15 to do it, but I am much happier when I've gotten a run in. I think I'm going to run a half marathon in November, but I'm keeping my expectations pretty low.
          My hypothyroid dog has lost 5 lbs. now that he is on meds and running with me, so I'm pleased as punch about that!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #20
            I have REALLY been out of it... The baby sleeps in our room,which is where we have the computer, and like I have time... Anyway, Luke is now 4 months old, sleeps through the night sometimes, and when he doesn't, like last night, DH offers to "give him a bottle" which means Luke slurps it down and then cries until I nurse him to sleep, in our bed... This little game has played out several times during the past few weeks...

            Anyway, the twins are potty trained ( )! It took about 2 days for both of them, but that's not to say there are never any accidents... But the accidents are rare... They are starting all sorts of activities during the week, including MDO, MOPS, etc. All those neat acronym type of deals.

            Kate is in 3rd grade and we have been struggling majorly to get that child to do her math homework. She fights it so much, and Mac and I just don't get it. Math was SOOO easy for us... How can one live without Algebra? Let alone without even knowing her basic math facts!!!!???? Oh well...

            I have been going crazy with our schedule, keeping the baby safe from the twins, and just everything else... I really wish I had more time to check in here and post, etc.... I think it will get better, perhaps...

            Mac is enjoying his classes so far. This year he goes to school from early AM Monday thru Saturday, comes home each night at about 5:30, and on Saturday he's home by 4:30. Sunday's are super-busy for us, b/c we have church then AWANA at night, so there really is no relaxing time. Anyway, he is doing well in his classes-- he got an A on his first Path exam, and he usually gets B's on everything, so he's pretty happy... I find myself less enthusiastic, of course. Just exhausted...

            Anyway, it's GREAT to read what is going on with everyone!!! I love this forum

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #21
              I too, have been out of it for quite a long time.

              During the summer we sold our house, moved into a 1000sq ft apartment, rented two storage units (evidently, I can't figure how much stuff we REALLY have!). Then we bought a house in FL, without even seeing first! Talk about trusting your real estate agent....DW is a hard sell and she spent six days with the agent so she had a very good idea when Gretchen left without a house.
              Also, we had another round of seizures with Colton. Poor kid had to go through more bloodwork and more drugs before we finally got him under control, one month later. We also had him in for another set of tests (Jenn-ask Rick what he knows about a MEG scan.)...a MEG scan is a "new technology" scan, that insurance WON'T pay for. A Dr for KU was doing a research project and Colton was placed on his study and we had the scan within a week. The also did an EEG and an MRI that same day. They take the results of the tests and superimpose them on top of each other to tell how where and how deep into the brain the seizures are happening. At least, that is the way I understood it...I could be wrong. The final results are still not available and we had that test on the 2nd of August.
              We moved to FL on the 24th of August, it was a pretty good move. We got hit, indirectly (within about 60 miles of the eye) by Hurrican Ivan. We had sustained winds here in the 60-70mph range, and some gusts near 95mph. Now we are just getting ready for DW to start working, Oct 4th and just taking it as easy as we can....oh yeah, we are painting and trying to strip wallpaper too.....btw, thanks Luanne for the tip on Downy to loosen the paper....I read that over at the old page when I was talking to myself.


              • #22
                Matt, keep us posted on little Colton. That poor kid. Do they have any idea whatsoever what is going on with him? How is he doing otherwise?

                I'm glad to hear that you guys made it through the storm okay. I hear Jeanne is headed towards Florida, I don't know if it's in your direction or not.

                Definitely keep Upstate NY at the backs of your minds. Beautiful area. Here is the site for the office I was telling you about:

