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seriously how are your...

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  • seriously how are your...


    I am pretty good at saying thank-you. I try not to interrupt people when they are talking, I do sometimes though just cuz I like to talk. I always through garbage in the can on the street, well unless it blows out of the kids stroller and I don't feel like running into traffic to get it. I try not to chew with my mouth open and I always hold a door. My super duper manner though is I always leave a hotel room very clean, I even strip the sheets, can't help it I feel bad for the cleaning lady. But I have some manners that could use brushing up on...

    I need to watch my mouth, sometimes those naughty words kind of fly out. Too pushy, I like to have things planned so I know exactly what is going on and some people are more relaxed about it. Oh and once in awhile I scurry away (especially in the grocery store) from my own left-cheek-sneak. I'm sure there is more...

  • #2
    I'm perplexed--what is a left cheek sneak?
    I think my manners are pretty good, but I do have a problem with accidentally interrupting sometimes. I attribute that to liking to talk as well--I find myself waiting for a pause so I can interject my little point and don't always pick the right pause.
    I'm good about please, thank you, excuse me, etc.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      LOL, the left cheek sneak took me a few minutes!!!!! I hope it is a fart or I'm really out of it.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        That is too funny, Kristen. I've never heard that expression! It reminds me of a funny story though.

        We were at Wal-Mart waiting to pick up our pics and there was a huge line. We had already been walking around for an hour and the kids were with we finally just stood over with all of the other people waiting. Thomas ran into a colleague and the guy had just walked away (but was still within earshot) when Alex (age 5) walked behind Thomas and then screamed out "oooooh, FARTED!" Thomas turned 3 shades of red! I laughed my butt off!

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          That's it! Once the kids can speak, we're not going out in public!

          Kristen, I scurry away too. I like to think I have excellent manners, but I often interrupt even though I don't really mean to. I also tend to forget to ask people questions about themselves. Other than that, I think I'm pretty good.


          • #6
            I have zero tolerence for rudeness, particularly in the service sector and I find myself either extra nice or just as nasty back at them (which does nothing except ruin MY mood)

            I am extra picky about my husband's manners in social settings and I try to do everything "by the book".

            I DO tend to finish other people's sentences, but I think that's partially because of my undiagnosed ADHD (or the East Coast unbringing)- not that it's any less rude or annoying.

            I also have no patience for stupid or mean people, either.



            • #7
              I scurry away too

              Glad I'm not the only one...


              • #8
                I also tend to interrupt and not ask as many questions about the other person as I should. I have a very short fuse for poor service also, and really have to restrain myself in those situations.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."

