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what do I call my DH? resident, doctor, surgeon?

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  • #16
    Hmmm....Here it is what comes to mind:


    O.K., you're right, he signed up for this:


    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      This is kind of funny b/c Mac's family is really clueless about medical education, not that we haven't tried to explain it... They've been telling people for YEARS that he is a doctor... When he was in college, he went to a few summer programs for premed students. At that point they (my in laws) gave him his honorary degree, I guess... After he graduated college, I was over at his house one day and a distant relative or friend was visiting and had a health concern. My MIL had Mac check her heartbeat with a stethoscope he had lying around... Then she asked him his medical opinion... He has explained over and over the process, but to them, he's been a doctor ever since he said he wanted to be one--- that was when he was about 8 years old...

      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


      • #18
        Peggy, that is too funny! I, unfortunately get the exact opposite. My mother thinks he is still in medical school, makes comments such as "when he gets out of med school", "when he is a doctor" after I have told her 1000 times that he is a doctor, he HAS graduated from school and actually has a license...she STILL doesn't get it and makes the same comments all the time.
        I will call him INDENTURED SERVANT! Thanks Kelly, that is by far the most appropriate title for him!
        It really surprises me and saddens me to a certain degree that there is so much ignorance regarding medical education. There are too many stereotypes as well.
        I got this smart-ass comment by a crazy neighbor the other day, a neighbor that I hardly know...."How's life as a doctor's wife? It must be sooo difficult!" said with total sarcaism. It made me so mad, I just said, "It's NOT at all what you think" and walked into my house. That;s the last time I will nice to that B^#@%#!!!
        She must think I sit at home all day eating bon bons!!!


        • #19

          This whole thread has me nearly hysterical. Some people in my husband's family still think he is going to do heart surgery!!! He is a CARDIOLOGY fellow. He did an INTERNAL MEDICINE residency. How could his father possibly think he is still going to operate on hearts one day?!?!

          Every time I talk to my dad he asks how much longer DH has in his training. :thud: How many times must we go through this?


          • #20
            Yeah, my experience is similar to Julie's- everyone here knows what residents do. Any mention of "resident" or "med student" is met with "that must suck for you" or "so your boyfriend's insane, huh."

