had the flu or a GI bug yet? It sucks! DH was gone Sunday through Tuesday night for boards to come back to take call on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. I came down with the stomach flu on Wednesday night. It was the worst night of my life. I passed out twice and hit my head on the wall from being so dehydrated and weak. DH had to come home in the middle of the night to help me and take me to the ER the next morning for fluids. My neighbor came to stay with our kids while we went to the dr and when she saw me she asked if she could pray for me because I looked so bad.
It is going on the 4th day now and I am still very weak. It has never lasted this long before. In the meantime, my kids have come down with it and DH has a mild case but refuses to skip work. I have tons of laundry to do now.
Kids are so resilient! My 3 yr old just :
: and got right back up and asked where her food was.
Stay away from the flu if you can!

It is going on the 4th day now and I am still very weak. It has never lasted this long before. In the meantime, my kids have come down with it and DH has a mild case but refuses to skip work. I have tons of laundry to do now.
Kids are so resilient! My 3 yr old just :

Stay away from the flu if you can!