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Tag Lines

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  • Tag Lines

    I love reading all the great signature lines that you all have. Mine is downright boring.

    Perhaps we should be as honest with our tag lines as we are in our posts.

    Mine would read something like this:

    Mom to 4 y.o. boy and infant baby girl
    Wife of a surgeon with anger issues directed at surgical education
    Compulsive worrier
    Currently living a lifestyle that our income can not support
    Slightly OCD
    Current Adherent to Several Universal Principals including:
    "People Suck"

    What are you neglecting to add to your tag line?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Well that's easy:

    Soon to be mom of a small Russian for whom we will nearly freeze to death going to get.
    Proud Army wife of a peds neuro fellow, who lives in fear daily that he will be sent to Iraq.
    Overly sarcastic employee of the federal government, who needs to stop talking badly about the current administration on the federally provided phone and laptop...
    Mom to a totally neurotic dog and three of the meanest cats in earth. (although as all three cats were well into adulthood when they crashed my pad, I therefore declare no responsibility. the dog is another story)

    and, yes, People Suck



    • #3
      Mine would read something like this:
      Hello, my name is Matt, and I have an anti-addiction to cleaning my house. I spend too much time online. At any moment I could fall asleep. SAHD with two boys, who is giving thanks for preschool and nap time. Avid accounting/retirement/investing junkie without the diploma...yet.


      • #4
        How's this?

        part-time teacher/SAHM to three boys who completely exhaust me , aged 9, 6, and 3. Owner of Cameo, Sylvester, (cats) and Archie (schnoodle dog). Married for 14 years to an OB/Gyn word to the wise: not a family friendly specialty who will soon get out of the f***ing Air Force. Moving to Indiana in June, 2005 which can't come soon enough
        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          These are cracking me up!
          Timely, Kelly, since I was thinking of changing mind (especially in light of recent debate section posts).

          My tagline:

          Please be advised that the above was typed on the fly by a sarcastic, multi-tasking, distracted, sleep deprived mama to 2 girls and 1 lab. Spouse to derm resident who found a way to tack an extra two years onto the training process. Unemployed at present but simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed by an exciting career in home remodeling and estate and daily finance management. About to find out just how much it rains in the Pac NW during winter.


          • #6
            I'm lovin' these too! Keep 'em coming.....

            Mine would read:
            Wife of M3 (and if I hear ONE MORE time about how rich we will be b/c DH is a doc to be, I will LOSE it!)
            SAHM to 3 great kiddos ages (almost) 7 and under and like MAtt, am grateful for preschool and naptime
            part time job: explaining to everyone we know how he is doing ROTATIONS and is still a student, no, this is not his RESIDENCY, and no, we are not getting paid and we are not sure yet what kind of Dr. he will be
            wow! I sound rude.... 8)


            • #7
              These are cracking me up. Mine could be summed up in: Going f***ing crazy.


              • #8
                Mine's pretty boring too and could use some updating.

                Teetering on the edge of sanity, the slightest thing could push me over the edge.
                Whines way too much, but in fact has it pretty good with 3 cute kids and a dh that really loves and appreciates me.
                Used to be smart, but number of children inversely correlates to level of cognition.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  -Engaged to an M3 (six months until the wedding). Blissfully in love but frustrated at feeling half a step behind schedule in life.
                  -Illinois native with six years in New York. Both places have been a huge influence on me--I wish it were easier to make both places a positive influence on me.
                  -Production editor for a book publishing house. Could use a more challenging job but heck we're moving in a year and a half anyway.
                  -It really is never my intent to disrespect others with my posts.
                  Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                  Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                  “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                  Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                  • #10
                    I love it! You all make me laugh -- feels great!

                    27 year old serial planner (37 or 47 or 97)
                    Learning to live in the present and to buy myself more presents!
                    Probably more obsessive compulsive than not.
                    Grad student and full-time Ross Products employee.
                    Aunt and daughter who is trying to also be a girlfriend to a stressed out doc BF!
                    Told by Papa John's that I'm making quite a habit out of Monday night pizza (I can't tell you how embarrased I was but can't explain why!).
                    Desperate Housewives addict (seriously, I love it!).

                    That's me or at least the Reader's Digest version.

                    P.S. My 2 1/2 year old niece told me I am a "hot mess" completely out of the blue -- I fear she can read my mind!


                    • #11
                      Here's mine.........


                      32 year old overworked working mom to beautiful one year old who contracts every daycare germ, rash, cough, runny nose that there is; crazed wife of overachieving, forever-in-school DO husband who wants to ship his family to
                      California for a year

                      Full time RN to frequently ungrateful, rude, HUGE patients I can barely move but who forever want to be "repositioned" (I retract my last blog about how great my job is!)

                      Officially addicted to Starbucks (required for day to day survival)

                      Sex deprived but often too tired to care (and so is he) :!


                      • #12
                        These are fun.
                        Luanne, wife,mother,nurse.
                        DH is a triple boarded attending (Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care). Registered Nurse, work 1/2 Emergency Room and 1/2 Endoscopy, usually 24 hours a week. Two daughters 19 & 21 and step daughter 22 and step son 19. 2 dogs and 1 cat. Volunteer 4 hours per week at local Children's shelter (short term care while foster home or family member located). Owner of 75 year old house that need lots of work, frequent flyer at Home Depot. I'm getting tired. I love to cook, and if I win the lottery I'll open a restaurant.
                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                        • #13
                          Here's mine, I am stealing from everyone else and adding a few!
                          Wife of a surgeon with anger issues directed at surgical education
                          Compulsive worrier
                          Currently living a lifestyle that our income can not support
                          Sex deprived but often too tired to care (and so is he)
                          Teetering on the edge of sanity, the slightest thing could push me over.

                          Obsessing over how to balance our finances, work, home, health and our future in medicine....and how I can fit kids into it all.
                          Obsessing over how to bring home the bacon until DH can.
                          On the verge of giving DH the ultimatum: ME OR SURGERY


                          • #14
                            These are fun. Here's me:

                            Extreme Introvert learning to cope with and raise extremely extroverted daughter.
                            Will have a Masters Degree in Delayed Gratification by the time DH graduates from med school.
                            Worry Wart.
                            Stuck in the middle of a Q2 (overnight call) surgery rotation, keeping in touch with DH almost exclusively by phone calls limited (by overworked surgeons) to 2 minutes long.
                            Addicted to: Internet, most arts and crafts, and alpha-paging DH.
                            SAHM to one incredible 14 month old girl who I would do anything for.
                            Very happliy married to a wonderful man who I would do anything for (see above).


                            • #15
                              Forgive me if I accidentally plaguerize from any of you:

                              29 year old mom to four sweet children and pregnant with the fifth.
                              Tired wife of 9+ years to a radiology resident in his next-to-last year.
                              Frustrated wife of a man who serves two masters: his program and the military.
                              Finally overcoming the guilt of spending money on myself.
                              Ready to move to a place where I don't have to have such thick skin to survive psychologically.
                              Fearing the coming terrible winter (I'm a sunshine girl all the way).
                              Addicted to: Krispy Kremes, reading, sleeping (while pregnant)
                              Mom to two cats who think they're dogs and seem to be able to whine like little children.
                              Ready to live in a home that doesn't require complete remodeling to make it livable and safe.
                              Love my children - HATE pregnancy!!!!!!
                              Secretly wanting to be the world's most brilliant physicist (think Einstein)....

                              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                              With fingernails that shine like justice
                              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

