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  • #16
    6 hours at the very least! I usually try to get at least 7 1/2 hours....preferably 12 now that I'm pregnant! I have always been a good sleeper. When DH got home from work the other night, my head had just hit the pillow when he walked in the door. I heard the door open and was sound asleep before it closed!

    DH can manage to get by on as little as 3-4 hours of sleep. After a few days in a row of that, though, he turns into a zombie who will fall asleep anytime, anywhere.


    • #17
      :z In the summer I am an early bird up with the sun and in the winter I am dragging myself out of bed just in time to get the kids ready and (on time!) for school. I must have an internal alarm clock because I can tell myself, 'self, you need to get up at such and such time.' I will literally pop up out of bed at the exact time. It usually never fails me. (I am a freak..I know)

      regardless of when I get up I am useless until I have some coffee (about 3 cups) :coffee


      • #18
        I am a night owl so getting to sleep has never been easy. As an infant, I was cholicky and cried nightly until 1am. I find I am most awake at 11pm and sleep best in the early morning. Fast forward to two children, I have never felt more tired in my life. I am lucky to sleep through the night twice a week. I have learned to function on much less sleep, like 5 hours. I love naps and take them whenever I can. I feel great if I have 8 hour or more sleep.



        • #19
          The more sleep I get, the better. Especially when pregnant! A lot of mornings I have to get up for work at 5:30 a.m. and it's been brutal unless I go to bed at 9 p.m. Ideally I get 9 hours a night, but that doesn't happen all that often. Pre-pregnancy 6.5 was about the least I could get to function at all. Everyone keeps telling me to rest now and get lots of sleep but there is so much to do all the time that I don't really rest all that much!


          • #20
            I'm amazed how I can function on such little sleep since I had kids. I used to be a minimum 7 hour girl or WATCH OUT.

            Now when I have a new infant I can function on 5 or less. Continuous sleep is the key for me though so that's why I'm such a stickler about getting my kids to sleep well FAST.

            My daughter sleeps through the night no problem and so far I put Brendan down at 8:30 -- he cries for less than 10 minutes and sleeps until I wake him up at midnight to "reset" him by feeding him a light snack! Then he's down again at 12:45 at the latest, cries for less than 5 minutes (sometimes not at all) and sleeps until at least 7.

            The last week and a half this has worked like a charm but we'll see. No kid is predictable!!!

            I LOVE SLEEP but right now it is a low priority for me!
            Someday I will get to catch up on my sleep!!

            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


            • #21
              Flynn--just curious...kind of hijacking the thread a little. Are you bottlefeeding? I hope this isn't too personal a question. I just know my chest would have felt like two cement blocks if I didn't nurse Keelin more than once in the night when she was as little as your little guy. I know your supply is supposed to adjust and everything....just curious for future reference when we have a second child. Thanks.


              • #22
                I gradually wean the night feedings from about 4 weeks of age.

                We are down to 25 minutes start to finish (only one feeding at night) and we started at about 40 to 45. That's with a quick diaper change. So, no bottles at night -- just one after naptime to supplement and give me a break! My supply has adjusted and I've only been sore a handful of times and not lately.

                So far I was much more uncomfortable with my daughter (first chid) so I would guess that almost everything is easier the second time around. That's my experience anyway!

                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                • #23
                  Thanks for the info...I'm sure (I hope!) I'll feel "more seasoned" the second time around!

