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  • Costco

    Normally, I'm not a fan of the big box stores, but I LOVE Costco. I just ordered my Christmas cards -- they will be ready by noon tomorrow and cost at least $20 less than what I would have spent elsewhere.

    And....their laundry detergent is great and about 1/3 the cost of Tide, the kids love eating the samples as we cruise the store (what, not feed them lunch beforehand? ), and they have the big bottle of infant Tylenol you can't find just anywhere. Oh, and 5 lb bags of chocolate chips and Horizon chocolate milk in the little aseptic dealies. What else does a person need?

  • #2
    We've got a Costco just down the street from us! I started going there more frequently after our second child was born--you can't beat those extra large carts that'll seat two kids in front.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I love Costco, too!! Unfortunately, since we've moved, the nearest Costco is about 1 1/2 hours away so we only go there about once a month. We've been members for about 8 years and we have bought everything there from cameras and tvs to patio furniture and snorkel gear. We went through the Costco program to buy DH's car and we used their travel program to book a vacation. And we always buy our tires can't beat it when they have buy 3 get 1 free deals on tires!

      We actually bought my wedding ring from Costco! People always look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them this. Costco gave us an appraisal certificate that stated the ring's value was double what we paid. I really didn't believe it until we had the ring independently appraised for insurance purposes and it really did appraise for twice what we paid for it! The best part was there was no pressure when we bought it...unlike other jewerly stores.

      I know I'm just rambling on about Costco, but I absolutely love that place! The best thing about Costco is their no hassle return policy. They don't have any time limits on returns, except there is a 6-month return policy for computers. Even that is generous...especially considering computers are usually obsolete after a couple months with how fast technology advances.


      • #4
        I thought of another one -- they adjust my glasses for me!
        Most eyeglass stores will do that, but this way I don't have another stop to make.


        • #5
          Depending on your political leanings, this may be good or bad.

          In the last election cycle (2004), as far as political donations Price Club/Costco donated $225K, of which 99% went to democrats.

          Walmart (Sam's Club), $467K, 97% to republicans.

          (I like Costco, but it's so far away now! Like a 30 minute drive! Sob!)


          • #6
            Another reason I like Costco...their workers. I have to say they usually are full of energy and seem to really enjoy their jobs. I forgot about the eyeglass thing, Nellie! I get my eye exams and contacts from Costco, too!

            That's interesting about the political donations, Alison.


            • #7
              We don't have Costco around here, just Sam's Club. But I love Sam's! In fact I was just there last night stocking up on chocolate chips, pecans, meat, etc. Love it!! So much cheaper than the grocery store. I also get my glasses there and I really just about passed out when I saw their prices as opposed to the OD's office.


              • #8
                Another reason I love Costco--- Bananas!!!! I always laugh when we get grocer ads in the mail saying that they have bananas on-sale for 79 cents a pound. At Cost-co I can buy bananas for 99 cents (sometimes 97 cents depending on the time of year) for 3 LBS! My kids love bananas... (You can get bananas cheap at Sam's Club as well).

                If you are not choosy about Organic Milk, then milk at Costco, at least in Seattle is much cheaper than the grocer- it's about $4.00 for 2 gallons of milk, whereas a gallon of milk from the grocer is $3.47. At least at our Costco (I know it's different for each one), they carry Horizon milk in the cartons.

                If you go to the bakery with a child- they will give your child a free cookie. It has become our fun little tradition. It helps when I know we are going to be in the store a while. We have heard they do this at Sam's Club as well.

                If Costco has a particular brand of electronic that you are interested in buying, it is usually $20-50 cheaper there than at Best-Buy, CompUSA, Circuit City, etc.

                We have friends who one is in Pharmacy school getting his degree. and his wife grew up being in a pharmacy (Dad is a pharmacist). Anyway, she told us if we ever need to get prescriptions filled to go to Costco- they are way cheaper than Walgreens, or any other drug store. I just found out our insurance is accepted at Costco, so I know where I will fill a script the next time one of the kids get sick.

                Digital Photofinishing, as well as film processing, I could go on and on.....

                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9
                  You are right about the pharmacy! I have to buy insulin for the dog ( ) and it is $28/vial compared to $36 elsewhere. You can set up mail order with them on-line.

                  I'll check on the Horizon milk. So far, only the single serve chocolate milk. I wish they would carry the chocolate soy milk. mmmm.... The Costco here has Stoneyfield Farms organic yogurt. And those really yummy (but expensive at the grocery) Alexa french fries.

                  I've noticed that the employees, on the whole, are friendly and seem pretty happy.


                  • #10
                    I used to shop at Costco (after all, I do have a small army to maintain ). But, I found that they either have quantities that are farrrr too large for my needs (100 lbs of flour - really?) and they don't have enough of the "grocery items" I need in bulk (ie non-food items and quite a few food items as well). Add on to that the fact that I get lured into all of the books, clothes, and doo-dads that they have in the center of the store and I just end up leaving with more than I intended and quite a lot that I don't need.

                    Soooo, I have started shopping for bulk-purchase items at BJ's. They just opened up a store in the same suburb that has Costco just south of Boston and I found it is a bit more tailored to my tastes. (Another plus, BJ's seems to have the harder to find foods that you can find in large grocery stores but in bigger quantities than the grocery stores).

                    One thing I could NEVER complain about Costco: The quality of their food - both brand names and the generic Kirckland brand - is OUTSTANDING. I have never bought a food there that didn't taste really, really good. And, their pizzas are byfar the cheapest for their size and quality in the entire Boston area (yup, that's where we get our pizza from).

                    Anyway, I guess I have mixed feelings about Costco - and I'm probably being more complex than necessary.

                    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                    With fingernails that shine like justice
                    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                    • #11
                      I do find that I have to limit my visits to Costco, as I have difficulty spending less than $100 there. I can't do my regular grocery shopping there, since they don't seem to have enough regular groceries, but I do go there for items like laundry detergent, milk, eggs, and bread and if I stay away from all of the yummy frozen food options and the random things (like clothes or toys) then I do OK. I actually write off my membership on my taxes since I buy a fair amount of my office products there (ink cartridges, envelopes, etc.). Also, you can't beat their prices for printing up those photo cards for holidays or baby announcements.
                      Awake is the new sleep!


                      • #12
                        I have to go with a list and I do limit myself to 1x/month visit because of the doodads and books mentioned by Jennifer. Quite a temptation.

                        The ink cartridges are a *great* deal. I didn't think about writing off the membership, Sue. I do buy some business related stuff there as well.


                        • #13
                          I know each Cost-co carries different things. At least at the one we go to, they have the big 100lbs sacks as well as 2-5lbs sacks, which is what we get. I hear that another good place to shop at is WinCo., from the sounds of it, it is like CubFoods in Denver, CO- you bag your own groceries, and they carry some things in bulk that you couldn't find else where.

                          I love the food options at Costco- they have the yummiest spinach and mozzarella ravioli. :yum:

                          We buy staple things- beef, frozen chicken breasts, paper goods, milk, cheese and eggs. I do one big run at the beginning of the month, and then smaller milk runs- I get our gas there too. We have a good size freezer, so I will freeze our beef, cheese, etc., and use them in our meals through out the month. I plan our meals about a month at a time. I budget about $195 for the entire month at Cost-co, this including our smaller trips.

                          I go to the grocer for smaller items that we don't use on a regular basis. We tend to eat what we have on hand.

                          Gas, and 4 kids


                          • #14
                            My husband circles round the store filling up on all the free samples. The first time we went there we spent around 300 dollars and only had one actual food item! Ya gotta use lots of will power to 'grocery' shop there that's for sure.


                            • #15
                              After reading this thread...I wish WE had a costco!! There is a Sams club here but I think it's pretty pricey...

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

