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To the nurses here.....(and anyone else)

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  • To the nurses here.....(and anyone else)

    DH wants to get something for the nurses on L&D for Christmas since this is his last year here. Last year, his partner (who just got out a few months ago) filled a basket with small sized lotions from Bath & Body Works, and the nurses loved them. Unfortunately, one of the OB clinics in town ripped off the idea and has already done it for this year. So, any ideas? My contribution was telling him to get a bunch of single sized cocoa, flavored coffees, and tea envelopes and put them all in a basket. And there is always the chocolate route......

    Anyway, I know there are several nurses here and I thought I would ask your opinion!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    I'm not a nurse, but what the heck.

    I think your idea about the single servings of tea, cocoa etc is a good one. Food always goes over well with people, as do body products and candles. How much are you guys looking to spend per person? One thing that is a bath item that would trump bath and body works is Philosophy's Cinnamon Buns. It comes in a huge 16 oz bottle and works as a body wash/shampoo/conditioner. It smells DIVINE. Everyone I've ever given it to has LOVED it. It's $16 each at
    Another idea is pretty little votive cups with a few Yankee holiday candles to put in them. I loove mistletoe scent.
    Chocolates always work too.


    • #3
      I am a nurse..... I like the candle idea. They always go over well, especially the yummy smelling ones. A bottle of wine would be nice too ( is there two buck chuck in TX?).
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        I'm not a nurse either, but those ideas all seem great. Another cocoa idea would be to pick out small tins of "gourmet" hot chocolate instead of individual packets-- presentation might be a little nicer.

        I love candles and bath products too. Chris I'm going to have to try the Cinnamon stuff for myself! I personally like Origins' products.

        And I love giving and getting wine. Especially sparkling wines-- they seem more festive.


        • #5
          I think anything is nice....however, FOOD always goes over very well, especially stuff we can eat on the go. Our intensivists just gave us a huge basket of goodies. I like the coffee, tea , cocoa idea, too. Also, a catered lunch is nice. The only problem we have is keeping our food away from the rest of the interns, residents, etc who come through the unit and do absolutely nothing there but expect to eat all of our food!


          • #6
            I say food is always a good idea. In our Endoscopy unit one group of doctors is taking us out to dinner in January after all of the holiday stuff is over!!!! Another group catered a luinch for us. This is more difficult in a unit that is open 24 hours/3 shifts. In the ER one group of doctors delivered a basket of bagels and coffee to each shift, another delviered pizza to each shift. Any gesture is appreciated
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

