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How was your Christmas?

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  • How was your Christmas?

    We had a really nice Christmas! My brother (who I haven't seen in 8 years) was here with my mom. It was nice to see him and spend time as a family. We played Risk and Sequence every night and just had a blast. The kids, of course, were overwhelmed with gifts from extended family. It was just a nice family couple of days. My mom is staying until after New Years so Thomas and I are going to go out to celebrate the new year (a novel idea )

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    We had a great Christmas this year, too. We went to Chicagoland to see my family for 6 days, and FH continues to fit in great with them, even during the highly ritualized yet still chaotic holiday rigmarole. (He is awesome! And I'm going to marry him! How did I get so lucky?! ) There was much running around between my parents' house and my bro/SIL's house, and buying and returning of gifts, and my younger brother came up from the city to stay at my parents' house while we were there, and there was an alarming amount of eating going on ("What, are we eating again??"--but it was all so good), and somewhere in there FH and I managed to order our wedding rings from the local jeweler and pick out the guys' tuxes for the wedding. It was really kind of exhausting and rejuvenating at the same time, if such a thing is possible. I love Christmas.

    FH went straight from Chicago to Boston to spend time with his family, and I'm joining him up there for New Year's after working today and tomorrow.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      We had a good Christmas! We drove the kids 8 hours to dh's parents and everybody did surprisingly well--the baby slept and the kids watched movies. My parents and siblings celebrated Christmas Jerry Springer style, so I was thankful to miss the whole saga. My sister and my mom went in together and got me 5 hours of housekeeping from my sister's housekeeper, which just might be my best gift ever!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Pretty low key here- My grandmother was here from Pittsburgh and well, to be charitable, we'll call her "salty". She's a trip, needless to say. My bro., SIL and nephew came over on Christmas day- we were at my parents both on Christmas eve and day. It was a quiet and low key holiday. We recieved gift cards for Marriott and traveller's checks which is GREAT. (seeing as we will have to return to Russia at some point!)

        Unfortunately, Rick's dad (well, officially his step-father but in reality- his dad) had to have surgery for lung cancer on Tuesday but is doing far better than anyone had hoped. He left the ICU last evening and they expect that he can come home over the weekend.

        For New Year's we're going to buy a nice bottle of champagne and some fancy foods from Whole Foods and hang out. New Year's Day we're planning on doing a movie marathon day since there are so many movies we want to see.



        • #5
          It sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas! Kris, I'm glad your brother was able to make it!

          We had a great Christmas (other than having to spend some time with my in-laws). We told our families that we are expecting a baby. It is grandchild #1 for my parents. As a gift, we gave my parents a framed picture of the ultrasound. It took my mom a few seconds to realize what it was and when she finally did figure it out, she started bawling instantly. Of course, I started bawling, too. What surprised me the most was that my dad started crying! Then I called my aunts and they started crying over the phone.

          My sweet grandpa said that he had a feeling I was planning to get pregnant. I was a strict vegetarian for 5 years and just started eating meat again a couple months before I got pregnant because I wasn't getting enough protein. Anyways, I guess just last week he was telling my aunts that the reason why I went back to eating meat was because I was trying to get pregnant. Of course, everyone thought he was just a crazy old man who didn't know what he was talking about! No one in our family knew that we were thinking of starting a family, so they were all surprised with the news. The best part is that the baby's due date is on my grandpa's birthday! He was so thrilled to hear that!

          Of course, my lovely MIL said that she could tell I was pregnant because I had a pooch and looked like I gained weight. Um, I've still only gained 2 pounds and, no, I don't have a pooch yet. She just knows how to dish out the compliments! Ok, I'm sure I'm being too hard on my MIL....but after spending a week with her I need to let out a little steam!!


          • #6
            Hi guys!

            We have been in Ohio for 9 days visiting both sides of our family. We have eaten too much but we had a fantastic time. Tomorrow we will be driving 13 hours with two kids in the car.

            I missed you all!

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              We stayed home and just enjoyed Christmas with the four of us.....

              ...since then, the house guests we were supposed to have cancelled and I ended up painting the guest bathroom, boys bathroom, the hall, the living room and our bathroom. Let me just tell you, I don't need another Christmas like this one! I am high on paint fumes, and tired of climbing a ladder. Can't we just find a house that doesn't need any paint???!!!??!!

              I will now try and pass out for New Year's, as I am too tired to stay up. I did see the celebration in Sydney, Australia on TV at 8a.....that counts right?!


              • #8
                We had a nice, low-key Christmas. We were fortunate that DH had Christmas Eve/Christmas Day off this year. We spent Christmas Eve at home (just the two of us) and then went to my in-laws for Christmas Day dinner. It was nice not having to deal with the hassle of holiday travel, stressful family situations, etc. It was especially nice having our last 'quiet' Christmas with just the two of us before baby makes three!!! I *LOVE* our new iPod (Erica, you were so right - it's great!!!), and we both got some other nice things from family. All in all, a very relaxing and nice holiday.

                -Wife of urology attending.
                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

