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Mixing it up

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  • Mixing it up

    What is something fun about yourself that people here do not know about you?
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I can't sing.

    I enjoy card games like Euchre

    I'd love to be a vegetarian but I love the taste of meat.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      As a kid, I collected pigs (stuffed animal, stickers, sticky notes, pigs made out of seashells)

      I spent the first 10 years or so of my life vegetarian and still don't each much meat (esp red)

      I love being snowed in (as long as I have a sufficient supply of food)

      Which is probably related to my having read the entire Little House on the Prairie series in a rather short timeframe

      I like driving on ice and snow -- especially if I can have a whole parking lot to myself

      What's Euchre? I thought that was a color. I love card games too once I start playing them.


      • #4
        I am a very well-trained classical singer and it always surprises people who know me in real life when they hear me sing "real" music. It doesn't really fit my personality and I would much rather teach someone how to do it than do it myself. So going along with that, I can sing the entire scores of many musicals and I am great at games like "Encore" where you have to come up with songs that contain a certain word or phrase.

        My secret dream occupation is to be a police officer.

        I love to travel if I can do it in comfort and some degree of luxury.

        I can read and type really quickly.

        I LOVE cats. My husband says that if something happens to him, I will be the "crazy woman with all the cats" and he is right.

        I am the oldest of 6 children.....I have 3 living sisters and 1 brother, and I had a sister who was severely mentally and physically handicapped. She died 10 years ago at the age of 15. Some days I still can't believe I don't/won't have any daughters.

        My parents were divorced when I was 6. My mom was left with 4 daughters, no college degree, and an ex who rarely paid child support. My family received both food stamps and welfare at times when I was growing up, on an emergency basis when my dad would write my mom bad checks. I am also familiar with government cheese and free/reduced school lunch programs. Surprisingly, despite the above, I have a good relationship with my Dad.

        I really like to talk!

        I think I have revealed all of these things at one time or another, but for those who are new, that's everything you never cared about knowing about me!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          As a kid I used to collect penguins (similar to Nellie - stuffed animals, figurines, stickers).

          I started playing the piano at age 4 and the violin at age 7; during my teens I toured the US, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand with a symphony orchestra.

          I am a carbaholic (will eat a potato in any form!) and could never be a vegetarian. I enjoy meat too much (although I don't eat red) and practically force myself to eat vegetables.

          I am addicted to Tetris, I have a handheld game that I could play for hours if I let myself.

          I have a weird fetish about keeping my hands well-moisturized. DH makes fun of how much hand cream I own.

          -Wife of urology attending.
          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


          • #6
            What a cool thread! I love reading what everybody has written.

            I wear my emotions on my sleeve, especially when you get to know me in person. Especially at my job, I tend to feel things really deeply and get "emotionally involved" with many of our patients, especially those who are with us long term. I cry with families a lot

            Even though I was originally pre-med way back when, I LOVE being a nurse and can think of nothing I'd really rather do (despite my occasional complaints about my job!)

            My husband and I love to watch "Cops" and "America's Most Wanted". We get a kick out of the people on "Cops".

            I would love to meet Bono. I have been to 3 concerts and have secretly fantasized that I was the girl who he pulled up on stage and sang to.

            I have one sister who is 41 and she has 4 kids. We're close but VERY different. My parents divorced after 30+ years of marriage. My dad cheated on my mom from about the time I was 10 and my mom knew all about it but they faithfully went to therapy for many many years to keep things together. Then, when I was 22, Mom left dad by leaving a 3X5 card hanging on the stair bannister so when he returned home from work, she and all her things were gone. She had pre-planned for a LONG time. They are much easier to deal with separately!

            My mom has never met my daughter. I've been to therapy for this one, that's for sure!

            Ok, suddenly these are not "fun facts" anymore!! Way too serious!

            My first degree was in Poli Sci.

            I love to write, but don't do it very frequently anymore.


            • #7
              I love riding on trains of any kind--it's one of my favorite things about Europe, I love the train trip between Massachusetts and Penn Station, and when I think of NYC one of the first things I think about is the subway system.

              I have an extra hidden tooth embedded down near my jaw that's only visible on x-rays. To the naked eye my teeth are normal and straight and I have th normal number of them. Every time I get a new dentist it's a little surprise for him when he sees the first x-ray.

              I come from a very masonic family--heavily involved in Freemasons, Eastern Star, DeMolay, etc. Although it's not something I've chosen to make a part of my adult life for various reasons, it was a huge and very positive part of my adolesence and my family.
              The kicker is that my (nutjob) future FIL is a big believer in conspiracy theories of all kinds, including conspiracy theories wherein Freemasons are, you know . . . "secretly running things" in a world-domination kind of way. I wonder if this will come up at the wedding . . .
              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
              Lev Grossman, The Magician King


              • #8
                I like to watch Wheel of Fortune (I'm a dork!).
                I also like to put together puzzles (did I mention that I'm a dork).
                I'm planning on getting my master's in library science so I can be a librarian.
                I'm a little afraid of the dark and leave the bathroom light on when dh is on call.
                I took all kinds of lessons when I was a kid--the typical stuff like ballet, tap, and jazz, but I also took lessons to learn how to ride a unicycle, twirl a baton, and make marionettes. (Maybe I should have joined the circus?)
                For a short time I sold vacuum cleaners door to door.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  Great thread, even if I do say so myself. I have to add some to my list (and since this is cyberspace, you can't scream no.)

                  -Of the seven deadly sins, vainity is my personal shortcoming.
                  -I'm a dental hygiene freak.
                  -My favorite diet tip is to eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day.
                  -My strongests virtues are loyalty and patience. The one that I struggle with the most is faith.
                  -If I had to do it again, I'd probably go into teaching. If the sky was the limit, I'd be a travel show hostess.
                  -My college nickname was "Two Beers Sears" because Sears was my maiden name and I am a notorious lightweight when it comes to holding my liquor. (Puke didn't rhyme with my last name).
                  -I think that I have seen every episod of "Unsolved Mysteries". After all, I could hold the missing clue.
                  -Although I don't talk about it publicly, I have a closet interest in the occult: astrology, personality archtypes, tarot, etc.

                  More than you wanted to know, right?

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    This is fun.
                    Laura -- I laughed about the trees and the neighbor's roof!
                    Julie -- that cracks me up about the Freemason's and your FIL!! Why am I not completely surprised? And as long as your dad is secretly helping to run the world, can he cut me a break on my quarterly tax payment?

                    Kelly, can I carry the camera for the travel show? Or be your talented co-host? I have been bit by a travel bug as of late (this after flying with a wiggly mobile baby ??) and have some frequent flier miles burning a big hole in my pocket. I want to go to Paris or London in the off season. My DH thinks its further proof of my loose grip on reality.

                    One I forgot -- I am 100% addicted to cookbooks or books about food and wine.

                    And, geesh, for as much as I like being snowed in or driving on snow -- I'm a cold weather weenie!


                    • #11
                      These are SO much fun! It's almost as good as if we were all sitting around talking in person. :gossip:

                      BTW, Sue, you aren't the only one who leaves the light on! I always figure if something weird is going on in my house, even if I can't prevent it, at least
                      I'd see it coming (e.g. heaven forbid a weirdo breaks in or something )


                      • #12
                        I am from Trinidad & Tobago, the most southerly island of the Caribbean. I went to an all girls convent for high school. I was described in high school as "superemotional and melodramatic". I am still very emotional and compassionate. I think I lost the melodramatic. I was quite thin in my teens and my dad would call me "Bones". Unfortunately, that name no longer applies:.) I am addicted to books. I can spend hours in Borders or Barnes and Nobles. I am addicted to cookbooks and books about wine. I love dancing. I did ballet from 5 to 16 and in the back of my mind I wonder "What if I had continued?" I love all kinds of dancing and music. When I am at home alone I put on music and party all by my lonesome. Yes, fun way to burn some calories. I also work out at least 3 days a week. I would like to run a half marathon this year. Hmmmn that's all for now.


                        • #13
                          I grew up in Mississippi, but now live in New Jersey.
                          I have two daughters 19 & 21, two stepchildren 19 & 22
                          I love to cook, especially Thai & Indian food
                          Heck, you all know this stuff already.
                          My baby left last week to go to scool in Boulder,Co and I am having a difficult time adjusting.
                          I am a nurse, and absolutely love what I do (99% of the time). I work in the ER and the Endoscopy Departments of our hospital.
                          We bought a very old house and I have been fixing it up myself, my best friends these days are Home Depot employees.
                          I love Bob Dylan.
                          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                          • #14
                            Hmmmm- things that you don't already know...

                            I got braces, glasses and a training bra (training what?) all at the same time.

                            I am the hugest Springsteen fan EVER- which includes driving to Houston from San Antonio during a tropical storm and then driving home so my poor patient and understanding husband could go to work at 5am...(I've seen him more times than I can remember- and almost drove to Asbury Park over Christmas to see the small show he did...)

                            John Cusack is my favorite actor.

                            I'm going to live next door to Sally so we can share the feral cats who can't live inside. (I have 3, all of whom were at one point strays)

                            I love to travel and planning travel. One of the many things I love about my job is that it requires travel to someplace different every week. (I have status on United, Northwest, and American, plus Holiday Inns, Marriotts, and Hiltons.)

                            I was fired from my first job at Hardee's and my mother has never eaten there since.

                            Both of my parents worked at the National Security Agency and neither can talk about what they did except in very vague and very intriguing ways. Dad "early computer programs" Mom "translated Vietnamese" umm, mom, that was before the Vietnam WAR......

                            I tried to kill my baby brother in a variety of creative and interesting ways, including: feeding him coins, throwing him in to a bees nest, trying to smother him, trying to break his head open on the cement floor, daring him to crawl through the culvert under the driveway....but we're ok now. I've finally accepted that I'm not an only child....



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nmh
                              Julie -- that cracks me up about the Freemason's and your FIL!! Why am I not completely surprised? And as long as your dad is secretly helping to run the world, can he cut me a break on my quarterly tax payment?
                              You'll have to get in line--ever since we found out Freemasonry plays a role in that new Nicholas Cage movie, we're still waiting for Dad to cough up our share of the National Treasure.
                              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                              Lev Grossman, The Magician King

