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tsunami relief

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  • tsunami relief

    Hi everyone,
    Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
    Just got back from the Philippines and had a amazing time. Thank goodness that I was on the other side of of southeast asia. Being there did give me some perspective of how lucky we are here and how much resources we have...

    On that note, I got back wanting to take part of some of the disaster relief. My best friend is helping run the Sri Lankan foundation here in the states and if any of you want to check out the website its and the other site is I am trying to help her in this relief effort. We are basically trying to get supplies, medicine clothing ect... She has already sent 3 teams of doctors to Sri Lanka and is organizing a fourth team to fly out in February (I am in awe of all she has done). If any of you know of places for resources or have any ideas on how to help please let me know.

  • #2
    looking to volunteer

    Hi Cherry,
    I am actually interested in joining a relief team that is going to Asia. I can contribute as a lab tech doing DNA sampling and testing or general lab necessities. I could also function as some kind of coordinator (which appears to be necessary right now) and I would prefer a relief team that is focusing on the children. I have sent emails to various teams but many sites claim they do not take people who do not already have experience. It's been difficult to even talk to people as most are overwhelmed or away overseas. I imagine, however, that with the magnitude of this disaster the teams are short-handed. Any advice or suggestions?
    PS I spent the first 9 years of my life on Clark AFB in the PI. It's a wonderful, amazing and beautiful country!!


    • #3

      Though there is much need for volunteers the organizations I am familiar with are only recruiting doctors with experience in disasters to go to southeast asia at this time. The problem right now is that the organizations are getting overwhelmed by the the number of volunteers and the lack of management on these relief groups. From what I've heard, countries are trying to limit the number of foreigners entering the country because it is hard for them to keep track of everyone. Right now there is still chaos and perhaps when thing calm down, in the coming months more people will be needed in helping rebuild the communities.
      Of course this is all new to me and I am just learning about this process. Hopefully you won't be disheartened by this and your talents will be ultilized soon.

