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eating too fast

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  • eating too fast

    I have noticed that since my DH began residency, he wolfs his food down like someone is going to take it away from him.
    Not only do I find this to be annoying, I see how unhealthy it is. He has put on weight since beginning and has chronic acid reflux disease.
    His habits at the hospital (rushing, eating to fast etc) are definately influencing his behaviors at home.

    What habits/behaviors have you noticed your significant other developed since becoming a doc?

  • #2
    After the clinical rotations started, you would have thought my DH had done hard time. He would finish a meal just about the time I was taking the second bite. He noticed it though and it's gotten a lot better.


    • #3
      A habit DH developed during residency was eating fast food all the time. Between moonlighting and residency, there were many days where he would spend 12 hours at one job and then drive straight to the other job to work an overnight shift. In between shifts he would pick up fast food and he always got one of the supersized meals with 1,000+ calories. Then after the second shift he'd go to another fast food joint. He used to wonder why he felt sick all the time! He ended up gaining 30 pounds during residency. Luckily he dropped that habit after residency and started working out faithfully so he's dropped those pounds and more.

      While I'm on the subject of annoying habits....Although I don't think he developed this during residency, my husband has the obnoxious habit of helping himself to 2nds and 3rds when we go over to someone else's house for dinner. I told him that's ok if other people are having second helpings, but he shouldn't stuff his face if no one else is. When we go to hors d'ouvres parties, he stacks his plate up with enough food for an entire meal. People must think I never feed him at home!


      • #4
        I was just talking about this today at work. My secretary's four year old son has a habit of just randomly throwing up after meals. I told her that my husband did the same thing as a child because he ate too much, too quickly. At 30 years old, he STILL eats way too fast. It makes me nervous. I find myself trying to keep up with him, just so I get some food myself!

        At parties, my husband acts the same way- he scarfs down everything, and then goes back for seconds and thirds. During the time he is eating, he is absolutely quiet- makes no conversation. All his effort is expended eating. I get so embarassed. He too, has put on 20 lbs this past year. He attributes the extra padding on his middle to "skin". Well, at 20 lbs, that's ALOT of "skin".

        Since, it is his 4th year of Med School, he has more time to devote to other things, and I signed him up for a 1/2 marathon. He wasn't too happy about it, until I told him that my 62 year dad was running with us. I guess he figured if my dad (who has never run before in his life) can do it, he can do it, too. So, at least now he is getting some exercise.


        • #5
          yes, yes, yes.

          DH is the faster eater I've ever seen. He has put on 30 plus pounds since we married. Being the fantastic hubby that he is, he gained weight right along with me during all the pregnancies. He lost 15 this fall and now is back on track to lose some more before he returns to clinicals. Of course, major invasive dental surgery this week will surely help.

          I find that DH's lack of sleep and impatience are also unhealthy habits which are exacerabated when he is in clinicals. Can anyone say, Doctor Heal Thyself?
          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Yeah BF eats super fast too. He notices it also and said he used to be the complete opposite before med school.

            I think his most annoying habit is his newly perfected skill of pretending to listen and pay attention.


            • #7
              My husband also had a significant weight gain in medical school that he still hasn't lost in residency. He hates it and wants to work it off - but he simply doesn't have the time or energy for it! I feel so bad that he's frustrated about this issue. He'd only be considered mildly overweight and, to be honest, I didn't really notice the weight gain until he pointed it out. But, it bothers him a lot and has much to do with his eating and sleeping habits from training as well as the complete lack of time he has to work on his body right now. Poor guy!

              The funny thing is, he's always wolfed down his food since I first met him at 19 years of age. He ascribes this to the fact that there wasn't much food in his home and he had LOTS of family members. So, mealtime was a race to get all you could in his youth. I think medical school and residency have reinforced that behavior even if they didn't originate it with him.

              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
              With fingernails that shine like justice
              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


              • #8
                My DH doesn't have this problem...yet. In fact, since he's started his plastics round two weeks or so ago, he's been able to take a lunch break exactly twice. By the time he gets home he's been hungry for so long, he feels sick and doesn't want to eat. I'm not sure what extreme is better. Fourtuately, (for now anyway) I can say "only 11 more days!!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BumbleBee
                  I think his most annoying habit is his newly perfected skill of pretending to listen and pay attention.
                  WOW, I can totally relate, my DH does the EXACT same thing! In fact, he's become so good at it that I can no longer tell when he is really listening or paying attention.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nmh
                    After the clinical rotations started, you would have thought my DH had done hard time.
                    LOL.... hard time <--- ain't that right!


                    • #11

                      I didn't think of it that way! Too funny.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BumbleBee
                        I think his most annoying habit is his newly perfected skill of pretending to listen and pay attention.
                        I think that habit is a clinical rotation/residency survival skill. Our conversation last night...
                        Me: When you talked to my mom, did she say if she is home or still out of town?
                        DH: Yep! (assuredly)
                        Me: Yep to which?
                        DH: What do you mean?
                        Me: Yep she is home or yep she is out of town?
                        DH: I don't know, I didn't ask.

