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The Match

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  • The Match

    Hello all -
    We're coming up fast on another match season and I was wondering if there are any other medical spouses that are going through it at the same time as me!?! Hows the "negotiation" process going?

    My wife and I have been in disucssions on how to rank all of these programs she's applied to. I really like certain ones and am ok with others. I'm very concerned about job opportunities, access to family/friends, and standard of living. At her #1 choice, I'll be sacrificing a lot of this. But then again I think - she's worked so hard to do well in med school and go to a great residency program, who am I to stand in the way of that? #2 I think would be great and I would be sacrificing none - however, the program isn't as good, so in the end are we going to regret things?

    Anyway - just a little nervousness coming through and we're still a month and a half away.

    Anyone else have any Match stories they're willing to share?

  • #2

    DH is doing this last interviews this week. I think the stress is finally hitting us. We are trying to rank according to what program is best for him but a place that will keep me sane. There are a few programs in the east coast that he really likes but I am rooting for the west coast because my whole family (and friends) are there. Plus I was just in the east coast during this latest blizzard. It reminded me of how much I hate cold weather!

    I know that its a small chance, but unfortunately I married a worry wart and he keeps talking about the possibility of him not matching. He will rank 10 programs (in anesthesia) and he seemed to do well in his interviews but its still nerve racking to think that we ultimately do not know the outcome. I completely understand your nervousness...March 17 seems so far away!


    • #3
      DW finished her interviews a couple of weeks ago. I'm deeply rooted in the midwest and I'm rooting for something close to home, as I have friends, family and a really good job here. I get very stressed thinking about going through job searching processes again, coordinating the move process long distance, and creating a new network of friends We've even talked about doing a compromise and just going somewhere warm - I also hat the cold weather - haha. Atleast then I could golf year-round.

      The Match is so stressful - we can rank programs however we want, but there's no guarantee that a match will happen. We've ranked 9 (obgyn). She's done very well in her interviews and has received confirmation from 3 programs that she's "ranked high enough to match there, if she wants". But who knows what that means. Of course, the one program we won't hear anything from is the one that she wants ranked at the top. So it's a game. I feel so guilty hoping and praying for her #2 choice.

      Things seem to work out for the best - so good luck to you and your husband.


      • #4
        Thankfully, we have the Match behind us (two of them actually). It is stressful to come up with the list and then also contemplate the possibility of not matching.
        If you are rooting for the #2 choice, it can't be all bad being #2 of 9, right?
        Hang in there!


        • #5
          I'm not worried at all about not matching. It's the location we will be matching at. The only reason it's #2 is because of location and me. Hmm
          If we get #1, she'll be happy and I'll be struggling.
          If we get #2, I'll be happy and she'll be struggling.
          If we get #3, well, we'll both be struggling, but it'll be quite the adventure!!

          It's pretty much all I can think about these days. I'm the type of person that likes to have a lot worked out on a decision and to have a situation like this is really out of my elemment.

          We'll get through it. I've been as supportive and as understanding as I can be.


          • #6
            Urology Match

            The Urology Match was this past Monday. Then it was found out the Mayo, John Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Baylor and UT did not fill. So something went wrong. The match is being redone. So all those people who sweated it out, now once again will have to sweat it out. Luckily my husband, being a third year, is not doing the AUA match until next year...
            Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
            Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


            • #7

              I'm guessing the match administration is one grueling process, so for it to come under scrutiny and to fail the audit is crazy. Being the software engineer that I am, i can only wonder which piece (testing) of the algorithm software was lacking.

              I feel for the the applicants.


              • #8
                We are MATCHED as of yesterday! I can't believe it. We had two pre-match contracts (dh is fmg). But in the end we got our number one choice. I'm so happy. I just can't believe it is over.

                Good Luck to you and your dw.


                • #9
                  I bet it feels great to have it all finally decided. Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Re: Urology Match

                    Originally posted by KCwife
                    The Urology Match was this past Monday. Then it was found out the Mayo, John Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Baylor and UT did not fill. So something went wrong. The match is being redone.
                    I couldn't believe it when DH told me about this last night. I can't imagine what it must be like for those applicants to have to go through the whole waiting game again. DH's program got 3 of their top choices in the first match, so it will be interesting to see how/if the list changes when they redo the match. What a mess!

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      My DH and I are trying to come to a compromise, as well. We have 5 programs that are tied for #1, right now. At least we will be happy if he gets any of the top five on his list . Right now, we are most concerned about me finding work, since my DH will not be making much money as an intern. I think this issue will be the main focus behind his decision.

                      All of the places that are tied for 1st place are at least a one day drive from where we live, now. So choosing a program that is close to family won't be a problem for us.

                      Choosing among the top 5 will be difficult. We keep changing the order on a daily basis!!!


                      • #12
                        Yeah - quite the feature to your decision. As long as they're all far away - great!! Good luck in your decision-making.
                        Ours had changed everyday for about 2 weeks, but it's pretty much solidified. We just need to certify it and we're off!

                        I think the scariest part for me is coordinating a move to a far-away location and finding a new job there, yet finishing my obligations here, which include my current job, finishing grad school, selling a house, managing family issues - oh and trying to keep in shape and out of depression



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nattysmor
                          We are MATCHED as of yesterday! I can't believe it. We had two pre-match contracts (dh is fmg). But in the end we got our number one choice. I'm so happy. I just can't believe it is over.

                          Good Luck to you and your dw.
                          Well?! Where are you guys going? Haven't seen you around in so long! Give up the details.

                          Edited to add...oops, forgot to offer my congratulations for matching at your #1 spot! So congrats!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by toft21
                            oh and trying to keep in shape and out of depression

                            When you figure that one out, let me know. I could use some pointers.

                            Glad to see you made it over here! Good luck in the decision making and with the match! Keep us posted.


                            • #15
                              Congrats Laura!!! That's great news that you don't have to move.
                              Awake is the new sleep!

